Therefore, running will not run thick legs, and on the contrary, regular running may be more conducive to burning fat and thin legs# What’s wrong with the thick hind legs? Some friends may also ask: my running time is not short, but it has been more than two or three months, but why do I still feel my legs getting thicker? In fact, in addition to long-term persistence, you also need to master the following running knowledge:   1.

Use the correct running posture   Wrong running posture: use your legs hard and can’t fully mobilize your hips and thighs.


After many runners fall in love with running, their legs have become a part they pay more and more attention to.

They have been running for a long time.

As long as you run scientifically and stick to it for a long time, you can also have beautiful legs! In addition to the well-known impression of supermodel, Ju Xiaowen is also a true runner.

Fast muscle is relatively hypertrophy, fast contraction and strong, but it has poor endurance and weak aerobic capacity.

When we do endurance sports such as jogging, the slow muscle mainly plays a role, which will not make our lower legs stronger.

Especially those female runners who love beauty more are always afraid that their legs will become thicker after running, so they can’t have charming and beautiful legs.

She is not only thin, but also loves sports.

In particular, her two symmetrical and slender straight beautiful legs are even praised as the essence of human legs.

Almost every year, she can be seen on the marathon.

Every drop of sweat shed during running will eventually reflect the dazzling brilliance in her career and even in the broader world of life.

Xiaobian recommends a group of leg stretching movements, each lasting 25 ~ 30 seconds: ▼ action 1, action 2, action 3, action 4, action 5, action 6   Action seven, action eight   3.

Her figure is tall, especially her proud legs.

If they are not stretched, they will shrink into a ball in the long run and begin to develop laterally, which will eventually lead to thick legs.

The above stars are well-known runners in the entertainment industry.

The members of the group are female artists.

It is suitable for explosive sports.

During that time when she couldn’t find the direction, she fell in love with running and collided with running with an unexpected “chemical reaction”.

She not only has long and thin legs, but also runs fast.

With such persistence, they did not make their legs strong because of running, but were still slim and charming, maintaining the vitality of sports.

They give the public the image of being young and energetic, and they do not have thick legs because of long-term running.

It is still difficult for women’s body to practice strong muscles, and their legs will not become thicker obviously because of running.

Although she is over 50, her skin is white and beautiful, and she is well maintained.

● gently touch the ground with your feet, and never pedal the ground with your feet, which will put great pressure on the calf muscles and make the muscles stronger and stronger.

So, stop worrying about the problem that running will make your legs thicker.

Slow muscle is slender, slow contraction and small strength, but it has good endurance and strong oxygen transport ability.

There are only two problems: one is the increase of fat and the other is the enlargement of muscles.

Then why do you misunderstand that running has thick legs? In fact, thick legs are not the fault of running.


They not only pay attention to its use, but also pay attention to its maintenance.

“The world’s first effective running slimming method” once said: as long as male hormones are not injected, women will not practice hard muscles even if they do general muscle strength training.

Speaking of the model of beautiful legs, I have to mention Karen Mok.

The strength of the lower legs is less.

When she ran at school, she also recorded a video to share the method of maintaining leg shape by stretching, and she always insisted on doing it every day.

When she made her debut at the age of 20, she also experienced loneliness and confusion when she went to the New York show alone.

It is entirely caused by not running right and unscientific running# Scientific running will not lead to thick legs.

At present, she has participated in many well-known marathons, with perfect figure and charming legs.

● make sure you don’t run in a completely vertical position, which will press your hips down and put pressure on the top and bottom of the spine.

Unfortunately, she is also a runner.

Enhance core strength   Strengthen the training of core strength, use the core to support the upper body, maintain physical stability, naturally drive the legs, and reduce the burden on the lower limbs.

Their bodies are not only fit, but their leg lines are very symmetrical.

Because of her love for running, she also influenced her friends and formed a “weight watcher women’s running group”.

Not only is she thin and long, the most important thing is that her legs are particularly straight, and the proportion of large and small legs is very symmetrical, which makes her 1.72 meters tall and straight.

Jogging is an aerobic exercise.

They do not simply show up and print pictures for running, but bring running into their daily life.

It can be said that Guan Xiaotong is a true benchmark of beautiful legs.

It can not only consume leg fat, but also consume muscle.

At first, it was not very smooth in the United States.

Their champion legs are not inferior to any female stars at all.

It can also transport waste more effectively.

Running is sliding on the ground rather than jumping with heavy feet.

At the same time, stretching can also achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, long-term jogging will not only make the legs thicker, but also become thinner.

This is a favorite for friends who often run, especially for female runners who care more about their legs.

Singer and actor Xu Jieer is not only a film and television “goddess” in the eyes of the public, but also a well-known “running girl” and “cross-country goddess” in the running circle.

After long-term running, Ju Xiaowen has become more and more popular and even participated in many marathons.

With the gradual practice of running, the excess fat disappears, and the rest is the thin, compact and beautiful legs! I believe that most women who care about the topic of thickening their legs by running are women who love beauty.

Only by running, you can find the real answer.

The long-term jogging will only make the runner slowly become a professional athlete, and the legs will be very thin, which is difficult to thick legs.

It is said that her beautiful legs have an amazing insurance of 30 million yuan! So, can you have both running and legs? Does running make your legs thicker? In fact, the answer is very simple.

You see, Li Zhixuan and Jiao Jingjing, the most popular professional female runners in China, have a great amount of running volume and intensity, but their legs are still slender and charming.

The professional long-distance runners have developed slow muscles, slender muscles, slender figure and streamline.

To explore Guan Xiaotong’s beautiful leg cultivation, in addition to congenital factors, daily training and maintenance are also very important.

If you stick to it for a long time, it will have a good effect of strengthening and shaping.

This is because our human skeletal muscle is divided into slow muscle and fast muscle.

● remember that small strides with fast strides are better than large strides with slow strides.

Keep stretching after running   Stretching is very important for running.

At the same time, after running, the muscles are in a state of contraction.

For some people who have just started running, it is normal for their leg muscles to become congested and swollen in the short term, but this is only the initial stage of running, and as long as they continue, they will recover soon, and then their legs will become more and more slender.

It’s strange that your legs are not thick.

Suggestions for correct running posture: ● keep your upper body straight, lean forward with your hips as the center of gravity, and drive your legs forward with your trunk.

Therefore, under careful training, they can successfully complete marathons and cross-country races together.

Guan Xiaotong, the “national daughter”, has made many excellent works in recent years.

running waist packs

● minimize jumping.

Without stretching muscles, the legs will appear stiff and inelastic, affect the flexibility and flexibility of joints, and greatly increase the hidden danger of injury.

For example, when we sprint for 100 meters, we mainly operate with fast muscles.

In addition, stretching has a positive effect on muscle elasticity and relaxation, which can increase muscle flexibility and reduce the possibility of injury.

By KingWay