The Hong Kong Marathon became the only marathon that Edison Chen Ran.

But he was wayward again.

What life looks like and how you live every day is very important.

Perhaps it is the relationship of adhering to exercise that Ren Dahua looks much younger than many peers.

Edison Chen was originally very talented in running.

When the training and preparation time was not long, he ran 44 minutes and 24 seconds in 10K – in 2011, this result was faster in amateur.

Through exercise, I also quit smoking.

In addition, there has always been persistent exercise.

Over time, life will be very regular.

Carina Lau has always liked running.

I go to bed early and get up early.

Ren Dahua has been keeping fit for more than 20 years.

After the cooperation of casino Fengyun II, they often work out together.

As soon as you have good energy and spirit, you look very young and in a very good state.

In January this year, he was photographed climbing mountains in black, wearing a black hat and mask.

I don’t know if this is the reason.

In the autumn of 2011, Edison Chen was invited to participate in the nike10km road running activity in Shanghai.

Finally, the staff’s name was on his report card.

When it comes to love running, he can’t help mentioning Fage.

Then he had to rush to the set the next day to shoot and take time to cook soup for his husband.

He likes mountain climbing and boxing, and has created a set of sports suitable for his leg training, including squatting and horse stepping.

Although Fage is 65 years old this year and his face is slowly wrinkled, his temperament and figure are as good as ever.

You always carry your energy and spirit when doing anything.

Therefore, we must learn to use some ways to keep ourselves in a good state.

In fact, in addition to Taiwanese artists such as Zhang Junning, Chen Yihan and Peng Yuyan, there are also many stars who love running in Hong Kong.

Every day is full, regular, tasked and fruitful.

Fortunately, Luo Jiaying was lucky in the end.

When she was interviewed by the media, she also said that she has always paid attention to diet and exercise.

I don’t drink alcohol at ordinary times.

Later, she suffered from asthma because of excessive weight loss and depression because of work pressure.

For the first time, he ran a marathon in the recognized “Asia’s most difficult track” for 4 hours, with a score of 3 hours and 55 minutes.

At this age, the relationship is still so good.

Today, Xiaobian will take an inventory of Hong Kong stars who love running: 01 Edison Chen: the first horse ran 355.

But he was wayward.

It is the combination of diet and exercise that Wang Mingquan’s 73 year old temperament and figure are still very good.

For her, losing weight is no longer simply starving, but enjoying the happiness brought by running and sports.

She even released a single called “eight kilometers”, which is affectionately called “eight kilometers later” by fans.

Netizens said that they really envy this pair of immortals.

04 Carina Lau: at the age of 55, her figure is still amazing.

Recently, Wang Mingquan, 73, posted a video of running exercise taken by her husband Luo Jiaying on the social network.

Xie Xian: at the age of 84, he still has a good figure.

Such a virtuous cycle, slowly, you are not the depressed yourself.

He once said on social media that he can’t run less in his life.

In fact, he is two years older than Zhao Benshan, but his strong figure and handsome face make him look like he is only forty or fifty years old on the appearance..

Feel life and another self in reading..

After that, he was found by the Hong Kong and Malaysia organizing committee and cancelled his grades..

It was not until later that he began to exercise that he gradually stepped out of the.

08 LV Liangwei: 63 years old is like 36 years old, 10000 steps a day.

At the age of 55, Carina Lau is very beautiful.

She keeps running and doing some simple yoga every day, Do some flat support, etc.

For stars, they not only insist on sports, but also medical beauty and maintenance…

Slowly, this life is also full and successful.

He also revealed that he never drank and often kept eating until he was sixty or seventy percent full.

Last year, Fage asked him to climb the mountain together.

They will also share their running photos on their social platform.

For example, if you want to run in the morning, you must go to bed early, get up early and eat breakfast on time.

Carina Lau also often shows the news of their mountain climbing on social platforms.

Earlier, Luo Jiaying, who had suffered from liver cancer, was urgently hospitalized for fever due to infection after operation, which made everyone very worried.

After that, she started running eight kilometers a day.

Recently, LV Liangwei, 63, also went on a hot search because he looked too young.

07 Ren Dahua: running is indispensable in his life.

03 Zhou Runfa: he has been running and climbing for many years.

In order to take care of her husband who was hospitalized, Wang Mingquan was often photographed by the media staying in the hospital all night.

Why can running make people younger? Xiaobian’s personal understanding is that running is a way to maintain energy and spirit.

Although you are old, you should ensure a certain amount of exercise every day.

Because he didn’t like his number, he changed the number cloth with the staff who ran with him.

Everyone said: “it looks like 36 years old” and “did you eat preservatives”? LV Liangwei can’t look so young without sports.

Zheng Xiuwen is 48 years old this year.

If you keep running, you will make a series of corresponding changes in your life for running.

02 Xu haoying: the wife of Eason Chan, the fastest female star in Hong Kong.

He also likes running, running about 10000 steps a day.

When she was thinnest, she was only 78 kg.

He still changed the number chip with others without permission because he didn’t like the numbers in the number cloth.

06 Zheng Xiuwen: exercise is happiness.

In her early years, she starved herself into a paper person because of forced diet.

But it is undeniable that if they don’t insist on sports, no matter how they maintain them, even if their face can hold, their body won’t cheat.

Of course, we don’t mean that if you insist on running, you will become younger.

The following year, Edison Chen participated in Hong Kong and Malaysia again.

Their recent life has slowly expanded, and the two began to exercise together.

Ren Dahua, 65, still has good physical quality, which has something to do with his habit of exercising.

Xu haoying, 46, should be the fastest female star in Hong Kong.

My life is also very regular.

For example, if you insist on running, you can gain the energy of sweating and blood resurrection; For example, if you focus on your work, you can gain a sense of achievement and visible work performance one by one; For example, try reading and let reading accompany life.

The reporter described that when he climbed the mountain, he was “brisk and energetic, and seemed to have a better physique than some young people who didn’t exercise.” over the years, Xie Xian’s figure has been maintained very well.

She said: “today’s weather is good, continue to exercise and jog.” while her husband Luo Jiaying called “hurry up” while filming, and also took the back steps and asked him to be the “shadow Queen”.

As can be seen from the dynamic diagram, Wang Mingquan, 72, is in a good state and looks like she is in her 30s and 40s.

Fage not only runs by himself, but also organizes his own running group and often takes everyone to exercise together.

He is also a runner.

As for the Hong Kong stars in the above inventory, in fact, we can find that except Edison Chen, who no longer runs horses, these Hong Kong stars who insist on sports really look much younger than their actual age, and the time on them has become slow.

When it comes to chow yun fat’s running and fitness, we can’t help mentioning Carina Lau.

In February 2014, Xu haoying, then 40 years old and called “Kenya Xu” by Hong Kong media, completed the Hong Kong Marathon in 3 hours and 52 minutes, breaking the previous record of 3 hours and 55 minutes of Edison Chen.

He often encounters hot search because he goes out running and climbing mountains.

in an appropriate amount.

camel pack running

This also has something to do with his persistence in sports for many years.

In fact, Xie Xian, at the age of 84, is also a member of Fage running group.

By KingWay