For most people, the maximum heart rate will gradually decrease with age, and the maximum heart rate is usually 170 ~ 200 beats / min.

It refers to the number of beats of the heart per minute.

If you think so, you are very wrong! Not only professional athletes can benefit from heart rate monitoring, but also ordinary athletes need to pay attention to heart rate.

In this process, the central rate should be kept between 50% – 60% of the maximum heart rate.


Although fat will continue to be burned, carbohydrates will become the main energy supply at this time.

It can be seen that the monitoring of heart rate can not only effectively monitor and measure the physical condition of athletes in the process of exercise, but also ensure that athletes will not over train or under train, so as to achieve better results in each training.

For ordinary non professional sports lovers, heart rate is just a chicken rib and doesn’t need to care at all.

At the same time, it is also the most commonly used method to measure the maximum heart rate for ordinary athletes.

Whether aerobic exercise or anaerobic exercise, we need an appropriate heart rate to achieve a better effect of winter sports.

Therefore, kinesiologists calculated a more accurate new formula: maximum heart rate = 205.8-0.685 × The influence of age and heart rate interval on the body during running, heart rate reflects the intensity, nature, energy metabolism, oxygen consumption, lactic acid accumulation, fatigue and recovery of the body.

The maximum heart rate measured by this method is the estimated value, which is easy to operate.

Calculate the maximum heart rate according to the formula.

If the purpose of running exercise is to effectively reduce fat or control body fat rate, we will get the ideal exercise effect by controlling the heart rate at 60% – 70% of the maximum heart rate and ensuring stable training time as much as possible.

According to the metabolic circulation and energy consumption in the human body without heart rate range, we can calculate the different exercise effects under different heart rate ranges.

However, many people know little about heart rate, and even many people think that heart rate is only used by professional athletes.

It is the index heart rate of interval running at different distances.

The quiet heart rate of normal people is generally between 60 ~ 100 beats / min.

After the heart rate reaches 140 beats / min, the heart rate increases and the oxygen uptake decreases.

When measuring, you can press your hand on the carotid artery or the radial artery near the wrist to measure the complete pulse within one minute.

The cardiac stroke output of running is large, of which the heart rate of 150 beats / min is the largest, and the exercise effect is the best.

The heart rate is between 120 and 180 beats / min.

The heart rate is more than 180 beats / min.

Maximum heart rate: when the human body carries out exercise load, the oxygen consumption and heart rate also increase with the increase of exercise volume.

So, how should we know the suitable exercise heart rate and use the control of exercise heart rate to achieve the ideal effect? Before that, we need to have a certain understanding of the measurement of heart rate.

It can improve anaerobic metabolism and develop aerobic metabolism, which can effectively improve the function of cardiovascular system and respiratory system.

At the maximum load intensity, when the oxygen consumption and heart rate cannot continue to increase, the highest level of heart rate is the maximum heart rate.

If the heart rate is too high, it will be harmful to health, resulting in nausea, dizziness, chest tightness, etc; Although low heart rate is not harmful to the body, it will affect the effect of exercise.

When entering the glycogen consumption area, the heart rate increases to 70% – 80% of the maximum heart rate.

When the heart rate is lower than 120 beats / min or higher than 180 beats / min, the pulse output will decrease.

Running training in glycogen consumption area is a good aerobic training, which can improve the heart capacity of exercisers, increase pulse output, increase vital capacity, increase the maximum oxygen intake, and effectively exercise cardiopulmonary function..

When the heart rate is less than 120 beats / min, the body’s blood pressure, blood composition, urinary protein and ECG indexes have no significant changes, so the fitness value is small and the exercise effect is not obvious.

In kinematics or professional training, we often hear the word “heart rate”.

The heart rate is between 150 and 180 beats / min.

The best time to measure the quiet heart rate is before getting up in the morning.

It mainly improves the visceral blood volume and contributes to the improvement and development of cardiopulmonary function.

Fat burning area: 60% ~ 70% maximum heart rate   The main energy sources of runners are fat and carbohydrates.

The effect of heart rate interval on exercise effect.

Scientific research has found that it is difficult to achieve the expected exercise effect if the heart rate cannot reach more than 120 times / min in a certain period of time.

The quiet heart rate will decrease with the increase of training time, which also shows the effectiveness of training.

Warm up and relaxation area: 50% ~ 60% of the maximum heart rate   Warm up exercise refers to a short period of low-intensity action before exercise to gradually adapt the body to the upcoming more intense exercise, so as to prevent sports injury.

It is to maximize the development of working capacity under the condition of insufficient oxygen supply, mainly developing the anaerobic metabolism of adenosine triphosphate and creatine phosphate.

This method can provide a fairly accurate maximum heart rate, but it is difficult to operate correctly and is not recommended for untrained individuals.

The oxygen uptake is the largest.

The heart rate is between 120 and 150 beats / min.

In the past, there was a large deviation in the formula of “maximum heart rate = 220 age” often used by athletes.

On the other hand, if you find a sudden rise in quiet heart rate, it may be due to over fatigue or over training.

This is a valid value range for running.

Use the heart rate meter to test the maximum heart rate and predict the individual maximum heart rate.

In this area, the body mainly supplies energy for exercise by burning fat, so the fat burning area is the most important area for people who want to lose weight through exercise.

Through the monitoring of heart rate, athletes can reasonably arrange the training times, frequency and intensity.

The heart rate is between 140 and 160 beats / min.

Exercise heart rate: exercise heart rate is the heart rate maintained by the human body during exercise.

running sling bag

The higher the heart rate, the less oxygen uptake.

Measurement and application of heart rate 1.

The heart rate is between 120 and 140 beats / min.

Quiet heart rate: quiet heart rate refers to the normal heart rate of the human body without physical exercise, that is, daily normal heart rate.

Relaxation exercise after fitness can gradually relax tense muscles, gradually slow down the heart rate of exercise, gradually reduce the elevated blood pressure, and gradually calm the excited mood.

Keeping the best exercise heart rate is very important for exercise effect and exercise safety.

In fact, this is the most common heart rate region for most low-intensity exercisers.

Heart rate is a technical term used to describe the cardiac cycle.

Too low will make the body take longer to heat up, and too high will cause too much intensity.

The methods of measuring the maximum heart rate mainly include the following: measuring the maximum heart rate in the stress test in the laboratory; Exercise with maximum strength (the most frequent exercise) and record the maximum heart rate.

In recent years, the frequent phenomenon of sudden stop and sudden death of athletes in the center of high-intensity exercise is also caused by excessive heart rate.

Glycogen consumption area: 70% ~ 80% maximum heart rate   With the increase of running intensity, the energy supplied by carbohydrates increases accordingly.

It is an ideal speed run with medium exercise intensity and the most significant effect on improving cardiopulmonary function.

The heart rate is between 170 beats / min and 180 beats / min.


At other times, it needs to sit for 5 minutes, otherwise the measurement results will be on the high side.

By KingWay