We can’t force our brain to think about what we are interested in, and running is the key to solve this problem.

When running, we see our shortcomings and weaknesses, and can actively accept them.

Where is the best place to examine your life, consciousness, and prayer? The answer is, on the way to running.

At the same time, we should also have the spirit of concentration, desire, diligence and self-discipline.

We have made a good start.

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The road of running is like a laboratory.

Only when we have a healthy body can we carry out various activities.

You accept who you are because now you open your heart and see yourself that you never imagined.

If they fail, they will only blame their followers, not the people who impart their knowledge – or simply blame us, not themselves—————- Create beauty! Run healthy————– Garmin running watch (recommended link) garminhrm Pro advanced dual-mode heart rate band (recommended link)..

If you know how businesses deceive consumers and how to observe educators, you will find that businesses and educators actually imprison the thoughts of their listeners, and then establish a confusing goal with the title of “success” or “happiness”, teach the so-called “science” and “fraternity”, and belittle the body and spirit of competitors.

If you don’t experience thinking in running and get enlightenment from running, even if you are an educated person, your life is incomplete and it’s hard to find your “true self”.

In the process of running, we are like being in a large playground, laboratory, classroom and even temple.

Only in the game can we find the power of self-renewal; The body’s desire for games, the mind’s desire for truth and the spirit’s desire for beauty are equally strong.

Heraditus described this way: “at this time, we are ‘listening to the essence of things’.

We open our hearts to the world.” so what about our mental state? Running gives us the freedom to look at ourselves.

Exercise makes you suddenly enlightened, and this moment will be the most valuable moment of your day, and it is also a necessary part of your education process.

When we run on the road, we have completely returned to our body and seen all the possibilities to achieve perfection.

When we rest after running, we are in a completely quiet state.

Most importantly, the process of running gives us the opportunity to think and meditate, because runners will think about the contradictions between balance and imbalance in the world.

We don’t need others to remind us of our uniqueness in the universe.

We constantly use the knowledge we have learned to test the intuitive world; We use our own feelings to evaluate the knowledge learned in the textbook and get a new experience.

You know that you are limited and imperfect, but at the same time you believe that you are incomparable – as Thoreau said.

In these buildings, we gain health.

For you and me, running is the sport we choose.

There are many forms of running.

By KingWay