In addition, running is also very helpful to the cultivation of good posture.

In fact, whether running can help “sex” has always been a topic of concern to scientists in foreign scientific circles.

The following is the change brought by a blogger running for 100 days.

The most important thing is that the whole person also looks energetic and refreshing.

Running can burn the fat of the whole body, including the fat of our face.

What can running bring? It’s probably from greasy uncle to handsome man.

Many of us lie and sit for a long time, resulting in round shoulders and hunchbacks, and unsightly walking posture.

  Eager to change his body shape, he customized a 100 day running plan for himself.

  ☞ smarter: the research results published in the International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology by researchers from Karolinska Medical College in Sweden show that running is related to increased cell growth in areas related to learning and memory in the brain.

So if we can run for 30 minutes every day and stick to it for 100 days, what will happen to our body? Can running really improve that ability? Let’s have a look!   How about running for 100 days?   Saying goodbye to greasy may be the first gift that running can bring to middle-aged people.

Mathers published his academic report: sexual desire is caused by testosterone.

Most people who give up halfway lose confidence in this step, but he still perseveres.

On the 21st day, although I was still fat, I could finally see the faint muscle outline.

I personally have a seasonal rhinitis attack every autumn, which is very painful, but there is no recurrence after running this year.

Long term persistence will greatly improve the discomfort of cervical spine and shoulder.

After starting running for a period of time, they have not significantly lost weight, but their body has improved significantly, especially the waist line has become more beautiful.

Exercise, especially muscle strengthening training, can reduce the concentration of testosterone in the blood.

  Whether running can enhance the runner’s sexual desire or sexual function has always been a controversial topic in the running circle.

I didn’t expect that age anxiety could be cured by this Olympic Games.

seamless bandana

  Some people say that running cures all kinds of diseases, which is somewhat exaggerated.

Under the double attack of fat body and life pressure, many people will have the anxiety of “life will end at the age of 30”.

Sedentary men have the highest proportion of ED (erectile dysfunction), and even walking or jogging for 20 to 30 minutes a day can reverse ed.

  For men, running is really important.

The German expert suggested that it is best to run two to three times a week, 30 to 45 minutes of aerobic exercise each time, supplemented by appropriate strength exercises such as kicking.

  ☞ carve your body: running is like a carving knife.

Due to the decline of basic metabolic rate after increasing age, coupled with tight time and lack of exercise, many men get a beer belly after the age of 30, and even some “men’s hidden words” appear.

The scientific experiments of some authoritative institutions abroad have proved that moderate running really helps to improve the runner’s sexual function.

The results show that compared with the low-dose exercise who hardly exercise, the death risk of people with medium and high exercise is 28% and 33% lower respectively.

I don’t know if it’s related? ☞ waist / hip: the change of body caused by running is first reflected in this position.

30 years old? But they are all winning the championship at the age of 30.

  ☞ less disease: a study from the University of Cambridge in the UK shows that no matter what amount of exercise before, starting to exercise now is related to the reduction of all-cause mortality.

☝ LV Xiaojun, 37, the oldest weightlifting champion in Olympic history.

  On the 60th day, I was surprised to find that my waist circumference was a whole circle smaller, and my abdominal muscles had broken through the fat circle!   On the 100th day, the fitness man came out fresh, his abdominal muscles were clearly visible, and his temperament was completely different from that before the challenge.

☞ neck / shoulder / spine: people who often sit in front of the computer will have some cervical and shoulder problems more or less.

  From 233.2 kg to 176.4 kg! The difference of 56.8 kg makes him different.

After running, not only the weight is visibly reduced, but also the muscle lines are more obvious.

Before running, the whole person looks a little oily and the small stomach is obvious.

If you keep running, you will find that your face will become tighter, your skin will be more elastic, your complexion will also be improved, and your whole person will remain younger.

  ☞ lung and respiratory system: long-term middle and long-distance running exercise can strengthen lung function and increase lung capacity – regular long-distance running can develop lung respiratory muscles, increase each ventilation volume and enhance lung function.

In middle age, most people are burdened with heavy life and work pressure.

Most of the previous examples come from the personal experience of runners, which is neither universal nor persuasive.

After reading this group of awkward scientific terms, have you had the impulse to run two laps?   These changes have taken place in the body after running   Keep running, the benefits mentioned above, in fact, your body is still undergoing these changes.

It can make your body better and better! Running can gradually reduce your body fat, gradually plump your muscles, make your body lines more obvious, and make our body better and better! When you keep running for 30 days, you will find that your belly is flat, your waist is thinner than before, you look good in all clothes, your thighs and legs become more beautiful, and even your face becomes smaller..

  ☞ appearance: running is the most economical and healthy way of cosmetic surgery.

The Olympic Games tell us that no matter how old you are, as long as you insist, there will always be results.

Because the synthesis of protein, the production of new cells and the metabolism of cells all need to consume testosterone.

In addition, middle and long distance running will accelerate blood circulation, so that the coronary artery has enough blood to supply the myocardium, so as to prevent all kinds of heart diseases.

  On the 14th day, blisters were worn out on the soles of the feet, but no obvious changes were seen.

He not only has a big beer belly, but also has drooping fat on his chest and arms.

We can straighten our body and improve our temperament by insisting on running.

Today’s inspirational hero is a “fat man” who weighs 233.2 kg.

  A Research Institute on “why men age” in Massachusetts has spent 15 years to come to the conclusion that running can prevent men from “impotence” to the greatest extent.

The correct running posture requires the back to be straight and relaxed.

While increasing the maximum oxygen uptake, the oxygen delivered to various organs of the body is greatly increased, and the working quality of various organs is naturally greatly improved.

Through the movement of lower limbs, it can promote the venous blood flow back to the heart and prevent venous thrombosis.

However, after long-term running, in addition to having excellent fat burning effect, it will indeed make many beneficial changes in the body from inside to outside in the eyes, neck, heart, blood, lungs, liver, abdomen, waist, hips, knees, muscles, intestines, stomach, bones and so on.

  Compared with people who don’t exercise, people who run more than 3 hours a week will reduce the risk of ed by about 30%, and their sexual ability will be 2 to 5 years younger.

  According to the American Sports Medical Association, exercise can enhance the activity of a brain-derived nerve growth factor, help improve brain function and communication between cells, and prevent cognitive decline caused by age.

  On the first day of running, he was out of breath as soon as he ran, and he couldn’t even roll his belly.

  ☞ heart: keeping running will give you a powerful heart and cardiovascular system.

For middle-aged people, especially men, the benefits of running for 100 days are not just the disappearance of beer belly.

  German sexologist Michael J.

Many runners have experienced this experience.

By KingWay