Using a pedometer to run at a constant speed can also accurately calculate the step frequency.

And high frequency increases the number of landing, which makes it easier to adjust and maintain a stable running posture in the process of running.

The step frequency running method is safer.

Fortunately, we can achieve this change with the help of runners.

Both arm frequency and swing amplitude are positively related to leg movements.

You’re singing K, I’m lifting the iron.

There is another way to choose songs suitable for step frequency to train step frequency, that is, to find a fast-paced song or beat to listen to.

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In fact, for beginners, one of the two must be weak, and even more often, both are weak, without high step frequency and large stride.

I’m doing push ups.

How can training improve gait frequency? 1 understand your stride frequency training stride frequency you should first know your current situation.

It is difficult for anyone to change their running mode suddenly in the open space.

Today, Xiaozhi will take you to know the difference and training method between frequency running method and stride running method ~ what are the advantages and disadvantages of frequency running method and stride running method? The so-called step frequency is the number of steps in 1 minute, and the step length is the length of 1 step.

I’ll take you on the highway..

3 it’s easier for beginners to practice.

You’re watching TV.

Another important point is your breathing.

Generally, the running method with relatively high stride frequency is called “stride frequency running method”, while the running method with relatively large stride is called “stride running method”.

Increasing the leg frequency is inseparable from the acceleration of the swing arm.

I believe many runners have heard of the “three famous debates” in the running industry.

Speed = stride frequency x stride length.

The three brothers are the dispute over the landing of the front sole and rear heel, the dispute between morning running and night running, and the dispute between stride frequency and stride length.

It is worth noting that the training of improving gait frequency can not be improved at once.

Because it requires you to adapt to training from the beginning to getting familiar with it, and get a complete improvement through continuous persistence.

The step frequency will directly affect your stride distance and the strength of your body disturbed by gravity.

The increase of step frequency can reduce the tension and stress on the knee and reduce the probability of knee injury.

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Once the swing arm is accelerated, the step frequency will also increase.

So, when you runners start training, there’s no need to rush or lose heart.

   No attention? Reach out and point here — runningassistant, runner’s running micro assistant, wants to improve speed, either increase step frequency, increase step length, or both.

Why do people advocate high stride frequency running? 1.

You’re still giving yourself excuses.


It includes the rhythm of heartbeat, breathing, arm swing, leg step and comfortable body.

Strides vary greatly due to individual height, leg length, joint flexibility and core strength.

You’re taking time to complain and envy.

Disadvantages: if you want to control a large stride, you must have stronger muscles, otherwise you are prone to injury.

At the same speed, high frequency means small step.

2 advantages of stride running method: stride is easy to speed, which is not only suitable for sprint, but also suitable for long-distance running, while stride frequency running method is only relatively suitable for long-distance running; At the same speed, the energy consumption is smaller than that of step frequency running.

2 focus on steps and breathing.

 —– Running micro assistant ◆ running without core strength is playing rogue? (including a full set of movements) ◆ running for 1 hour can prolong the life of 7 hours! is that true? ◆ running has these advantages! I regret not knowing that I can’t get lost.

Small strides shorten the time to fly and change the angle of landing, so the pressure on the joints will be much smaller than that of large strides.

Running speed can be calculated by a simple formula.

Some materials come from the network.

I’m back from fitness.

Higher efficiency during running.

The upper body forward tilt angle and step frequency actually affect each other.

Breathing step by step varies with intensity, but high frequency often makes your breathing more compact and exercise more cardiopulmonary function.

Disadvantages: with the increase of arm swing and leg stride, the heart rate increases rapidly, and the body will have a strong sense of fatigue.

4 increase the upper body forward tilt angle.

When the load exceeds the bearing capacity of the body, the injury risk will also appear.

I’ve left you far away.

It should be noted that only by keeping up with the corresponding music rhythm can we achieve the real exercise effect.

A simple way is to run a low-intensity run, count how many steps you ran in 30 seconds, and then multiply by 2 to get the stride frequency.

The stride running method has a little “jump” factor.

The risk of injury is also high, so the stride running method is not suitable for novices.

It may be difficult at the beginning, but this is the only way to train frequency.

Do it when you think about it, or you’ll never feel ready.


Therefore, compared with changing the stride speed, increasing the stride frequency does not pick up the congenital conditions and is more direct.

When beginners speed up, they might as well focus on increasing the step frequency instead of worrying about the problem that the stride is too large and easy to be injured.


You’re drinking, I’m drinking.

You will obviously see that their step frequency slows down and their stride decreases, and people slow down.

The vertical range of the body is large, and the impact force of the body when landing is also large.

During running, hands and feet work together.

In the state of high stride frequency, the stride distance is easier to shorten, the step point is closer to the center of gravity of the body, and allows the upper body to increase the forward inclination angle, strengthen the influence of the upper body on the free fall, reduce energy consumption and improve efficiency.

3 arm swing training is also important.

5 it is difficult to practice running frequency with high-frequency runners.

Injuries can not be completely avoided.

I’m on the way to fight for it.

Of course, increasing the step frequency should also follow the principle of step by step, and slowly increase the step frequency practice.

You’re reading microblog.

 * This article is for reference only.

Because the more inclined the upper body is, the more the center of gravity will deviate from the support bottom area, making the body more affected by gravity, forcing you to take the next step as soon as possible to avoid falling.

Some people’s upper limbs are weak and their arms droop when they run to a certain time.

What kind of rhythm is suitable for yourself can not be generalized, but depends on personal physical conditions and adaptability.

Some songs are suitable for step frequency 180, some are suitable for step frequency 160, and some are suitable for step frequency 120.

Running with the rhythm of music is also a way of exercise.

If you want to improve the step frequency, you should consciously focus on steps and increase the frequency of leg exchange rather than the overall speed.

There is also the step frequency display directly based on mobile app, which is more intuitive and convenient.

High frequency breathing also needs exercise.

Advantages of step frequency running method: when landing, the impact force of the body is also small, which can reduce the impact on joints and muscles and prevent injuries; The vertical range of the body is less, which improves the running efficiency.

Summary running to a certain stage, rhythm is very important for runners.

You’re playing cards and I’m playing basketball.

Therefore, the higher the stride frequency, it will have a great positive effect on your running posture and running efficiency.

Training stride frequency, follow the high-frequency runner, and use the same landing as him.

On the other hand, the faster the step frequency, the faster your center of gravity can return to the support bottom area, so that you can increase the forward tilt angle and further obtain faster step frequency.

By KingWay