The greater the body weight, the greater the pressure on the knee.

But don’t be stingy with the money to buy running shoes, because a pair of high-quality running shoes can accompany you through 650-800 kilometers.

It is suggested to use jogging and fast walking alternately, which can effectively protect knee and ankle and prevent sports injury.

Their height (CM) to weight ratio (kg) is about 2.968 – you can calculate how much you are overweight compared with your “marathon weight”.

Buying a pair of running shoes that fit and run well is one of the most important investments for runners.

Thank you for reading this article.

Running before brainstorming can burst your creativity and make brain cells very active in the next few hours.


For every kilogram of body weight increase, the knee needs to bear an additional three kilograms of pressure when walking and ten kilograms of pressure when running.

That’s why listening to music often makes us run faster and easier.

Not very fast.

90% of marathon runners have thin legs.

National exchange group.

 – .

880% of people can’t stick to running.

How many do you know? 1 the most suitable body for running a marathon is black people with a height of about 170cm and a weight of 55kg.

The famous writer Haruki Murakami looked for writing inspiration when running and wrote a book for running: “what do I talk about when I talk about running”.


  It is difficult for the brain to feel sad while running.

But for new runners, the more important thing is the length of running.

According to relevant studies, LSD can help alleviate depression.

  How can I run around the earth? If you run 20 kilometers every day and keep running for 2004 days (about 5 years and 6 months), you will accumulate 40080 kilometers and successfully “circle” the earth’s equator! 6 note that the track record here is invalid! IAAF of IAAF stipulates that the urban marathon track shall meet the requirement that the drop per kilometer shall be less than 1 meter and the whole process drop shall not be greater than 42 meters.


The heart is the strongest muscle in the human body.

According to statistics, the global annual sales of running shoes exceed 1 billion pairs.

Therefore, the world record created in this track will not be recognized.

If you run 10km according to a normal person, you need to consume about 500 to 1000 calories according to the height, weight and running level of different runners.

If you run in Shengze area, you can join   2.

Welcome to join our running group.

According to the British magazine Nature, red represents attack and can also subconsciously deter competitors, especially when the strength of both sides is equal.

  20 five good habits to protect your knees warm up before running; Avoid catching cold in legs at ordinary times; Exercise leg muscles, its control force can protect joints; Wear a patellar band to reduce the wear of meniscus; Choose a pair of professional running shoes.

So, just do a simple warm-up before running.

People who run for a long time experience more and more mitochondria.

Worried that running will make your legs thicker? It doesn’t exist! Many people worry that running will make their legs stronger, but it is not necessary.

The most expensive running equipment is running shoes.

I hope this is a common sense of runners, not “cold knowledge”.

If you keep running for a year, you can basically be called even.

If you like, please share it with runners.

“Schrodinger’s energy consumption” running on the treadmill, if you hold the handrail of the treadmill with your hand, you will directly consume 20% less calories; When you add a kilogram of muscle, it will help you burn 110 more calories a day.

Relevant research data show that 80% ~ 82% of people will give up soon after starting running, and less than 20% will stick to it.

As long as they stick to it, running will not make their legs thicker, but also play a role in slimming legs.

The most able running animal on the earth is human.

So, what kind of runner are you? 9.

Many people like to clench your fist when running.


When music stimulates the human brain from the outside, some signals in the human body cannot be transmitted to the brain, such as fatigue caused by muscles or organs.

When your time is accumulated, the habit of running will naturally form.

Which muscle in the human body is the strongest? The biceps brachii? Pectoral? Or abdominal muscles? NO! Neither.

In fact, this small action will involuntarily make your muscles in a semi tense state, affecting your running training and performance.

running waist packs

How many calories will you burn if you run ten kilometers? Running is the first to consume blood and visceral fat.

  Click the blue word above and remember to pay attention to us! After reading too much popular science about running, today, let’s have a different look at these “cold knowledge” of running.

4 listening to music while running can improve your running performance by 15%! The study found that listening to music can reduce frustration and fatigue by 10%.

This long and hard running is an ideal antidepressant “drug”.

In fact, human is the most powerful “long-distance running” species on the earth, because our perspiration system is better than that of any mammal, which makes us full of endurance in long-distance running.

So when you feel unhappy, go for a run!   Running can stimulate creativity.

The common problem of novice runners, did you get it? Many runners who have just started running are very dedicated to increasing their running mileage.

However, the Boston Marathon track goes down slowly with a total drop of nearly 140 meters.

If you consume a kilogram of fat, you need about 7700 calories.

In China, only 13% of men are fit and symmetrical.

The strongest muscle in the human body is the heart   Every step you take, you use 200 muscles.

After long-term running, the volume and number of mitochondria, the power plant in human cells, will increase (people who train for a long time can increase three times).

3 is stretching before running harmful? Stretching your “cold muscles” before running will do more harm than good, because it will reduce your muscle strength and affect your running efficiency.

Shengze running group join the group to run and look forward to your joining (please reply to the key in the official account, enter the group and add WeChat to the group).

Correction of running posture: don’t clench your fist.

How to judge whether the amount of exercise is moderate? If you are energetic, have a better appetite, have a better sleep quality, and get up early, the pulse beats per minute are balanced or slow, it shows that your current amount of exercise is very appropriate; On the contrary, you exercise too much.

By KingWay