How does running make people younger? Some friends questioned this problem.

Running for 3 ~ 5K can’t exceed 10K.


Enhance the vitality of skin cells.

Excluding free radicals is very harmful to the skin.

If you don’t have enough nutrition, it is difficult to repair your body, which will lead to worse and worse physique and worse mental state.

They did lose weight slowly through long-term running and had a slim figure.

Each person should exercise for at least 150 minutes a week, moderate intensity aerobic exercise for about 75 minutes, or fully combine aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise in order to achieve better running effect.

No matter how long and fast you run, running will reduce a person’s risk of early death by 40%.

After running for a period of time, you will find that your physical fitness has increased.

If you insist on running for 1 hour every day, is it to delay aging or accelerate aging? Perspiration and detoxification perspiration is a good detoxification method.

Some people don’t pay attention to sunscreen when they go out for running.

For example, a person weighing 60 kilograms usually needs to supplement at least 90 grams of protein a day.

They ran for the purpose of losing weight.


However, it is recommended that you get up in the morning and drink some water first.

Proper exercise itself is an antioxidant, but too high intensity may not only be harmful to health, but also cause harmful aspects.

Keeping running brings many benefits to people.

On average, sitting people are 8 years younger physically, and their muscles and bones are younger.

You don’t have to eat in the morning.

It is recommended that you run mainly to delay aging.

Running will consume physical strength.

If we want to make the skin healthier and ruddy, it is very important to discharge metabolic waste from the body.

The key is that you don’t control the degree of exercise.

Forced high-intensity exercise may lead to inflammatory reaction in cells and damage muscles and other tissues.

Those who run 20 kilometers a week are longer than their peers.

The mood is more comfortable.

Sweating can remove the toxins blocking pores and achieve the effect of beauty and beauty.

It is suggested that we must control the amount of running.

Perspiration can accelerate the body fluid circulation and metabolic process, smoothly discharge the accumulated lactic acid, urea, lead, copper and other toxins harmful to the human body, ensure the smoothness of nose, skin, lung, large intestine and other systems, help to control blood pressure, promote digestion and improve osteoporosis, Smooth excretion of harmful substances in the body to maintain strong body.

Running for 1 hour can prolong your life by 7 hours.

Naturally, it will lead to loose and dry skin, resulting in a large number of wrinkles.

If you feel hungry, you can eat something to cushion your stomach, For example, half a banana or a piece of bread should not be eaten too much, otherwise it will cause abdominal pain.

Those who insist on running have slower brain atrophy and faster thinking.

Morning running can also help people develop a regular work and rest.

There is no problem with running on an empty stomach.

Running can reduce free radicals, avoid the damage of free radicals to our skin, and make our skin more and more elastic.

Running can not only strengthen your body, but also improve your cardiopulmonary function, improve your figure, and make people look young and energetic.


What you can see for the prevention and treatment of many diseases is even more than drugs.

It looks young and energetic.

Running and sweating can stimulate the production of endorphins in the brain and relax the mood, Control mood fluctuations, and I wish you a more and more comfortable mood and a better skin state.

On the premise of ensuring adequate nutrition, strengthening physical exercise can make people healthier.

If sunscreen is not in place, it will naturally lead to skin damage and a large loss of skin elasticity and collagen.

Now people are under great pressure, but being under high pressure for a long time will lead to dull skin color, no luster, and a large number of wrinkles.

In fact, the root cause of aging is not running, but the problem of running training methods.

If you spend two hours running every week for 40 years, you spend less than 6 months running, but your life span can be extended by more than three years.

Morning running is really good, especially for mobilizing the mental state of the day, avoiding drowsiness, and putting more energy into work and study.

Many scientists use long-term follow-up research to show that the benefits of running are far more than your eyes.

Sticking to running can indeed bring many benefits, but we must choose the correct running method, don’t blindly follow the trend, choose suitable sports and persevere, so as to achieve better health preservation effect…

Aerobic exercise makes the skin healthier and more elastic, improves the vitality of skin cells, improves the regeneration and repair ability of cells, and makes the skin more compact, delicate and shiny.


Especially now, with increasing life pressure, busy work, often staying up late and working overtime, excessive mental pressure is more likely to lead to poor mood.

However, they found that the skin was more and more relaxed, the muscles were reduced, and the wrinkles on their faces were significantly increased, which made them look a lot older.

If you run correctly, you won’t get old, but you will get younger and younger.

If you insist on running for 1 hour every day, you can prolong your life by 7 hours.

compression socks running

If you want to run in the morning for a longer time, you should eat breakfast.

Knowledge extension: do you eat in the morning? We often say that running in the morning is about before 7:00.

By KingWay