Supine support and extend on the opposite side (alternating left and right legs) 4.

Alternate Yuanbao roll belly.

During running: the upper limbs maintain balance and power by swinging their arms, and the lower limbs contract alternately through muscles to support and transmit strength.

The trunk keeps stable and provides strong support for the upper and lower limbs.

In actual training, 3-4 movements can be selected for training each time.

This movement can produce a rotation angle of the pelvis, move the center of gravity of the human body forward and increase the swing range of the swinging leg, so as to increase the stride of walking and running and improve the walking Running has an obvious effect on Sports efficiency and performance.

But after a long time, I found that my body was getting better and better.

Bend over and support the knee alternately.

Therefore, only when the hip joint is strong, the trunk can better drive the legs and improve the ability of swinging the legs.

alternating flexion and extension of hips on both sides: running, high leg lifting running, step jumping and other actions) to mobilize the hip joint, so as to run faster, easier and less injury.

The pelvis carries out the joint movement of standing on the same side, rotating on the same side and tilting back around the hip joint of the supporting leg.

Focus on “happy running” in blue    👉 Video number with the same name    What kind of state will make you run less and less tired? Experienced runners all know that running should tighten the core, speed up the pace, and lean forward slightly…

What’s the reason? You should know that running is a sport that lies in the lower limbs and works on the whole body.


Supine with one leg and hip.


Bend over to support hip abduction and external rotation.


Lie on your back and lift your legs alternately.

Running didn’t make any progress, but it became more and more rigid.


In the process of running, the hip joint connecting the trunk and lower limbs plays an important role.

Side lunge.

Hold the wall high and lift the legs.

Only on this basis, we need to combine the force mode of running (i.e.

How to learn to run with your hips? “Hip running” means that “the hip is the axis and the core exerts force to drive the legs” to form the behavior of walking and running.

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So in order to run faster, they are cruel to themselves.

When running, the trunk is stable, and the leg swing of lower limbs should be centered on the hip joint in order to complete the running action.


Simple waist and abdomen training (flat support, belly rolling), thigh (squat) and calf (vertical jump, heel lifting) training, because both legs extend and bend the hip at the same time, they have significant effects on improving physical quality and reducing injuries, which is far from the hip movement mode of running (one leg extends the hip and the other leg bends the hip at the same time).

Here are 8 hip training actions for the hip force mode in running.

Recommended reading: what level should a 5K, 10K and half horse reach before the whole horse can break the three 10 basic movements to improve your running ability? Experts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences tear off the mask of the whole horse: running a marathon is just not going to live with yourself? Bai Yansong: running 5-10km each time and 3-5 times a week is the best life   -.

If you want to activate the force mode of the hip joint, it can be formed only by alternating flexion and extension of the hips on both sides (running, high leg lifting running, step jumping, etc.).



By KingWay