He has a sedentarylifestyle without regular exercise.

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A study published in the British medical journal shows that just 10-40 minutes of exercise can improve concentration.

The study also found that stopping running for a period of time reduced not only the blood supply of the hippocampus, but also the blood supply of the whole brain.

In addition, running can also produce a substance called muscle factor, which can eliminate stress and reduce depression.

Obviously, running can improve brain vitality, including gray matter areas, which can make the brain better deal with stress and aging.

Persistent runners: memory increases vs.

non runners: depressed.

People who insist on running: increased concentration vs people who don’t run: decreased attention.

The brighter the color, the harder the muscle.

A study published in the Journal of psychological medicine shows that when people stop running for two weeks, they are more depressed, stressed and irritable after emotional tests.

By scanning the brain, it was found that the person who ran every week had a more developed gray matter area, which is related to the speed of brain processing information.

This means that after middle age, a person’s cognitive ability will decline and the possibility of dementia will increase.

The difference between people who insist on running and people who don’t run is a study done by Yale University 20 years later.

Three people ran on the treadmill for an hour at the same time.

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The picture on the right shows Salvatore, 35, sedentary, watching TV, reading, surfing the Internet, eating snacks, etc.

In the figure below, rich, 37, and Larry, 60, both insist on sports.

Shengze running group join the group to run and look forward to your joining (please reply to the key in the official account, enter the group and add WeChat to the group).

It’s a bit like the pleasure of smoking marijuana.

National exchange group.

non runners: memory decreases.

Those below this figure had more brain atrophy, equivalent to accelerating shrinkage for two years.

Those who are higher than this value, that is, those who often take part in exercise, have a slower brain atrophy, because exercise will increase the blood flow rate and deliver more oxygen to the brain.

People who keep running: faster thinking vs.

The study found that those who lack exercise and have high blood pressure and heartbeat shrink faster after 20 years, that is, their brain becomes smaller after 20 years.

The University of Maryland has done such a study.


In addition, when you stop running, your body will also reduce the production of cathepsin, which is also related to memory.

Human brain atrophy is a natural phenomenon.

When you run, your brain will secrete a substance called endorphin, which can make you happy.

They asked some athletes not to run for 10 days, then scanned their brains and found that the amount of blood flowing to the hippocampus decreased, which is closely related to learning and memory ability and Alzheimer’s disease.

About 20 years later, they were tested again, followed by brain scans.

In 1979-83, more than 1500 people took part in a test to let them gradually run from the pace of 22 minutes / km to the pace of 7 minutes / km on the treadmill until they reached 85% of the maximum heart rate or couldn’t run.

If you run in Shengze area, you can join   2.

  Click the blue word above and remember to pay attention to us! Runners: Happy vs.

In the first test, their average VO2max data was 39 (high-level marathon runners can reach 70-80).

people who don’t run: become dull Finnish scientists have done such a study, found 10 pairs of male twins, and asked one of them to run at least twice a week while the other doesn’t exercise.

A decrease in blood supply means that your ability to learn and your memory will decline.

His heart and main blood vessels are small, and his VO2max is low.

Therefore, for your health and future, you should make yourself fall in love with running ~ thank you for reading this article.

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In addition to increasing the blood supply to the brain, exercise also increases some chemicals in the blood, such as endorphins, which will keep your brain awake all the time.

Welcome to join our running group.

By KingWay