In addition, due to the short duration of lactate threshold training, it can provide stronger stimulation without corresponding high impact on the musculoskeletal system.

For many years, lactic acid (chemically different from lactate, but usually used as a synonym) has been considered the culprit when discussing the chemical by-products that limit exercise performance and are produced by strenuous exercise.

The number of repetitions is relatively small (4 ~ 6 times) and the weight is relatively large (to the extent of exhaustion).

They will run 40 ~ 60 meters fast on the first day and run or rest easily on the second day.

Therefore, strength training twice a week is enough.

In the lactate threshold training stage, most non elite runners should run no more than once every other week, and the intensity of these runs should be heavy.

Due to the high training intensity, muscle fibers must have a period of rest to repair themselves to adapt to the increasing amount of exercise.

Instead, we use the term “lactate threshold” to describe how running style (due to muscle contraction inherent in fast-paced training) increases blood lactate concentration, which prevents runners from running faster or longer at the same speed.

However, lactate will not cause fatigue, but will delay the decrease of blood glucose concentration, which will eventually improve running performance.

As a result, the efficiency of cardiothoracic system development can be accelerated through comfortable and laborious 15 ~ 35 minute running (depending on the runner’s target race date) and hard time (how to complete the training plan near the race date).

For example, if a runner’s arm strength is insufficient, the focus should be on arm training.

Strength training at this training stage is highly personalized.

Although the pressure of threshold training on the runner’s body is lower than the maximum oxygen uptake, any form of threshold running (rhythm running, cruise interval running, repeat running) requires a longer recovery period than conventional aerobic running or recovery running.

Lactate released from muscle is converted into glucose in the liver as an energy source.

The introduction of threshold training (and specific climbing training) in training progress is usually the only difference from the entry stage.

Training should focus on functional training to deal with athletes’ own weaknesses, which is directly related to improving running speed.

Daniels’ running formula is a good reference for rhythmic training.

Finally, these exercises can achieve the goal of lactate running (the measured value of blood lactate collected during running is 4 mmol / L), and an easy aerobic running will hardly produce lactate.

Both exercises involve hamstring and gluteus maximus complex, so they will solve most of the anatomical problems involved in gait.

Threshold training can also help improve running performance because it provides greater stimulation to the cardiothoracic system than basic aerobic training or restorative running.

Or generally speaking, before exhaustion, a person can comfortably run 8 ~ 11km through hard work, with a pace close to the race speed of 10km.

In the third edition of the book, Jack Daniels suggested that the degree of effort in pace and duration should be based on the runner’s physical level and running distance.

Therefore, they will run an easy run and a set of stride runs before this.

Lactate (not lactic acid) is a fuel used by muscles during long-term exercise.

Please note that easy running is still the main content of this stage of training.

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Rhythm running is often interchanged with lactate threshold running, cruise interval running, repeat running and steady-state running (slower than rhythm running), but the speed and duration are slightly different.

Lactate threshold (LT) is the main topic of many sports physiologists, running coaches and runners.

We will not attempt to make any conclusion on the lactate threshold theory here.

If a runner is doing a 5K workout, it is also important to train the functional strength of the hamstrings.

In order to achieve this goal, Romanian dumbbell hard pull and bending are two powerful exercises.

By KingWay