She took my hand and said, “I’m Chunyang!” I couldn’t match her in my memory anyway.

Finally, I found that I was such a person! After running, the body produces dopamine, which is a magical substance secreted only when you are in love.

According to the evaluation of another colleague, she was 1.5 times that of me.

She shouted excitedly “Sister Li, Sister Li!” in the crowded mall.

Every pore has a relaxed feeling.

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Every morning, you have a few seconds to ask yourself, “am I running today?”, but don’t worry about the problem itself.

I didn’t know where to get the point of this sport.

During running, people are also very focused, their thinking is very active, and all cells seem to be singing happily.

After running, people’s mental state becomes very good, and their body becomes lighter and lighter.

Running is a very happy thing.

They were shared by runners.

With the understanding of yourself, you can find your own rhythm and the most comfortable pace and breathing in your movement.

It makes your heart happy, like the happy feeling of slightly drunk after drinking.

Running is a personal thing.

The point is that I didn’t recognize her at all.

How did I start running? When I went shopping four years ago, I ran into a former colleague I hadn’t seen for a long time.

Thinking about being thin was my only passion for running at that time.

Running is a simple sport.

Many runners gave me a little advice.

If she doesn’t answer my question, I can’t have a good chat with her.

You will recognize a person you are completely unfamiliar with in the process of running, The other self you don’t know, you listen to her breathing, feel her rhythm, communicate with her and confide in her.

She said she lost weight by running.

The consistency of tacit understanding is quite good.

At the beginning of running, it was painful, because I couldn’t run, panting, bulky like a cow, sweating and tired.

Because I met her four years ago, I started running with a utilitarian heart.

I only care about how she lost weight.

What you can do is: put on your running clothes, put on your running shoes and go downstairs.

She ran to me.

The whole running process is a process of self communication, including breathing, coordination of body and limbs, subtle feelings during exercise, and a process of self discovery, self-examination, self-regulation and self-awareness.

When I saw the people running by on the playground, I thought, “they are so stupid.

I can do it with or without skills, but “running” is naturally easy and can avoid sports injury.

I didn’t specifically learn those skills.

I’m still trying to remember who she is.

I suddenly found the fun of running.

But the day I met her, I was 1.5 times her.

I can’t remember how long I ran.

What’s the picture?” I ran in order to get thinner and insisted tenaciously in order to get thinner.

They are so tired.

A woman’s vanity and curiosity occupied my heart for a moment, interrupting her and me from telling her stories during our separation.

Even I’m curious.

When we worked together, she was very fat.

The best of yourself, on the road…

By KingWay