Its benefits to the body are never partial, but whole-body.

20 years later, they were called back for testing.

If you increase mitochondria by running, then the young body will affect all aspects, such as reducing heart disease, reducing bone loss and reducing the risk of diabetes.” All in all, you’re right to run.

A University of Iowa study published in the journal progress of cardiovascular disease in the United States found that running for 1 hour can prolong life by 7 hours.

From running and hunting in ancient times to running and fitness now, human beings have never stopped.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the development of medical technology.

In fact, running can prolong life is only one aspect.

Because running will make your body healthier and more energetic.

Running is a sport with strong social attributes.

Although the body won’t know whether you make your heart beat more than 150 by running or riding, running is a more effective way to exercise.

Heart is the beginning of all health.

Intermittent or variable speed running can help you maintain maximum oxygen uptake and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

While keeping your heart healthy, running can also delay arteriosclerosis, so as to reduce the incidence of heart related diseases.

The American Medical Research Institute found that runners have a younger “brain”.

People of any age start running.

In addition to running, healthy living habits may also be one of the reasons why people who often run live longer.

Running n marathons a year will not make you immortal.

Even so, running is the best way to prolong your life.

Imagine, even if you can live to be 100 years old, but spend the rest of your life in a hospital bed or wheelchair, what’s the point? 01 people are born to run.

As you get older, your maximum oxygen uptake will decrease, which means that you are much more likely to develop some chronic diseases.

05 running is more effective.

The movement that has been in place is stepping, and the movement that is moving forward is running.

   According to the researchers’ estimation, if you spend 2 hours running every week, an ordinary runner takes less than six months in 40 years, but his life span may be extended by 3.2 years, with a net increase of about 2.8 years.

However, for many keen runners, the time of running per week may be far more than two and a half hours.

Social networking: This is a nice benefit.

They gradually increased their pace from 22 minutes / km to 7 minutes / km until they reached 85% of the maximum heart rate or couldn’t run.

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So this evolution survived.

You can meet many like-minded friends or even close friends for life through running.

Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max): of course, this is not just a measure of a person’s competitive level.

Thousands of years ago, the incidence of human Alzheimer’s disease and cardiovascular disease was very high, which was determined by genes, but at the same time, human life expectancy was much higher than that of other mammals.

Heart: running makes blood vessels more flexible, reducing static heart rate and various diseases, such as kidney disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases and so on.

No matter whether they had exercise, drink or not, and how old they were, as long as they started running for 1-2 hours a week, their risk of cardiovascular disease would be reduced by 45% – 70%, and the risk of cancer would be reduced by 30% – 50%.

Running can also promote the health of muscles and nerves and improve the disease resistance of the body.

It can make our life more quality.

What’s more surprising is that running can improve your neural coordination.

Immune system: the most obvious thing is that running will reduce the number of colds.

During the four years from 1979 to 1983, researchers organized 1500 people to take part in a test.

Heart disease is the world’s first killer.

It comes suddenly and dangerous.

Brain: running can make you more focused, and the gray matter area of your brain becomes larger, that is, you have better memory, more flexible thinking and smarter.

Over time, it will lead to various heart diseases.

Friends, is this easy to do? 07 the internal reason why running prolongs life: with age, cells will become more and more inactive, so the body will gradually age.

Isn’t that prolonging people’s life? 03 God! Running can also transform your body.

Running is born.

Scientists believe that human beings can greatly reduce the possibility of disease by running for food.

Why can running improve neural coordination and cognitive ability? Scientists explained that when ancient people hunted, they also needed to make various judgments and thoughts while running fast, such as where to run and when to accelerate.

After a period of exercise, you will find that the leg muscles will become very strong and fit.

04 what’s special about running? Many people are confused: I can also improve my maximum oxygen uptake and strengthen my heart by riding or swimming.

Those who ran 20 kilometers a week were 8 years younger physically and younger in muscle and bone than sedentary people of the same age.

Why? The researchers tracked 55000 men and women aged 18-60.

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The researchers found that runners lived longer than those who did other sports.

Of course, the income will not increase indefinitely.

Even if you run very slowly, even if you occasionally smoke and drink, the average life expectancy of runners is longer than that of non runners.

Running can make cells more energetic, which means that the body is younger.

What’s special about running? This is because running is also good for the brain.

It was found that those who often insisted on running had slower brain atrophy and faster thinking.

This is the best example of how running can enhance your resistance.

06 how much to run to keep healthy running is recognized as a very healthy exercise, but how much to run to keep healthy? In fact, running two and a half hours a week can significantly improve your health.

“The most interesting thing about running is that it can repair mitochondria and make cells work as they did when they were young,” said a researcher at the University of Colorado, “Running will make your muscles younger.

Generally speaking, ball games or playing musical instruments can improve your neural coordination.

Muscles: when you start running, your muscles and bones become strong.

With age, the arteries will gradually harden and affect blood flow.

By KingWay