Alcohol will cause unclear speech, blurred vision, loss of balance and coordination ability.

After drinking, the human body will have a rapid heartbeat.

Acetaldehyde accumulation in the body can lead to vasodilation, which seems to be blushing, and this is the root cause of drinking and blushing.

Therefore, people who drink on their face should limit drinking rather than support it, or whimsically want to “exercise their drinking capacity” a few times.

Therefore, the World Health Organization lists alcoholic beverages and acetaldehyde as the most well-documented class I carcinogen at the same time.

It leads to the illusion of getting drunk because it, its intermediate metabolite acetaldehyde, is a clear carcinogen.

As we all know, ethanol is alcohol, which is the source of drinking pleasure.

According to the information, a bottle of 550 ml beer has about 176 kcal of energy.

Running itself will sweat a lot.

Under the influence of alcohol, the brain’s balance and coordination ability decreases.

Therefore, if you want to achieve good running results, you’d better quit smoking.

Alcohol will reduce the secretion of antidiuretic hormone and reduce the reabsorption of water, so it will make people go to the toilet frequently, which will also cause dehydration.


Don’t run after drinking.

Don’t smoke before and after running.

Most of the food they drink is fried or high in animal fat..

Some people will ask: can running exercise on cardiopulmonary function offset the harm of smoking to cardiopulmonary function? Of course not! Finnish scientists have done research on this, and the results are published in the International Journal of cancer.

Incidence rate is a ready-made panacea.

So be sure to wait until you wake up and your body recovers before running.

Never run after drinking.

Alcohol is toxic.

Alcohol accelerates the heart rate, blood circulation and sympathetic excitement.

If it is drunk exercise, it will only aggravate the dehydration of the body.

Acetaldehyde, which is difficult for Chinese people to decompose, is a clear carcinogen.

It seems that it is not much, but generally if you drink it, it is also a lot of heat.


Some people drink a few drinks before running.

This is not only easy to sudden death, but also easy to increase the risk of cancer in the long run, but also bring these injuries: 1.

They think that wine can activate muscles and bones in order to make sports performance better.

Excitement after drinking can easily lead to dizziness, fatigue, fainting and other dangerous situations.

After alcohol intake, the body will oxidize and burn it first until the alcohol in the body is completely removed.

Due to the reduction of oxygen intake, all organs of the body can not get enough oxygen during exercise, and the result will naturally affect the improvement of sports performance.

This is because most Chinese people carry a mutant acetaldehyde dehydrogenase gene, which will lead to the inability of the human body to effectively degrade acetaldehyde.


Others only need a heart rate of 160 to run 5 speed, while smokers may need a heart rate of 170, which affects the improvement of performance.

During this time, alcohol replaces fat to provide energy.

The results were unexpected: “the research shows that the safest amount of alcohol is – 0 ml”, which is seriously inconsistent with our traditional understanding, but it is scientific evidence that there is no so-called “best amount of alcohol” , no matter how much you drink or how little you drink, it will cause damage to your body.

Although people feel no difference in their daily environment, they will obviously feel powerless when running, because the respiratory muscles need more oxygen to maintain a certain lung ventilation, which will inevitably increase the oxygen consumption of the human body.

The high calories brought by drinking, many people put obesity on the hook with drinking.

Although these people exercise or engage in physical labor in their spare time, more than 1400 people still have lung cancer, that is, smoking will increase the risk of cancer, but running can not reduce the factors of smoking endangering health, so the health hazards of running and smoking can not be offset! For the sake of health and improving your running performance, please make up your mind to quit smoking! drink   The lancet, the international top medical journal of alcohol, once published a heavy paper.

In fact, this is not alarmist.

In addition, it also has the effect of inhibiting myocardial contraction.

Carbon monoxide in the smoke can easily combine with hemoglobin and occupy the position of oxygen, which will greatly reduce the ability of blood to transport oxygen, slow down the oxygen and nutrition supply obtained by the body, and cause panic, shortness of breath, weakness of both legs, etc., thus affecting the performance of endurance.

Regular drinking can damage liver function and increase the risk of hepatitis, alcoholic fatty liver and liver cirrhosis.

Smoking before running will make hemoglobin more inclined to carbon monoxide rather than oxygen in smoke.

The heart rate of smokers is generally higher than that of non-smokers.

They analyzed the data of 27000 elderly smokers aged 50 to 69 in Finland.

In addition, from the perspective of ethnic characteristics, alcohol will do more harm to Chinese people.

Usually, they will consume 1476 calories from alcohol and eat food equivalent to 2829 calories.

Clinically, compared with the non-smoking population, the pulmonary ventilation function of smokers was significantly reduced, and the degree of damage was directly proportional to the smoking index.

They recruited 512715 adults from 10 regions in China and followed up for 10 years.

Alcohol will cause muscle fatigue, relaxation and decreased muscle tension.

Since it endangers health, have runners’ friends been away from them? In fact, smoking, drinking and staying up late not only affect runners’ health, but also may affect your running state   The most serious harm of smoking to the body is cardiopulmonary function, followed by cardio cerebrovascular and respiratory tract.

When you move in this state, you are very prone to danger.

Muscle will produce a lot of lactic acid, causing limb pain and so on.

Cardiopulmonary function is not only a person’s ability to absorb oxygen and convert oxygen into energy, but also one of the important indicators to measure running ability.

At the same time, alcohol slows down metabolism and further reduces the efficiency of body fat burning.


In addition, smoking will block the blood circulation.

Alcohol intake will have a serious impact on memory, attention, judgment, function and emotional response.

These calories are much greater than the consumption of running a marathon.

Because the respiratory resistance of smokers will be 2 ~ 3 times higher than that of normal people.

If you’re still a smoker and can’t quit smoking for the time being, it’s best to avoid this time before and after running.


You can observe carefully that there is no heat label on the beer package.


Running can’t offset the harm of smoking.

At this time, exercise will further improve the heart rate, and the increase of cardiovascular load will lead to the risk of sudden cardiac death.


Most people run for physical health and physical and mental pleasure, but running is not a panacea.

People who drink a lot of alcohol overnight will consume 4305 extra calories than usual.

Compared with non drinkers, drinking one glass of wine a day increased the risk of 23 potential alcohol-related diseases by 0.5%, drinking two cups a day increased the risk by 7%, and drinking five cups a day increased the risk by 37%.

Runners need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep away from bad habits such as smoking, drinking and staying up late, which will greatly increase the incidence of cancer.

If alcohol is burned, the saved energy may be converted into fat for storage.

When smoking after running, the metabolism of the human body is accelerated, and all organs are in a high-level working state.

At this time, if smoking, smoke is ingested into the body, resulting in insufficient oxygen for the body that needs a lot of oxygen after exercise, so it is more vulnerable to substances such as carbon monoxide and nicotine.


It’s very dangerous! In recent years, there have been several cases of sudden death caused by drunk sports in China, which is regrettable.

Of course, different wines have different calories, from small to large:   Beer < yellow rice wine < white wine < red wine < jiangmi wine < Qu wine.

running beanie

By KingWay