Short distance and fast running requires more explosive running movements – push the body forward with each landing step, and the gastrocnemius, quadriceps, hamstring and gluteus muscles must be strong enough to complete the violent movements in short distance.

Join us and start running now! Payattentiontorunning,checkineveryday,learnaboutrunningknowledge,andexchangeideaswithmanygodswholoverunning.Runningmakesushealthier,runningmakesusyounger,runningmakesusmoreself-disciplined,joinusnowandstartthejourneyofrunning!                Running posture every year, there are a lot of articles about the best way to run.

Running makes us healthier, running makes us younger, and running makes us more self-discipline.

Many people tell us that their unique running posture is the best, It is also the only feasible posture.

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On the contrary, long-distance running pays more attention to the efficiency of movement and avoiding fatigue, muscle strain and strain.

With this in mind, to find the best running posture for everyone, we need to consider the following..

The distance and speed of running also affect the movement of running.

The most frequently discussed postures include barefoot running, heel landing, foot landing and front foot landing.

Pay attention to running, clock in every day, learn relevant knowledge of running, and exchange experience with many great gods who love running.

By KingWay