Running has nothing to do with speed and distance.

Your running life belongs to you! As long as you start running, you will succeed!..

People who don’t run are defined as follows: they basically don’t take part in exercise in their daily life.

I always feel inferior because I run slowly.

Be calm and patient.

Whether your goal is to run 5K or marathon, as long as you run, you are a runner.

Less anxiety, grasp today and master your pace.

If they are running for the race, it is another matter.

Those who run fast dislike those who run slow, those who run over the whole horse dislike those who run over half the horse, those who run over half the horse dislike those who run over 10km, those who run off-road dislike those who run on the road, and those who run over tiesan dislike those who run off-road.

It seems that you will be despised at any stage, so what if you run slowly? There will always be someone who can run faster than you.

  Therefore, some doctors suggest that running must be slow, and even some retired old athletes say: “jogging is the essence of running!”   Although you run slowly, no one can doubt your commitment: you have experienced the same challenges and trained hard to meet your goals;   Although you run slowly, you will also be encouraged on the track, especially from faster runners;   Because “slow” is a kind of mentality…

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This is not an excuse for yourself.

Those days should be very happy, right.

  But later, your running distance will not increase, and it is difficult to improve your speed, so the trouble comes.

Why not slow down? And run slowly, you can live longer! This is the conclusion of a study recently published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

  Why did this happen? Maybe it’s a sense of superiority.

That’s the most important thing.

  The researchers followed 1100 runners and 4000 non runners.

At this time, why not think about your original intention of running and why you run?   The vast majority of people should run for their health.

I dare not punch in my circle of friends or run with others because I can’t keep up with their speed.

Sometimes when asked about the results of 10 kilometers, half a horse or the whole horse, they dare not say it, but just say a rough figure.

Running is a sport that can change you.

You can’t think of yourself as a “runner” because you run slowly or run a short distance.

These 5100 people are all healthy men and women, people of all ages.

  Some fast runners don’t like to run with slow runners.

Being a runner means that you integrate running into your life, which has nothing to do with speed and distance! Everyone’s running style is different.

Running slowly is more fun! Think about your running state at the beginning.

It can make you a better person.

  Ten years later, they found that runners generally live longer than non runners, which is not surprising.

Yes, even if you finish the race in 5 hours and 58 minutes, you can rush across the finish line with a smile, and the finish medal is as sweet as the gold medal;   Although you run slowly, you will also inspire those who don’t believe they can run;   Although you run slowly, when you cross the finish line, you will be as proud of yourself as a champion!   As many people as there are in this world, there will be many different lives.

It turned out that I could run so far; When you reach 10K for the first time, you will give yourself a thumbs up and break your limit again.

When your first running distance reached 5K, I felt very excited.

It can make you more confident, more optimistic, more perseverance, stronger, more existential, more meaningful and, most importantly, happier!   Being a runner means that you want to be what you want to be.

They think they will drag down their target pace! However, running fast is not the only way to run.

”Are you running? It’s no different from walking.

  “Give way, don’t occupy the track if you run slowly.” running slowly seems unworthy of running   Presumably, many people will encounter the problems mentioned above.

By KingWay