It is true that some people will raise an objection “I am the disease of running injury and falling knee”.


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the strong quadriceps femoris can also ensure the stability of the knee joint, reduce joint pressure and slow down cartilage wear (click to learn the specific exercise method: the knee joint is bad? Don’t underestimate these three small actions, stick to them to make the knee stronger!) When your knee joint is stable enough, the possibility of knee joint injury during running will be greatly reduced.

It is not easy to use force, and the force on the knee can not be effectively buffered.

It is recommended to check the body joints before long-distance running, and participate slowly and appropriately on the basis of no lesions.

If you have a body mass index (BMI) Over 25, the health of the knee joint will be greatly reduced.

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So let’s reflect and find out the reasons.

For heavy people, BMI (weight kilograms divided by height meters square) is preferred Reduce the index to less than 25, reduce the pressure on the knee joint caused by weight, and then consider running exercise.

Running shoes are specially designed for running, and it can reduce the vibration when your feet touch the ground and reduce the impact on your feet and knees Cover damage.

If running If the knee doesn’t hurt after the step, it means that the current running volume is competent; if the knee pain or swelling discomfort doesn’t ease after more than two hours, it means that the amount is excessive, and it needs to be reduced if you run again.

Or you can also take the static stretching in the figure: 2.




No matter which part of the foot lands first, the key is to land gently in small steps to avoid the ground impact caused by hard landing.

Wear appropriate running shoes.

If you choose a plastic track, you must wear running shoes.

Most professional marathon runners use the mixed running method of quickly switching the whole foot after the landing of the front foot.

Do not warm up or stretch before running: it is easy to have sore knees and ankles after running.

But at the same time, compared with relatively gentle sports such as swimming and walking, long-distance running has a greater load on the knee joint, and it is more prone to injury if you are careless.

If you are overweight and want to lose weight through running: for every 1 pound (0.45 kg) increase in weight, the pressure on your knee will increase by 3 pounds and 10 pounds respectively when walking or running.

Train the strength of quadriceps femoris.


Beginners should step by step and act according to their ability.

For example, if you normally run for a kilometer in 8 minutes, you can run for a kilometer in 10 minutes for warm-up.

Unprofessional shoes can’t meet the cushioning requirements, and the field is too hard, which will have a large impact on the knee during running.

Wear shoes casually and start running without picking the field: the impact on the knee during running increases to 3 ~ 4 times of body weight, and 6 times of body weight when it is violent.

Everything depends on the patient’s own situation and diagnosed by a professional doctor What you see may be what others need.

From this point of view, running may affect the knee and cause injury.

Do you also have the following running experience: 1.

The plastic track can absorb the impact force generated by sports, reduce the recoil force on the body, and make your knees, ankles and bones less vulnerable to injury.

So how to run more scientifically and healthily and reduce knee injury? 1.


For weight loss, give priority to non weight-bearing exercise.

Quadriceps femoris is located in the thigh In front, it provides us with the main strength when walking, going upstairs and downstairs, squatting, etc.

It is not difficult for us to find that the incidence of knee arthritis in fitness runners is much lower than that in sedentary people, and only competitive runners have a significantly higher incidence of knee arthritis than the first two.

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The time and amount of running should be increased moderately, and each increase should be adapted to two weeks.


The force on the knee increases and is easy to be injured.

Reasonable diet control the weight.

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When running, the pressure on the knee joint is four times higher than that when standing normally.

Fully warm up and stretch before running: do dynamic warm-up before running and run about 500 ~ 1000 meters slower than usual, which can improve heart rate and increase muscle, tendon and toughness Take the blood flow to prepare your body for the next movement and reduce the injury.

Adjust the correct running posture and stride.


For ordinary running fitness lovers, they don’t have to pay too much attention to what kind of landing mode they are, and everyone has the most comfortable running posture.

Zero basic beginners or those who don’t exercise for a long time run long distances or even marathons at once: lack of muscle strength will cause instability of knee joints.

May the sun shine on you every day, and may you run healthy and happy every step! End source: the article is compiled by Yin’s bone setting massage hall for reference and learning only.

Running is a sport with a long history, deeply loved by the public and good exercise effect.

The farther the running distance is, the heavier the body burden is, and they are more likely to be injured.


Obesity will also accelerate the wear of cartilage and greatly increase the incidence of knee arthritis.

According to the June 2017 issue of the American Journal of orthopedics and sports physical therapy, the incidence of arthritis in fitness runners is 3.5%, while that in sedentary people is 10.2%, and that in competitive runners is 13.3%.

As early as 2000 years ago, such words were engraved on the rocks of ancient Greece: “if you want to be strong, run! If you want to be fit, run! If you want to be smart, run!” today, running is still regarded as one of the simple, convenient and effective aerobic exercise methods.

When running, the landing time of the front foot is short, which will have little pressure on the knee joint, but at the same time, the pressure on the ankle will be relatively large, and the landing of the rear heel will have a greater load on the knee joint.

Stride running: this technology is suitable for professional long-distance runners, while the blind imitation of ordinary runners will weaken the role of the included angle of large and small legs in buffering the impact of the ground, which is easy to cause knee injury.

While ordinary runners usually land on the rear heel or heel The running method of transition from landing to forefoot.

Therefore, the saying that running Baili only hurts the knee is actually a misunderstanding of this sport.

When running, the body tilts back: when landing, the body’s center of gravity is behind the legs, which is equivalent to dragging the body for running.

When running, pay attention to leaning forward, lift your shoulders slightly, bend your elbows into 90 degrees, hold empty fists with both hands, and force with your hips and thighs, The stride should not be too large.

By KingWay