There should be no contact with the hips.

Strong strides, symmetrical on both sides.

The inclination of the trunk.

It shall be in neutral position without additional tilt and rotation.

Knee joint.

There should be no lateral bending of the lumbar spine and no excessive rotation of the lumbar spine.

There are many potential causes of sports injury caused by running, including running volume and physical reasons, injury history and trauma history, as well as running posture and sports biomechanics.

Long press the QR code to focus on “come on”..

Step position.

There should be no internal rotation and external rotation of femur, no varus and valgus of knee joint, and no torsion of tibia.


Observe where the foot first touches the ground (possibly the heel, arch, or forefoot).


The state of the hands and elbows.


There should be no varus, valgus, or excessive pronation or supination.


During arm swing, the position of the arm in front of the body shall not exceed the midline of the body.



Foot (rear view).

In order to find the deep-seated causes and effectively improve the sports injury caused by running, you can find the problem by observing the running posture (better way is to repeatedly watch the running videos in front, side and back).


Pelvis (rear view).

Head and neck position.

There should be no excessive roll and tilt.


The pelvis is in the same frontal plane as the body, and there is only reasonable bending at the lumbar spine, without the problem of pelvic forward tilt or backward tilt.

Relax your hands and bend your elbows at 80-100 degrees.



When viewed from the side, the whole trunk should be properly tilted forward during running, but the hip and spine should be in the same frontal plane, and the spine above the hip should not be bent.


Arm swing.


Plantar flexion and dorsal flexion were normal and symmetrical bilaterally.



The focus of observation on the frontal plane should be observed from the front and back.

athletic compression socks

Before the hip extension range is 20-30 degrees, the hip flexion range should be about 30 degrees.


Hip joint.

Key points of observation on the sagittal plane the situation on the sagittal plane can be observed from both sides of the body.

The key points of observation are as follows: 1.


The height of the shoulders on both sides will vary with the switching of the body center of gravity, but the change range of the height on both sides should be symmetrical, and there should be no additional shoulder arm compensation such as shrugging and collapse of the shoulders.


Spine (rear view).

There are more and more runners, but unfortunately, there are many cases of injuries caused by running.



By KingWay