▲ GIF chart comes from the 30 day running posture improvement plan.

Anti Bow Jump, anti Bow Jump 5.

Elastic muscles and tendons are the primary factors to prevent sports injury and enhance sports skills; The joints, muscles and tendons have sufficient strength, which can absorb, bear and release kinetic energy during exercise, so as to easily help you get better performance.

Runners can spend 8-10 minutes on soft exercises to fully open their body joints and muscles.

He once disclosed his schedule: get up at five o’clock every day to start training, take an hour’s nap at noon, start the second training of the day at four o’clock in the afternoon, and go to bed before nine o’clock in the evening.

If you want to get better grades, adequate rest is essential.

If you have the opportunity to study in Kenya, you will find that the typical Kenyan marathon runner regards sleep as the most important recovery work.

At the same time, they can also stimulate the heart and lungs to a certain extent and improve their body temperature and heart rate.

Warm muscles and dilated blood vessels can more effectively extract oxygen from the blood, make more effective use of the energy stored in the muscle, and the load force of the muscle will be better.


Here we recommend the soft exercise of Dr.

Romanov, the founder of posture running, as a warm-up action.


Explosive strength training needs to be carried out when the muscles are in the best state, that is, explosive strength training is given priority before strength training, or two or three groups of explosive strength training can be carried out before running to activate the muscles.

Special explosive power training for 5 runners 1.

Static stretching is not suitable for warm-up.

In fact, more runners will go home.

Three suggestions for relaxation after training: 1) do not take a cold bath immediately after strenuous exercise, otherwise it will easily lead to cold allergy and cold; 2) , it is not suitable to drink a lot of water or eat cold food immediately.

At the same time, it can carry out technical training such as pony cushion step, changing support and pulling on the ground, so that the body can form muscle memory through the action mode similar to running and quickly enter the best technical perception state.

Why do you want to do strength training? Starting to pay attention to strength training marks that you have advanced from a primary runner to a middle and advanced runner.

Explosive force training can effectively train the ability of muscle cycle lengthening and shortening, so as to effectively use the elastic potential energy stored by soft tissue (muscle and tendon) in the process of lengthening, so as to reduce the energy consumption of direct muscle contraction and improve the economy of running.

After exercise, you should drink a small amount of warm boiled water and light salt water for many times; 3) After training, especially after a large amount of exercise, don’t sit down and rest immediately.

When your body recovers a little, you can start stretching.

After the technical link, it is recommended to run 3-5 groups of brisk short distance runs, each group of 30 meters, and you can run at the rhythm of St (about the pace of 1600 meters).

In fact, at this time, the best way is to do some strength training, especially after high-intensity training, strength training can better relax muscles.

For runners, the warm-up action is mainly dynamic stretching with special warm-up action.

In this way, through soft exercises, bounce training, technical training and short-distance st running, I believe your body and psychology have been completely activated and excited, and then you can start training! 03 after running, remember to do strength training.

That’s why tennis players run 4-5 laps around the field before the game, and marathoners do step practice before starting.

After landing from the air and squatting and buffering to the lowest place, jump up again quickly.

Take kipchaug for example.

Explosive force training requires highly coordinated nerve muscle strength, so it should be carried out after full warm-up to prevent muscle stretching and contraction from causing muscle strain.

In the special warm-up stage, you can perform jumping training to make the body feel soft and elastic when entering the running training.

You need to do more explosive training.

  No attention? Stretch out your finger and point here – runner running assistant the complete running process we often see is as follows: warm up, running and stretching seem perfect, but for runners, these are just the most basic.

It is common to sleep for 12 hours (including 1-2 hours of NAP) in a day.

camel pack running

Lunge jump, lunge jump 2.

How to warm up? Stretch when? What is a perfect running process like? First of all, have a good sleep.

However, the vast majority of amateur runners do not pay enough attention to rest.

04 static stretching after running after running, many people can’t wait to start their last job: stretching.

Step alternate jump, step alternate jump, explosive power training suggestions 1.

It is suitable for warm-up before running.

Take squat jump as an example.

Walk slowly for more than ten minutes or jog, so that the body can gradually reduce the heartbeat and metabolize waste.

After muscle fatigue, the contraction speed decreases, and the purpose of explosive strength training cannot be achieved.

The purpose of jogging during warm-up is to warm up: mobilize the heart and lungs, speed up the heartbeat, strengthen breathing, and raise the body temperature through systemic exercise.

Explosive power can only be fast, and only fast can achieve the purpose of training explosive power, Therefore, the runner needs to complete the action as quickly as possible, especially pay attention to the short connection time of muscle lengthening and shortening.

In their life, there are only three things in the cycle from morning to night: sleeping, training, eating, sleeping, training, eating, sleeping, and ending the day.

To understand why explosive training helps running, first you have to understand a concept.

In one day, Kipchak kept sleeping for at least 8 hours.

Warming up to raise body temperature starts with aerobic exercise, usually jogging.

Many runners will do simple stretching after completing the running schedule of the day.


Opening and closing jump, opening and closing jump 4.

In addition to jogging, you also need to warm up each joint to effectively improve the softness of the body and increase the elasticity of muscles and tendons.

If there is a pause, the training effect will not be achieved.

Lunge jump, leg lift jump, lunge jump, leg lift jump 3.

A reasonable and effective warm-up exercise can increase body temperature and blood flow.

Strength training, also known as muscle strength training, focuses on the development of muscle strength quality.

Explosiveness training does not emphasize the number of times, but the quality.

02 stretching is not equal to warming up, but I can list more than a dozen benefits, such as enhancing the metabolic activities of muscles, ligaments and joints, reducing the viscosity and reducing the risk of muscle strain; Reduce bifurcation…

Although running is a simple sport, when you start running, you will gradually find that we have a lot to learn about running..

Muscles are not only contractile, but also elastic.

It’s best to walk, shake your muscles and adjust your breathing; At this point, a complete running process is completed.

In addition, the final sprint stage should also take good explosive power as the premise.

After running, although you may be tired physically and mentally, please don’t stop immediately.

Although we must stretch, we must not stretch immediately, especially after running a long distance, it is easy to cause muscle spasm and injury.

But if you want to go to the next level and become a top runner, strength training is not enough.

Therefore, generally, one group does it 8 ~ 12 times and completes two groups, 1 ~ 2 times a week.

By KingWay