It’s basically 24 and a half years since my mobile phone followed me The number of active power-on and power-off in an hour shall not exceed five times..

As for making up the lower coke, let alone how to make up, let alone reduce the consumption.

How long is it? One hour…

At ordinary times, the most uncomfortable thing is that the waist will be sore and uncomfortable if you sit for a long time, stand for a long time, and walk for a long time.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, combined with other symptoms of the body, it is the lack of energy in the lower coke.

It’s not easy for people to charge with mobile phones.

For example, go to bed early and stop using electronic devices after 21 o’clock.

After running 3km for the first time, I began to realize that running is also a technical job.

running beanie

How can I run farther, faster and longer, how can I not be hurt, and how can I get the best exercise effect? Specifically, how to place the position of running posture and force? The slower I run, the more sour my legs are, and the faster I run, the easier my legs are.

But soon my heart rate soars to more than 140, I will feel dyspnea and lose my body during running Will the lower leg force, the thigh force, the waist crotch force to observe the difference from inhalation to chest inhalation into the abdomen.

From the perspective of exercise, it is the lack of core strength, so it is necessary to increase the exercise of core strength.

By KingWay