The training plan should be based on weeks and set according to the competition items you want to run.

The increase of mileage is a gradual process.

running waist packs

I think people who run a lot run faster.

we mentioned, but also set up training plans according to your physical state and goals.

Because a single running type won’t improve your performance too fast.

Through analysis, you will know more about what you lack and what training you need to strengthen.

Then he can run 50-60 kilometers a week and 200-240 kilometers a month.

Source: run   (ID:laipao8_com)  -.

It’s best to arrange a one-day running rest every week.

This situation is not conducive to the improvement of performance, but will affect the training of runners.

Blind running training will not greatly improve your performance, but will reduce your running efficiency.

If you want to increase your mileage, you can run four days a week (depending on your situation), and increase the kilometers one day, and the distance is 3-5km.

Because to improve your running speed, you must break through the comfort zone.

If the goal is to run a full marathon, he should run 48-80 kilometers a week and 192-320 kilometers a month.

Kirsten bergmaster confirmed the effect of interval training on performance in his 2005 Research Report.

Because there is no breakthrough in training, the performance will not improve.

As a result, their speed increased by 38% in two weeks.

Don’t run too much.

Increase running types.

If your body can adapt to this training plan, you can continue to superimpose the amount of running in the same way after 2 weeks.

Therefore, if you want to improve your running performance, you should not only increase the amount of running, but also increase different types of running, such as interval, LSD, etc.

It’s best to arrange 1-2 times a week.

Rest is very important.

The subjects were trained in six groups at a time.

When you adapt to this training rhythm and reach the training goal, you will not be easy to get injured if you try to play farther away.

They think that the more running, the better.

If you have different views on performance improvement, please leave a message to us.

This training method can last for 2 weeks.

If you plan to run a 100 kilometer race, the amount of running should also be increased, so as to make the body adapt to the intensity of the 100 kilometer race in advance.

Similarly, anaerobic training is also helpful for speed improvement.

For example, if you have high-intensity training on Sunday, you can arrange your running break on Monday.

Rhythm running and interval running consume more energy, but these two types of running are very effective in improving runners’ cardiopulmonary and acid excretion ability.

Especially after experiencing a high-intensity training plan, rest is more conducive to physical and mental recovery.

If a runner’s goal is to finish a half horse race and wants to run within 2 hours.

So before training, runners should first determine their goals, whether to run a half marathon or a full marathon, and what results they want to run.

Each group included two to four minutes of full speed sprint.

Analyze your data for each run.

When I heard that other people’s monthly runs are 300 or 500, I expressed my envy.

If you want to break through yourself, what you need is to keep running soberly: analyze the feedback from your body during running and understand your pace per kilometer.

For jogging and LSD, you can run at your marathon pace, and the distance can be allocated according to the amount of running per week.

If a runner doesn’t care about the running speed and likes the relaxed running rhythm very much, it means that the runner’s running state has always been in the comfort zone.

Many runners have a misunderstanding about the amount of running.

When a runner just starts running, it’s best to start at a distance of 5K and 10K.

Break through the comfort zone.

Therefore, scientific training is the best way.

Try different running types during marathon training, such as jogging, rhythm running, interval running and LSD.

Runners who blindly pursue the amount of running may have symptoms such as mental distress and physical fatigue, and even cause sports injury in serious cases.

In this case, even if he runs for 1 to 2 years, his running speed will not be greatly improved.

In fact, the improvement of running performance is not only related to the amount of running.

By KingWay