If they are tight, it means borrowing the strength of the legs.

In addition, several hip exercises that can be done at home are recommended to you: 1.

In short, running for people who can’t send their hips is like sitting running.

When the thigh drives the lower leg and extends the hip joint, it is the time to use the waist force.

People who can send hips run like flying.

On the contrary, it will affect the performance of athletes in time, and the useless work done by running more distances consumes more physical strength and energy.

Stand on your hands and Bridge alternately; 7.

The first condition to improve the hip delivery frequency is to raise the thigh.

The angle between thigh and torso can also be greater than 90 degrees.

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The whole person sits on his waist and pushes forward completely by his thighs.

To verify whether the hip delivery is in place, you can see whether the legs are tight.

           * Part of the material comes from the network, if invaded or deleted! Disclaimer: the content is from the Internet, WeChat official account and other channels.

Pedal in the air; 4.

Finally, remember that the key to sending your hips lies in your waist and abdomen.

03 what’s the difference between giving the hip and not giving the hip when running? Many people usually run and are used to working with their legs and thighs.

Sending the hip is not a violent swing in appearance, nor does it make you twist your waist greatly.

The direction of hip feeding is consistent with the speed direction, that is, swing in the front and rear directions.

Lie on your back and lift your legs alternately; 6.

Lie on your back and lift your hips with one leg.

Is running really so tired? Why do some people run easily and look good? Maybe it’s because when you work hard with your thighs, running experts are actively sending your hips! So the question is, where is the hip? What’s the matter with active hip delivery? What is the difference between giving hips and not giving hips during running 01 where is “hip”? Hip joint is the only joint connecting trunk and lower limbs.

Take your abdomen and send your hips, and your legs fall naturally.

The center of gravity is always in front of the outside of the body, and the center of gravity is pushed.

The direction of hip feeding is correct.

Hold the wall high and lift your legs; 2.

The center of gravity is pressed back and the stride can’t be opened.

Lie prone and retract your legs; 3.

It looks very heavy.

At the beginning of running, some people are often too tired to lift jio after a few steps…

Here are 10 actions to exercise the flexibility of the hip joint for your reference.

Both legs run like rolling wheels.

04 what should you pay attention to in the “hip delivery” exercise? The key running technique of hip delivery is active hip delivery, and the waist will twist.

During running, only “angle change” occurs in the hip without distance displacement.

This bad habit is the culprit that leads to lactic acid accumulation and makes you boring after a short run.

Action 1 Action 2 action 3 action 4 action 5 action 6 action 7 action 8 action 9 action 10 recommended frequency: 2-3 groups, 10-15 actions per group, which can be adjusted according to their own conditions.

Active hip delivery can increase step length and step frequency, making running more economical and effective.

The angle of hip delivery is one of the main factors affecting the gait frequency.

02 what is “hip delivery”? “Hip delivery” refers to feeling the rotation of the hip during running, taking the hip as the axis and the core to drive the legs.

Only slight concealed lateral waist force can naturally send the hip.

We remain neutral in our views and share only the reference and communication of runners..

Lie prone and bend your knees and stretch your legs; 5.

It plays an important fulcrum role of core muscle group and drives the coordination of upper and lower limbs during running.

This movement can make the pelvis turn, move the center of gravity of the human body forward, and increase the swing range of the swinging leg, so as to naturally increase the stride, without involving the leg muscles and easily improve the running speed! At first, you may not get used to it and feel physically exhausted, because you need the strength of your waist, but after you form a habit, you will run more and more easily.

Pay special attention to the word “rotation”.

05 how does the hip exercise? The flexibility and flexibility of the hip joint have a great impact on the hip delivery technology.

This sets a premise for hip delivery: waist and abdomen strength must be practiced well! The joint angle of the hip is raised, and the included angle between the lower leg and the thigh is about 90 degrees.

By KingWay