The wife cried and asked the doctor to save her husband.

1: drink functional drinks.

However, strong tea is not suitable for regular drinking.

Liver cancer had been diagnosed, and the cancer cells had further spread.

He suffered from liver cancer at such a young age, which was unacceptable to the family.

Doctors suggest that it is best to eat light detoxification food at ordinary times.

When the family members arrived at the hospital, they received an emergency operation notice.

However, excessive caffeine will lead to excessive consumption of hormones in the kidney.

In the early stage of liver disease, there are traces to follow.

After further understanding the situation, the doctor shook his head and said: one habit after running is equal to “self mutilation”.

They found that the man was suffocating, so they quickly dialed 120 for first aid.

If people eat by mistake for a long time, a large amount of toxins accumulate, which aggravates the metabolic burden of the liver, and even leads to hepatocellular carcinogenesis.

In addition, these two habits after exercise will also accelerate liver disease and change it as soon as possible.

In an instant, a corner of the park was surrounded by people, and the crowd was talking.

“Come on, look who’s family, fainted.” bursts of calls broke the tranquility of the park in the morning.

After his parents heard the news, his blood pressure rose and almost fainted.

In addition, Mr.

According to the doctor’s judgment, the toxin may come from the plastic bags under high temperature.

After morning running, he will buy some breakfast to go home.

Drinking tea has certain benefits and can prolong life.

Many plastic bags do not meet the food and drinking standards certified by QS.

Chang himself suffered from hepatitis without examination and treatment, and a large number of toxins accelerated the canceration of hepatocytes.

The doctor said that functional drinks have the effects of anti fatigue and refreshing, which contain a certain amount of caffeine, which will make the central nervous system excited for a long time.

Strong tea will have strong irritation, because strong tea also contains a certain amount of caffeine.

After the human body is short of water, these caffeine substances will disrupt the human metabolic system and lead to abnormal liver function.

running shin sleeves

1: Chinese people always have the habit of drinking tea.

Long term drinking will also lead to caffeine poisoning, which will burden the metabolism and detoxification of the liver.

Like functional drinks, they are not suitable for drinking in large quantities, especially tea instead of water.

Big fish and meat, a high calorie and high-fat food, is difficult to be decomposed and digested, which will lead to the metabolic burden of the liver and is not conducive to the recovery of liver disease.

In order to reduce costs, small vendors will choose low-quality plastic bags with three noes, which contain quantitative “benzopyrene” and “plasticizer”.

For convenience, breakfast is directly packed in plastic bags, and so is porridge.

When the temperature is above 50 ℃, the PVC component in the plastic bag will release “benzopyrene” and “lead toxin”, which will then be transferred to food and enter the human body.

According to the family, the man, surnamed Chang, was only 35 years old.

Chang’s body.

Over time, it will increase the risk of liver disease.

If they eat a large amount after exercise and lack of water, lead poisoning will occur.

According to his family, Mr.

References: [1] Application of liver 3D visualization reconstruction technology in the treatment of liver diseases, June 2013 [2] liver cancer disease analysis: liver cancer cure methods, July 2019..

In addition, it is also easy to induce palpitations, arrhythmias, cardiovascular diseases, etc., leading to the decline of blood cell immunity and accelerating the canceration of hepatocytes.

Chang has always said that he is weak and tired in the past two years, thinking that the system has deteriorated, so he started two years of morning running.

Cruciferous vegetables are very friendly to patients with liver disease, such as cabbage, cabbage, radish, Chinese cabbage, shepherd’s purse, onion and so on.

How can people who look very healthy find out liver cancer when they faint due to running? The doctor said: a large number of “benzopyrene” and “lead toxin” were extracted from Mr.

They were all guessing the reason why the man fainted.

We should be vigilant 1: abdominal distention, abdominal discharge and right upper abdominal pain; 2: Sallow complexion, rough skin, a large number of acne and acne breeding; 3: Physical fatigue, no spirit, timely rest for a long time, also feel powerless; 4: Dry mouth, bitter mouth and abnormal halitosis; 5: Loss of appetite and weight loss; 5: Urine is as yellow as tea, has peculiar smell, and the long-term symptoms do not subside; Two ways to help you eliminate hepatitis and repair liver function 1: Supplement “liver protection elements” 2: most patients with liver disease have poor metabolic ability.

By KingWay