Moreover, from the whole movement process of running, the most commonly used muscles include quadriceps femoris in the front of thigh, posterior thigh muscle group, gluteal muscle, anterior tibialis muscle in the front of calf and gastrocnemius muscle in the rear.

When it comes to this, we still need to emphasize that squatting is not useless, but should be selectively practiced according to the actual situation of the runner.

Source: Running College (ID: paobuxueyuan) regular fitness partners must have heard the saying: if you don’t practice your legs, you’ll regret it sooner or later.

Because only stronger leg folding and leg lifting can increase the stride and save more effort without affecting the stride frequency.

You need more targeted special strength training.

It can exercise your hips, hamstrings, quadriceps and the coordination between muscles.

Strong gluteal muscles can also protect the lower back and become a good measure to prevent back problems.

  If you want to be faster, the basic “squat” is not enough   Nowadays, more and more runners begin to pay attention to leg strength training, but it is also leg training.

Therefore, not only the legs, but also the chest, back, core and hip muscles need to be trained regularly, so as to ensure that you have enough strength to maintain the stability of the movement, and do not make other actions that consume excess physical strength and impair the overall sports performance.

In fact, this sentence is also applicable to runners.

Try to raise your hips so that your body is in an inverted v.

Speaking of this, I’m sure many little friends will ask, they practice legs.

We should know that the human body is not just composed of many independent muscle groups, but a system composed of many muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissue.

Sit on the floor with your hands behind you, right below the shoulder joint on the same side (palm down, fingertips pointing to the side behind).

Because for runners, the strength training they need is often more targeted.

The ordinary squats, with the same legs, are the same symmetrical movements.

One leg straightens in front of the body to support the ground, and the other leg remains raised.

Many common running injuries are caused by insufficient hip muscle strength and wrong pelvic position.

Because these long-distance runners usually do not squat much, but they do a lot of “special strength training” for running.

  Significance of lower limb strength to runners   The reason why we want to talk about “legs” alone today is that legs are the most frequently used part of our running.

That’s why there are few big men like those who practice in the gym.

This will directly bring your running into a virtuous circle: strong hip muscles will help you maintain the correct running posture, and hips will also help runners’ endurance and maintain pelvic stability.

The hamstrings, in particular, are responsible for pulling the supporting foot off the ground.

It can even be said that to some extent, leg strength is more important for runners than fitness.

These three exercises are closely related to the three core running movements of “posture running method” – key running posture, falling and pulling up.

Of course, we do not say that the strength of other parts is not important.

As long as they can improve their leg strength, isn’t it OK? What’s the difference? We might as well give an example.

Many factors affecting the running posture come from the position of the pelvis.

  02      Look up and lift your hips ▲ this figure comes from the 30 day strength training program.

  Movements suitable for beginners    01      Standard squat ▲ this figure is from the 30 day strength training program.

Raise your hips as high as you can.

If your goal is to improve the strength of your hips, squatting is definitely the best choice for you to practice, but if you want to run faster, especially for those advanced runners with certain experience, squatting alone, to be exact, I’m afraid it’s not enough to rely on the most basic and simple squatting exercises.

The basic squat practice can be said to be suitable for everyone eager to improve the strength of lower limbs, but this primary squat is not a special strength training action for running.

If the hamstring muscles are not developed enough, the supporting foot and the whole leg will fall behind the hips, and the falling movement of the body will be greatly affected.

▲   This motion chart comes from the posetv running speed improvement training of the running college.

Therefore, squatting actually only exercises some muscles, but not the more important iliopsoas and hamstrings, which are very important for leg folding and leg lifting during running.

When the body ends its contact with the ground, retract the foot under the hip in time for the next support, so as to start falling.

If you practice like those fitness people who practice legs in the gym, it may not be the most effective for you.

When it comes to leg training, the first thing most people think of must be “squatting”.

As long as one part can’t keep up with the speed of other parts, the whole system will collapse or even collapse.

You see, these muscle groups with the strongest correlation with running and the highest frequency of use are almost concentrated in the lower limbs, so the importance of leg strength to runners is self-evident.

Note that the direction of your knees should be the same as that of your toes.

Yes, squatting is indeed the golden action to exercise the strength of lower limbs.

running shin sleeves

If you often pay attention to “posture running”, you should remember that we have distinguished three main types of strength and corresponding exercises: hip strength, leg strength and muscle elasticity.

But if you are an advanced runner with some running experience, simple squats are obviously not enough.

Although there is no weight on the hip to push you anywhere, its stability and strength do help you move forward throughout your body during the support and take-off stage.

For example, if you are a young runner or a runner who lacks strength training, squatting can help you improve the basic strength of your lower limbs.

Therefore, the basic squat does not meet the strength characteristics of lower limbs during running, so in order to improve running efficiency, your squat practice should be more “change”.

In a word, strong lower limbs can strengthen the stability of the body, so as to help you maintain the correct running posture and avoid pain to the greatest extent.

When your goal is to move your body forward, each independent system of the body plays its own role and cooperates with other systems at the same time, so that you can run forward with the highest efficiency.

Return to the original push up position and repeat 10 times..

Return to the original position, lift your hips again, repeat 10 times, and change your feet to continue.

Bend your knees and squat down slowly until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

Stand with feet twice the shoulder width, keep your body straight, and look straight ahead.

The tilt or rotation displacement of the pelvis caused by muscle imbalance will affect the position of the lumbar spine and may also cause damage to the standing legs.

Among them, the main function of the front thigh muscle (commonly known as the leg) is to help cushion when landing, while the gluteal muscle is the “engine” of running.

Your hands are directly below the shoulder joints on both sides, your arms are straight, your body is in a straight line, your feet hook and your toes touch the ground.

  03      Push your hips on the ground ▲ this figure is from the push up position of the 30 day strength training program.

In addition, the hip muscles and the quadriceps femoris in front of the thigh, which are mainly practiced in squatting, also play a role in running, but at the same time, there are two other groups of muscles that play a more important role – iliopsoas and hamstrings.

  Runners need more special strength training   In short, it is a training action based on “running action”.

Hip muscles and their state affect the overall movement of the whole body.

People who run across as like as two peas know that running is a way of moving forward by moving their legs continuously, supporting them to move forward.

By KingWay