Self discipline for self-discipline is a prison.

Obviously positive, but it seems to achieve nothing.

In fact, the more you fight, the more you lose.

After working for several years, he still earns 4000 yuan a month.

He didn’t get enough sleep and caught a cold.

Although he has been busy, he has not contacted several core projects.

The unit usually gets off work at 6 o’clock, but I usually see him leave at more than 9 o’clock.

Recently, a word has been burned on the Internet — active waste.

Many people can’t hide the heat for three minutes after all.

If you want to make a person useless, make him too busy to grow up.

He had been immersed in it and became a habit.

See the famous big man get up early to exercise, you get up to exercise, but you haven’t been in class for a while, so you’ve been yawning.

False self-discipline is destroying you.

And self-discipline, not just muscles produce memory, but our deeper brain solidifies this behavior.

It is often said that “self-discipline can bring freedom”, but if it is false self-discipline without goals, it will bring deeper constraints instead of freedom.

One of my colleagues Xiao Qin is like this.

His work and life are super “self-discipline”.

Writing made him a completely different person..

We often overestimate “self-discipline”, thinking that as long as we can achieve self-discipline, we can be promoted and raised all the way, become general manager, become CEO, marry Bai Fumei and reach the peak of our life.

A writer insisted on writing 3000 words a day for a long time, not because he worked hard, but because he couldn’t stop it at all, because he got too much pleasure from this action.

Later, after 10 months of “self-discipline”, she failed to pass the exam.

Once I asked her, “how’s the review?” “it’s a mess.

Every day, like a clockwork, life seems to live into an excel form.

It is of little use except to torture yourself.

Only by forming habits can many behaviors be truly implemented.

The poorer you look, the busier you are.

As a result, he suffered from myocarditis.

They also arrange themselves full for the weekend, and then immerse themselves in the illusion that they have a full life every day.

Xiao Min, my college roommate in the postgraduate entrance examination, goes out at 6 o’clock every day and comes back at 11 o’clock in the evening.

  Long term self-discipline is habit formation.

Haruki Murakami has been running for decades, not because of his self-discipline, but because he has been immersed in running and running has become a habit in his life.

But the reality is not the case.

Then one night, I vowed to set up a flag! Throw away the delicious food, put down the mobile phone, and start making forms and plans: get up at 5 a.m., run at 6 a.m., eat breakfast at 7 a.m., and go out to prepare for work at 8 a.m.

Every day is full of plans, there is no flexible time, and we don’t consider our own situation.

They go out at 8 o’clock in the morning and go home at more than 10 o’clock in the evening.

At the beginning, I was full of confidence and vowed to enter the school in my mind.

Don’t expect self-consciousness, consciousness and self-control.

A few days ago, I told myself to insist.

If a thing is repeated enough times, it will produce muscle memory.

Why is your “false self-discipline” ruining you? False self-discipline is making you a poor man of time.

  Later, because of work needs, he stayed up late on duty in the street for two days.

Such people have a positive attitude, but their actions are like waste.

“Didn’t you stop taking the postgraduate entrance examination?” “I talked with the teacher and thought that the postgraduate entrance examination was more suitable for me.

On weekdays, colleagues get together for dinner and outing, and have never seen him.

He has taken a lot of certificates in July and August over the years of work, and many of them have nothing to do with his work.

These are too difficult.

Have you ever had such an experience: you promised to be thin into a lightning bolt, but you always couldn’t help but add another piece of meat, because only delicious food in the world can’t live up to; It was agreed not to stay up late at night and turn off the lights and go to bed at 10 o’clock, but it was midnight because the story was too wonderful.

But some people will fall into the strange circle of “false self-discipline”.

I want to give up the postgraduate entrance examination and prepare for the national examination.” after a while, I saw that she picked up the professional book again.

The result is that the direction is unknown, the energy is consumed, the enthusiasm is burned out, and the outcome is confused.

I feel it’s too difficult.

Mingming keeps reminding himself to be self disciplined, but he can’t stick to it.

If you want long-term self-discipline, you rely on habits and develop habits for a long time.

They think that as long as they persist in this way, they will change.

Your false self-discipline is imprisoning you into a poor man of time and hindering your growth.

The essence of poverty says: whether money or time is scarce, it will reduce our brain bandwidth and IQ.

He clocked in his circle of friends at 7 o’clock every day to learn a foreign language.

With a salary of 4000 yuan a month, he is busier than the prime minister.

Drinking the soup medicine of “I am self disciplined and I grow up”, I feel a clear conscience when the time is arranged to the extreme.

So some people live a busy life of constantly setting up flags, constantly failing and constantly flag…

He seemed to have learned French a few months ago, Japanese recently, and even learned Korean for a while last year.

So the question is, what is the state of self-discipline? For your goal, you use various methods to help you do what you want to do, using the surrounding environment, people around you, and even your own body and brain.

Psychologist Dr.JanetPolivy once said a concept: false desire syndrome, which perfectly summed up the psychological process of active waste “fighting repeatedly and fighting for flag forever”: by making new goals for ourselves, making ourselves self reproach and panic before us, as if we had been saved and repented instantly.

Words full of contradictions and opposites, but let many people see their own appearance.

After tossing and turning, he achieved nothing.

Finally, I became more and more tired.

Once saw a news: 40 year old Wang felt a little greasy in middle age, so he made a plan to lose weight by running.

They make many plans in the early stage, which makes them feel very busy and full, but they are weak in the later stage because they can’t see the dawn.

You think you’re self disciplined, but you’re just destroying yourself.

He says he wants to improve himself in the unit.

Therefore, some people take this sentence as a creed of life and try their best to fill their time.

False self-discipline will turn you into a positive waste.

But many people who seem very busy may eventually return to their previous life, even get up later, sleep later and live worse.

In a word, intermittent complacency, continuous mixed eating and death.

When to look at math and when to look at English, the plan is very detailed.

I arranged the time well, and it must be no problem.” but when she saw her deep set eyes and said this with her lips pursed, she was deeply tired.

He is really learning.

I heard that I reported a lot of training classes at the weekend, insisted on online classes every night, and joined several punch in groups to improve skills.

If one thing can last for a week or two, it is at most because of curiosity, fun, following the trend and integrating into the circle.

camel pack running

Many people fall into busy green work every day.

You often hear people say, “where you spend your time, you will become what kind of person”.

In order to flaunt his self-discipline, he ran continuously for half a month.

However, seeing his colleagues who entered the unit with him, those who were promoted and raised, those who were poached by headhunters and those who started their own businesses, they did well.

He still insisted on exercising.

For people with false self-discipline, if they want to solve the problem that they can’t achieve their goals, they just need to set up another flag.

They often panic after intermittent enjoyment and often blame themselves for their laziness.

People with “false self-discipline” will be in a busy state for a long time, and even have achieved self paralysis.

As everyone knows, this bowl of medicine will only make you a poor man of time.

Of course, I didn’t intend to give up the national examination.

By KingWay