The cardiopulmonary capacity will be improved, but the maximum oxygen uptake still can’t be effectively improved.

Of course, if they want to improve the maximum oxygen uptake, they must start from these two points, and the muscle training takes precedence over the cardiopulmonary training.

The three meals are normal and the nutrition is balanced.

In this way, the maximum oxygen uptake can continue to increase.

They can’t go on a diet blindly to lose weight! 5) Excessive running is an important means to improve health and prolong life.

However, the greater the amount of exercise, the better.

Of course, with the increase of running time, physical strength gets better and better, and this fatigue will be eliminated.

In this regard, we have sorted out some specific methods to adjust our running status! 1) It is normal to be tired at the beginning of running.

Marathon training should pay attention to science, system and coherence, and ensure the connection and efficiency between classes, rather than blindly piling up running volume and pulling speed.

How do runners improve their maximum oxygen uptake? First of all, we should understand that the body’s oxygen uptake capacity can be divided into “cardiopulmonary end” and “muscle end”.

Running has its own rhythm.

For beginners, as long as they run at a constant speed between intensity zones 1 ~ 3, they will make significant progress.

After running for a period of time, with the secretion of endorphins, the body will become more and more excited and relaxed, and then start mechanical elastic running, and the sense of fatigue will slowly disappear! The way to solve this situation is to do some warm-up exercises, walking, fast walking, stretching, etc.

Many runners have this experience.

Many entry-level runners will think that running needs “running to breathe” to be effective, but running to breathe and run tired can not effectively exercise the oxygen uptake capacity of the muscle end.

It is difficult to start running at the beginning.

Will it really be effective?” so they speed up.

No matter how good the driving technology is, it is not competitive in such a competitive field.

The muscles of the whole body are still in a state of almost zero activation, which will be more difficult.

Then we can listen to happy music to relax ourselves, or divert our attention, enjoy the scenery along the way, and imagine running in a beautiful scene, seaside and mountains, Fun, or think about other things, the premise is to pay attention to safety! 3) Improper rhythm arrangement.

The capacity of the muscle end is related to the proportion of red muscle in the muscle and the density of microvessels and mitochondria, which affects the oxygen burning efficiency of the engine.

In the past, teachers often criticized “students who run too slowly” in physical education classes, so the fear of running too slowly is deeply rooted in our minds.

After starting jogging, you will make rapid progress at first, but after a period of time, if the maximum oxygen uptake on the table does not increase, it means that your aerobic physical foundation has been basically established.

When we are under pressure, the adrenaline and cortisol secreted by the body will surge.

running shin sleeves

When the pressure lasts for a long time, the adrenal gland will work overload and lead to physical fatigue! Think of more happy things or calm yourself down to reduce stress! Insufficient energy causes fatigue! Many people go on a diet in order to quickly reduce fat or the pace of life forces the reduction of food and uneven nutrition, resulting in insufficient energy supply.

We should “not train to punch in”, but “punch in for training”.

At the beginning of running, “slow” is the key.

Although this can also improve the maximum oxygen uptake in a short time, it makes rapid progress, retreats quickly, and is more prone to injury.

LSD can exercise the body’s ability to burn fat and supplement more oxygen to the brain.

At the beginning, slow will make running fun, and it is the key to falling in love with running.

At this time, you can increase to the intensity of wheezing after running (above intensity zone 3).

It is simple and easy to implement, but sometimes there is a feeling of fatigue.

There are many ways to breathe.

At this time, your body and mind will resist your will to maintain strength.

Just find the most comfortable and smooth way! When you are tired, adjust your pace and breathing rhythm and run with your body inertia! 4) Other physical factors don’t matter if you are tired occasionally.

In order to increase the maximum oxygen uptake of the body, runners must maintain high-intensity training for more than 2 minutes..

Running too much may lead to neurosis, which reduces your reaction ability, balance and muscle elasticity.

When these hormones increase to a certain amount, they can greatly reduce the ability of the spleen to produce leukocytes in immune organs, resulting in a significant reduction in the activities of a cells, B cells and natural killer cells (NK cells) in lymphocytes, in which natural killer cells can be reduced by 35%.

Therefore, the way to improve the maximum oxygen uptake is not to conduct high-intensity interval training that is difficult to breathe, but to start with LSD.

Therefore, some runners only practice high-intensity training when they can’t speak, but don’t strengthen the oxygen uptake capacity at the muscle end (the training purpose of LSD).

before running, so that the human body can move up and enter the state quickly! 2) Single boring causes fatigue.

So you can run farther and healthier.

Long distance runners who have been running for many years must carry out high-intensity interval training before they can continue to improve.

The pace and frequency are consistent with breathing.

At this stage, training will be very hard, because you have to push your body to the limit of oxygen.

Running is a relatively single boring sport.

We strongly hope that beginners will not practice to the intensity of wheezing at the beginning.

Imagine that if the engine (mitochondria) burns up to 1000 liters of oxygen per minute, does it make sense for you to increase the intake from 1000 liters to 2000 liters? Of course not.

You should pay attention to it often.

In other words, if a 65kg runner wants to participate in the 5000 meter race at the Asian Games level, his body will burn at least 4.55 liters (70 pounds) per minute × 65 ml) of oxygen, otherwise it is like driving a family car on the F1 race track.

I have seen many people who have just come into contact with running unconsciously speed up their pace.

How do runners increase their maximum oxygen uptake? We know from the research data of the American National Sports Medical Association that the maximum oxygen uptake of people who rarely carry out endurance training is usually less than 40ml / kg / min, and the maximum oxygen uptake of excellent long-distance runners is mostly higher than 70ml / kg / min.

They must eat breakfast.

Here are some ways to reduce this feeling of fatigue.

See if you often have muscle soreness and sleepiness all day! Lack of sleep or poor quality is also an important reason for fatigue! Lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, especially iron, vitamin D and vitamin B12, which can lead to fatigue, anxiety and neurasthenia! Depression, anxiety, research shows that depression will show unexplained fatigue, do more and think more happy things! If you can’t solve it for a long time, you should consider seeing a doctor! Excessive pressure leads to fatigue.

The oxygen uptake capacity of the cardiopulmonary end is mainly related to the size of the lung, the ability of gas diffusion and exchange, the function of the heart and blood vessels (the size of blood pump and transport volume), and the oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells, which will affect the intake efficiency of the engine.

Some friends who have just started running worry that “they won’t breathe when jogging.

Constant physical repetition will make runners pay too much attention to their physical fatigue and enlarge it.

Running is a very popular sport.

When the aerobic capacity at the muscle end is stable, it is time to start exercising cardiopulmonary capacity.

Correct jogging almost generates energy through aerobic metabolism, which is very helpful to improve the oxygen consumption capacity of muscle end.

Beginners should start with low-intensity training.

This is because people will produce more hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol during strenuous exercise.

Especially for people who have just started running, as long as they jog steadily for a period of time, although they can’t exercise their cardiopulmonary ability, the oxygen uptake capacity at the muscle end will increase, so the maximum oxygen uptake will also increase.

Excessive exercise can damage the immune function and affect health.

By KingWay