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You can drink honey water and eat a small amount of bread or raisins to supplement glycogen before exercise.

Recommendation: at 6:00 a.m.

If you eat first and then run, you will find that you are prone to abdominal pain and bifurcation.

First run, then breakfast: it is not recommended to run on an empty stomach, drink some water, eat some bananas and then go out for a run.

Of course, the degree of freedom depends on how early you can get up.

Simply eat first, then go running, and don’t eat dinner: from lunch to evening, the interval is also relatively long, easy to have low blood sugar and no strength.

Don’t get up early: for most friends who can’t get up at all in the morning, it’s most appropriate to exercise after work in the afternoon, as long as you don’t work overtime.

Good sports atmosphere, suitable for more companionship: another advantage is that you can call your boyfriend / girlfriend and call your good friends to run together, and maybe you can meet new friends; In the evening, there is the most sports atmosphere, and the mood will be more pleasant.

It is a good time for busy office workers to exercise.

Running first, then dinner: similar to running on an empty stomach in the morning, after running, eat eggs, milk, whole grain staple food and vegetables.

Keeping a correct running posture is the key.

Running four times a week is the best amount of exercise.

It is recommended that you eat half of your daily dinner about 1.5-2 hours before exercise in the evening, such as drinking a glass of milk and eating a fruit to supplement your energy.

Running too frequently will seriously damage the health of the knee, especially for those beginning to run, it can only be gradual.

(otherwise it will become running in the morning) recommendation: at 17:00 p.m.

They are always afraid of running out of muscle legs, but as long as they master three methods, they can completely avoid this embarrassment: 1.

Time control: the morning is the most free and controllable time of the day.

If you use this low-intensity running, first, you won’t feel very tired and your body can easily load; Second, it can fully accelerate body metabolism and accelerate fat combustion, which is very conducive to weight loss.

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After running, stretch for 10 minutes.

Warm up half an hour before running and fully stretch their arm and thigh muscles; 2.

How much is it better to control the jogging speed? Determine the jogging speed according to your actual situation.

If you can count calories and eat half of the calories consumed by running, the weight loss effect is better; Eating more food tends to maintain weight and even increase muscle.

If you run after breakfast: it is generally appropriate to run about 1.5-2 hours after breakfast, such as breakfast at 6:00, running at 7:30 or running at 8:00.

If it’s best in winter, soak your feet and massage your lower legs for 15 minutes.

To avoid hypoglycemia: running on an empty stomach will cause hypoglycemia.

(★★★★★★★★★★★) the handsome and beautiful have woke up, while the ugly are still sleeping.

(★★★★☆) in the evening, the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere is the highest, people’s mental state is the best, they feel the most sensitive, their coordination ability is the strongest, their physical exertion and physical adaptability are also the strongest, and at this time, the blood pressure and heart rate are low and stable, which is a suitable time for running.

Eat after running.

During this period, people recover physically after sleep, but there is still a little inhibition, so they should warm up to avoid injuries.

How long does running take to lose weight? It mainly depends on personal physique, but it is recommended to run for more than 40 minutes each time, so as to achieve the effect of fat burning.

Does jogging crus get thicker? I believe this is the concern of many female runners.

Running in the morning is conducive to nerve excitement, promote metabolism, maintain sufficient energy and physical strength, and invest in the work of the day.

Also, I had to eat dinner normally the night before and go to bed early.

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When running, you must straighten your back, tighten your abdomen, lean forward slightly, hold your hands in a half fist shape, and run forward with the strength of your waist, legs and arms; 3.

And note: after exercise, first restore stability, take a bath, and then eat.

The best jogging speed is about 7-10km / HR, that is, the speed at which you can chat while running.

You can’t overeat during running to lose weight.

Only with regular diet can you achieve the effect of weight loss, otherwise you will fall short.

By KingWay