Do you become extremely self disciplined as soon as you arrive at the holiday? It is said to sleep well until 3 p.m., never get up before 3 p.m., and tirelessly explore the same problem every day ▽ after all, the adult world is not easy, only getting fat is easy, but different holidays can’t escape the same fate, so you will set up a flag at the end of each holiday – keep running 5K every day!!! However, every time I’m ready to go out, I always tell myself: forget it.

After winning the vouchers, it only cost 40 yuan to collect six swimming tickets.

For those injured by running like Yuyu, the outpatient department of rehabilitation medicine of Peking University Shenzhen hospital will receive 2-3 patients almost every day.

Many people ask: why do many great gods run 100 kilometers every month and hurt their knees when I run 10 kilometers? In fact, incorrect running style and habits are the culprit of knee injury.

on September 21 (the last three hours, rush!) the lottery time is 12:00 p.m.

Moreover, running will promote the blood flow and cell regeneration of the knee.

Later, it hurt as soon as she walked, so she hurried to the hospital.

Just heard? No hurry! There’s still a chance! The special benefits of the Mid Autumn Festival are coming again! In 2021 Nanshan District sports consumption season, send tens of millions of gift bags and 35000 general sports consumption vouchers of 288 yuan for free! ▽ scan or long press the QR code below to enter the “Nanshan culture and sports communication” applet, and register directly, that is, the registration is successful; The registration deadline is 11:00 a.m.

Maybe you can take off a single by the way – end – “diffusion when useful” Popular Science Source: Shenzhen Hospital of Peking University information source: innovation Nanshan likes to reward Shen Xiaowei“ 👍” And “watching” ~..

Someone really lost a bone because of running.

After winning the coupons, I collected three T-shirts with an original price of more than 170 for only 13 yuan.

Yuyu (a pseudonym), a 14-year-old girl, insisted on running every night for the physical examination of the middle school entrance examination.

These three running habits hurt both the body and the knee ✎ misunderstanding 1: do not warm up before running, do not stretch after running, do not warm up before running, lack of blood oxygen supply to the muscles, poor muscle toughness, and ligaments, muscles and joints are vulnerable to damage.

In Shenzhen Hospital of Peking University, Yuyu was checked out: a piece of cartilage fell off the knee joint!!! What is cartilage? Have you eaten spare ribs? The white, crisp and chewy parts of the big bones are cartilage.

Of course, whether you go running or how long you can keep running, you want to lose weight   Moving first is the first step to success, however   I understand everything   I just don’t want to move.

Before using the coupons, please carefully check the coupons strategy in the applet.

What’s the situation? What’s a good thing? You’re right   There are “gold lord father” sending tens of millions of benefits again! ▽ 35000 sports coupons worth 288 yuan, which can be collected by all Shenzhen people   Free! Recently this month, Nanshan people are not looking forward to weekends every week! It’s Wednesday! Because in the past month, Nanshan District People’s government has spent a lot of money to distribute several rounds of “sports consumption vouchers” benefits to the people of Shenzhen.

Successful applicants can participate in the lucky draw.

I see the superiority of the lucky geese who won tens of millions of welfare in the previous wave.

After winning the coupons, I went to “shopping” The original price of more than 200 sporting goods was paid with vouchers, which actually cost less than 20 yuan.

Data and truth! Researchers from Baylor University School of medicine in the United States once scanned the knees of 2683 subjects through X-rays and found that the probability of knee arthritis is 22.8% for people who often run and 29.8% for people who don’t run.

It sounds terrible, but – does running really hurt your knee? Yes, the knee does bear more pressure when running, which will produce seven times the weight, while walking produces three times the weight.

She didn’t care much at first.

You can trot or walk quickly to avoid the impact and injury of lower limb joints caused by “sudden braking”.

I just spent 1 cent to collect the racket home.

After all, many people are ▽ not only without company, but also without money and motivation? Come on! 288 per person   Free health! Draw is earn! I’ll collect it for you! If you don’t like running, you can also unlock other ways to become beautiful and thin.

At ordinary times, it’s best to run on flat ground, and it’s better to run plastic track if conditions permit.

The pressure generated during running will promote the development of cartilage, muscle, tendon and ligament, which can protect the knee rather than damage the knee.

Stretch the left / right side of the abdomen, keep your feet shoulder width wide, hold the wall with one hand, lift your left hand up and stick it near your ears, push your hips outward, and don’t rotate your pelvis.

Is it lazy to let go? no, it isn’t   Listen to what you use most   Excuse and reason – running will hurt your knee.

For a while, I can’t refute it.

Remember that stretching after running can effectively relax muscles, increase blood microcirculation and reduce muscle pain after exercise.

Stretch the waist, stand naturally, bend over and hold your hands behind your knees, bow your back hard, bow up to the maximum range, and keep your hands locked.

✎ Myth 2: incorrect running posture.

For ordinary runners, it is more recommended to land first with “heel combined with the middle of the foot”.

If the consumption voucher is used in the designated shopping malls and stadiums (decathlon, Tianhong, IKEA, coastal city, Vientiane world, Nanshan Sports Center, China Resources Shenzhen Bay Sports Center, etc.), 288 yuan can be directly deducted when the consumption exceeds 288 yuan.

✎ myth 3: in order to strengthen exercise, many people specially run on mountain roads in order to increase their activity, which is easy to hurt their knees.

The correct running posture should be – head and eyes looking straight ahead; Relax and lower your shoulders, don’t swing your shoulders, don’t shrug your shoulders; The arms and elbows are bent at 90 °, with the shoulders as the axis and swing like a pendulum; Keep your chest and abdomen straight, straighten your back, lean forward slightly, keep your waist and hips stable, and don’t twist left and right; When running with your feet, do you land on the back foot first or on the front foot first? Discuss the situation – when jogging: land on the back of the foot, roll the foot forward quickly, and then pedal on the ground with the front foot.

If not treated in time, the cartilage will fall off more and more, and even the whole piece will fall off, and osteoarthritis will appear.

Warm up for at least 15 minutes before the official start of the run (small-scale trot, sideways movement, kick, etc.).

Stretch tips after running ▽ stretch your toes at the back of your left / right legs in a natural posture, keep your abdomen close to your thighs, and keep your upper body upright.

Stretch the front of the left / right leg, keep the heel close to the hip, close the abdomen, and slightly top the hip forward.

compression sleeve shin splints

The left / right lower leg stretches the heel of the left leg to step on the ground, the tips of the two feet face forward, the hips sink, and the force of pushing the wall with the arm reacts to the force of the heel to step on the ground.

Applicants for preliminary activities (including those who have won the prize) do not need to register again and will automatically enter this round of lucky draw; 3.

Precautions 1.

Focus: This is the wool that people in Shenzhen can collect (mobile phone positioning needs to be in Shenzhen); 2.

I’m really sour.

After winning the coupons, I went to ride a horse.

Every Wednesday is a weekly lottery day.

Stop it   A quick hand has a slow hand! I have the last 4 hours to sign up.

on September 21.

Don’t stop immediately after running.

After running for five months, the little girl’s knee began to hurt.

However, because the stride of running is larger than walking and the contact time between feet and the ground is shorter, the actual pressure on knees during running and walking is actually the same at the same distance.

Race running: landing on the front foot first is more conducive to improve speed, but it must be on the premise of strong lower limb muscle strength.

Give me duck! After winning the prize, remember to come to the comment area to “return your wish” and pick up the winning teammates of your peers to make an appointment for fitness.

By KingWay