Heel lifting generally adopts one foot practice.

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One foot in-situ jump requires rapid rebound and jump after landing to shorten the touchdown time as much as possible.

However, marathon runners use the front foot landing not only because they run fast, but also because the front foot landing is a more efficient and advanced running method.


No matter how good your core strength and how strong your hips and legs are, these forces can be transformed into driving force through pedaling.

Single foot forward and backward jump is an advanced action of double foot forward and backward jump.

Of course, it can be done in situ without a stool.


Ankle stability depends on good calf muscles.

Not holding the fixed object greatly increases the difficulty of action.

This adaptability is exactly what the ankle needs to adapt to the uneven ground without spraining.

In addition, rope skipping is also a good way to train the explosive power of the lower leg.

Blindly imitating the technique of landing on the forefoot can easily lead to plantar fasciitis, calf tibial stress syndrome and heel tendinitis.

This helps to maintain a balance of muscle strength in the front and rear of the lower leg.

National exchange group.

The cushioning depends on the muscle control, and this muscle is the calf muscle.

This action not only trains the explosive power of the lower leg, but also trains the stability and coordination of the ankle.

Ankle training with music   Calf strength exercise   1.

This is a classic movement for training calf muscles.

From the perspective of power chain, the power from the trunk, hips and legs is transmitted to the lower legs to complete the push and stretch action, generating a strong power to push the human body forward.

Open your eyes and stand on one foot for 60 seconds.

The flexion, extension and varus of the ankle are basically realized through the calf muscles.

The lighter the sound of touching the ground, the better.

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Exercise can increase energy consumption and promote fat decomposition.

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In addition, the strong Achilles tendon has good elasticity.


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In fact, their calf muscles are quite developed, but their calf muscles will not show a large muscle mass.

This movement requires not only strength, but also ankle stability.

  Calf explosive exercise   Explosive force exercise can fully tap the elasticity of lower leg and Achilles tendon, so as to really improve the ability of lower leg.


01 without sufficient calf strength, the front foot landing risk is greater.

Strength is the foundation, stability emphasizes control, and cushioning and explosive strength training are combined with special training of running.


Balance of power is the king way to prevent sprains.

Kipchaug shared his training with members of the NN running team.

03 strong pedaling and stretching depends on strong calf muscles.

With less fat, the legs will naturally become thinner.


Through balance exercises, you can enhance your ankle adaptability.

Using the resilience of Achilles tendon lengthening itself will produce a certain power.

Without good calf strength, it is difficult to break through the speed bottleneck, and it is also vulnerable to calf and ankle pain.

When the calf muscles are weak or tired, it becomes very difficult for the ankle to land stably and respond flexibly to the uneven ground when landing.

05 leg daily exercises leg training should consist of strength training, stability training, cushioning training and explosive strength training.

Close your eyes and hold your chest for 30 seconds   Calf cushioning exercise   One leg drop buffer of the training stool, jump from the stool, and the front sole of the foot falls to the ground.

You will find your lower legs tighter and longer.

calf sleeves running

Having a certain height will increase the difficulty of training.

Of course, there will inevitably be muscle soreness during training.

There are not many muscles in this part of the ankle.

Therefore, calf muscle is not only a very important link in this power chain, but also the propeller of running.

This is also the reason why most middle and long distance runners have thin and long legs.

The calf is connected to the foot through the ankle joint.

In addition to some small muscles on the soles of the feet, most of the muscles controlling ankle movement start from the lower leg.


  The front foot landing has high requirements for the calf muscles, which is difficult to achieve without certain training or the lack of strength of the calf.

In fact, the top marathoners have very strong calf strength, which not only provides them with continuous driving power, but also provides a reliable guarantee for effective cushioning and stable support when landing.

It is more difficult for one foot and has higher requirements for stability.

The following will explain why calf training is so important and how to carry out calf training systematically and comprehensively.

  Calf stability exercise   Stability exercises are also called balance exercises.

Jump both feet back and forth.

Foot hook exercise foot hook exercise mainly trains the muscle strength in the front of the lower leg, and the toe hook and heel lift are antagonistic to each other.

Because of their low fat content, their legs look particularly thin.

Open your eyes and hold your chest for 45 seconds.

Therefore, the stability and flexibility of the ankle depend on the calf muscles.

As the same as the same action, the heel is required not to touch the ground as much as possible, and the elasticity of the lower leg is used to jump to shorten the touch time.

The movement requirements are the same as those of both feet.

If you like, please share it with runners.

In the initial stage, you can hold the fixed object for practice.

This is the key reason why some runners are prone to sprain or ankle instability – the calf muscles are too weak.


If you use the heel to land directly, you can’t use the movement of the ankle for effective cushioning.

  Click the blue word above and remember to pay attention to us! Now runners have paid more and more attention to the strength training of core, legs and hips, but there is one part that many runners often don’t know how to train, which is the calf.

When you practice carefully, you will find that your calf muscles will improve by leaps and bounds.

04 will calf training make the calf thicker? Not only does running not thicken the legs, it can thin them.

The faster you run, the more forward the landing part is.

By KingWay