Although it is not an enemy, it is at least a threat.

But if we survive the desperate three minutes and win the final victory, we will share the joy of pride, happiness and success.

When they were moved by my speech, I was also moved because they were moved by me.

During that time, the most harsh command I heard was, “please look into my eyes and speak”.

Even for a period of time, I couldn’t tolerate my inner world and just wanted to hide it deeply.

I think the scars that have already healed may also be uncovered again in eye contact to make myself feel pain.

Therefore, I learned to “protect” myself – wearing a “Mask” and talking to myself every day to prevent others from entering my inner world and approaching the real me, at least what I think of as “me”.

If someone looks into my eyes, he will know that I am an unconcerned and unfriendly person.


Casual eye contact is like a light that can penetrate each other’s hearts.

Running has brought me great changes and made me re-examine my inner world: I can freely accept the ups and downs in life and accept the internal and external differences, including the changeable me and the real me.

I have no choice.

I have to be patient to learn how to enjoy life, work hard and stop judging other things.

Eliot, a British poet, said: “poetry is to organize the best language in the most appropriate way.

I asked myself to do more and better, and this change benefited me a lot.

In the past, I was distressed by my unwillingness to make eye contact with others.

I’m still a hidden runner.

Some situations are difficult to express even in poetic language.

At this time, we are connected with each other.

If I do, I will inevitably expose myself.

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I’m like a hick standing in the spotlight – embarrassed, constantly making mistakes, looking like a clown.

Of course, I no longer need to avoid anyone’s eyes.

All my features will show up in my eyes.

It is just to express what we observe through our eyes in the form of words.” listen to Eliot read his Wasteland: “April is the most unbearable month” plastic run provides you with Garmin running Watch (link) Professional use guidance and JD recommendation..

Maybe it contains some tension and fear, but we often pretend to be relaxed to confuse our opponents.

I only want to communicate with people who are similar to me, such as runners with the same ideas and feelings.

Human beings live in a society that needs to choose.

My eyes no longer flicker, no longer empty, no longer wander around, no longer fall on each other’s right ear or left shoulder because of dodging.

When I give a speech to the runners, we communicate directly with each other with eyes, thoughts and hearts.

The motto of a famous detective in New York is: “never let your opponent look directly into your eyes”.

When we play, we hide our emotions – not so straight.

If your opponent looks you in the eye, you may know your identity, and all your disguises will be exposed.

I have dared to show myself in front of others, am willing to make efforts, and desire to be rewarded.

If I look into each other’s eyes when talking to others, the secret buried in my heart for many years may be exposed in a few seconds of eye contact.

Everyone has to make a choice, and I always play an unwelcome outsider in the process of others choosing the object of conversation.

By KingWay