Running professors concentrate on serving runners and provide training, rehabilitation and equipment!   Huawei bracelet at the end of the text   After running for 3 years, we gradually become Buddhist runners.

Today it’s 15km when you’re happy.

If you run all year round and have completed the whole horse distance, or even super horse runners, you can arrange about 30-60 kilometers per week, 6 days a week.

It determines whether your training results are effective or not, and it is also closely related to your health – not enough running can not achieve the effect, and too much running can be harmful to your body+ Coach assistant VX: zhipaowen, join the running communication group (Note: only runners who run for half a year or more) Xiaobian knows that some people may be unable to sit still at this time: I’m not of any type! I’m a Buddhist runner! It’s usually 5km.

If you have been running for some time and are planning your first half horse or full horse, you can run about 25-40 kilometers a week, 4-5 days a week.

running beanie

Interval running is a fast and slow running method, which can take the heart rate as an indicator.

Easy running is the simplest.

  How many days a week?   According to the survey data in the American sports guide, in order to obtain substantial health benefits, adults should take at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of medium-intensity exercise every week, or take 1 hour and 15 minutes of high-intensity exercise every week.

As for the upper limit, please follow the principle that the incremental distance should not exceed 7% of the last time and 10% of the longest distance you have run.

The heart rate during running generally reaches 170-180 beats / min, and after interval, the heart rate reaches 100-125 beats / min.

For those who don’t participate in the competition and run healthily, it’s OK to disperse the above amount of exercise in a week.

The minimum mileage has been set.

Remember, no less than 3 days a week.

Today, I will study with you how to scientifically define my weekly mileage! What does a complete weekly training look like?    First of all, no matter what your goal is, even experts will abide by these common principles when setting the running volume: 1.

Even if there is cross training, it must be arranged on the training day-.

We can run as we want and when we want to run? So as a Buddhist runner, how many runs a week are more comfortable and healthy? First of all, how to determine the amount of running is a very important problem for every runner.

Let’s find the intensity range corresponding to your running speed in the figure below! It should be noted that exercise lasting at least 10 minutes is effective exercise and accumulated, that is, running for less than 10 minutes each time is not really effective exercise.

then carry out training to cycle.

If you just start running and the accumulation of running is still relatively small, you can arrange three days a week.

Tomorrow you’re in a bad mood and don’t practice anything? Buddhist runners don’t mean runners who toss their bodies at will.

Different runners have different weekly runs.

The definition of long-distance running is relatively loose, which varies from person to person according to different training levels.

Arrange at least one day’s rest every week; 2: 40-50% of weekly mileage: Basic Training – easy running; 3: 20-25% running volume per week: special training – interval running, lactic acid threshold running, slope running, etc; 4: 25-35% of weekly mileage: Endurance Training – long distance running; PS: is it a little different from your imagination to arrange at least one day of easy running or rest between special training and endurance training? Yes, it doesn’t need special tall arrangement.

It usually lasts for 1 hour or more than 16km before it can be called long-distance running.

Why do you arrange modules like this? In fact, each one is the experience of predecessors.

Just run at a pace where you can talk normally.

In fact, this can be used as the minimum weekly running standard, but how to distinguish the intensity of running? The unit of met value in kinematics can be used to distinguish this.

Easy running even accounts for 50% of the whole training.

If special training and endurance training are arranged too much, there is a risk of injury; If the basic training is arranged too much, you can’t improve your performance through training.

For old runners who are addicted to running, one day a week must be set aside for rest.

Healthy running, speed up, race preparation…

By KingWay