Healthy intestines can quickly metabolize excess calories by adjusting hormone levels to help reduce fat.

“Don’t eat after lunch” probably means that after lunch, you don’t eat any more until dawn the next day, that is, at least take off one dinner.

For most people, if your self-control is strong enough, it may be effective; But for most people, they may retaliate to eat more at other times, resulting in more months and a half.

Source: Running College (ID: paobuxueyuan) whenever, weight loss is an upsurge.

Because only such starchy food can have a better sense of satiety, better prevent chronic diseases, and provide more nutrients and anti-aging ingredients.

There are a lot of ways to lose weight on the Internet, and most of them use a very short time to lose a lot of weight.

Therefore, too many people fell on the way to lose weight, including myself.

Chinese Nutrition Society recommends that adult fat intake should generally be controlled within the range of 25% ~ 30% of total energy intake.

This is an era of “turning pale when talking about fat”.

This is because, compared with solid fruit, liquid fruit juice significantly reduces dietary fiber, reduces satiety and enhances hunger.

Too fast weight loss may occur: lower metabolic rate and faster rebound; Malnutrition; Irregular menstruation in women; Endocrine disorders, visible symptoms such as hair loss and poor skin quality; Temporary liver and kidney dysfunction, and prone to gastrointestinal diseases.

One of the truths in the field of weight loss is to “control your mouth and open your legs”.

(the calculation steps are as follows: 25% – 30% of 1600 kcal, divided by the caloric coefficient of fat 9kcal / g to obtain grams.) carbon water is not the enemy of fat reduction, and carbohydrates are not the enemy of fat reduction, which is the necessary energy to support our action and survival.

Beyond this range, there will be some harm.

For many friends who are eager to reduce fat, it is easy to believe the miraculous effect of not eating dinner or “not eating after noon”.

Many people have excessive worries about fat intake.

Even vegetable oil with unsaturated fatty acids should pay attention to the dosage!  ·  Sauces: salad dressing and Caesar sauce are not only high in fat, but also excessive in calories! Low calorie sauce can be selected as an alternative.

Because when the body detects the rapid loss of fat, the indicator of adipose tissue will guard them and start saving more fat, which is why it is easy to regain weight after very strict weight loss.

> > > Class B diet staple foods include oats, buckwheat, naked oats, wheat grains, black rice, millet and other coarse grains.

Healthy weight loss, to reduce only fat, sweets and white rice, rather than rejecting all carbohydrate foods.

The reason is nothing more than the pursuit of beauty and health.

 ·  Cooking oil: whether animal oil or vegetable oil, eating too much will lead to obesity.

Even if you can lose weight quickly, it will greatly damage your health.

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Fat is also necessary to enhance immunity, and vitamins necessary to maintain human health, such as vitamins A, D and E, can not be absorbed through water, but can only be absorbed with the help of fat.

In fact, you should pay attention not to eat too much saturated fat, and healthy fats (omega-3, omega-6, flaxseed oil) should be consumed every day.

Don’t believe it.

The theoretical basis is that the maximum value of fat burning is 1kg / week, but in the process of weight loss, the content of muscle and water will change and affect body weight.

Some studies have shown that probiotics in yogurt may change intestinal flora and slow down weight gain.

We should explore more sources of starch and let ourselves choose foods with higher nutritional value and slower rise of blood sugar to supplement starch.

Don’t eat breakfast or lunch.

The two nutrition associations recommend weight loss of 0.5 to 1kg per week.

> > > According to the appropriate intake recommended in the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents, the daily drinking water consumption per person is affected by multiple factors..

 ·  Animal oil: during the fat reduction period, eat less red meat (such as pork) and more white meat (such as seafood and fish, mostly unsaturated fat).

> > > Class a diet staple foods include red beans, kidney beans, dried peas, dried broad beans, mung beans, chickpeas and other beans rich in starch.

First, it is easy to reduce basic metabolism.

Even though many people understand this truth, they don’t know how to operate.

> > > Yogurt is more suitable for people who lose weight than milk (remember to look at the ingredients list and don’t choose too much white granulated sugar).

Second, it is easy to cause nutrient deficiency.

If you want to control your weight, you can control your diet and exercise reasonably.

Moderate weight loss can reduce the risk of obesity and improve the health level of patients with obesity complications.

Once we return to normal meals and diet, it is particularly easy to rebound, and it is likely to be fatter than before.

Don’t give up fat.

Fat is also a necessity for tonifying the brain – 60% of the human brain is actually fat, so if you don’t eat fat at all, your brain will work slowly.

Third, it is easy to be hungry before going to bed, which affects sleep and gastrointestinal health.

We assume that a person in the fat reduction period needs to consume 1600 calories a day, so according to this ratio, he should consume 44.4 g to 53.3 g of fat.

> > > Class C diet staple foods include potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, taros, lotus roots, tender broad beans, tender peas and other potato or vegetables containing starch.

At the same time, long-term high-fat and low carbohydrate diet will inhibit insulin secretion, reduce insulin sensitivity, and ultimately promote the occurrence of diabetes.

The most terrible thing is that you will get fat.

If we always take a diet with low carbohydrate, high protein and high fat, it is easy to cause electrolyte disorder, hypotension, fatigue, arrhythmia, ketosis, hyperuricemia, gout, osteoporosis, kidney stones and renal dysfunction.

Combined with the pit I stepped on on the way to lose weight and the summary after success.

Share with you 10 truths about weight loss to help you balance exercise and diet and truly achieve healthy fat loss.

Don’t worry about fat reduction.

The monthly weight loss of 15 kg and the easy weight loss of 10 kg per month always attract our attention.

Of course, you should count the calories contained in fat in your diet plan.

Suddenly taking away so much has at least three hazards.

These methods are either ineffective or harmful.

In fact, our usual dinner accounts for about 30 ~ 40% of the total daily energy.

Have you tried these methods to lose weight? What you want to reduce is the excessive fat and weight of the human body.

If you don’t eat lipids, all kinds of body organs will lose their protection.

Not eating breakfast is not conducive to fat loss or even weight gain, because it will force us not to metabolize for 12 ~ 16 hours.

> > > Four ways of fat intake  · Beans / nuts: bean products are not only rich in protein and carbon water, but also high-quality fat.

Like you who eat late at night, remember that a nutritious breakfast and light dinner are the key to fat reduction.

It looks like a gimmick, but few are really effective and operable.

Below this ratio indicates that you have insufficient fat intake.

The American Journal of clinical nutrition found that eating an appropriate amount of fat during fat reduction can help the body secrete a hormone to improve satisfaction, reduce hunger and help us reduce our desire for food.

How to drink fruit juice, yogurt and water > > > > fruit juice belongs to the white list of fat reduction, while fruit juice belongs to the blacklist, not even pure fruit juice.

The answer given by the British Nutrition Association and the American Nutrition Association is that losing 4kg a month is a reasonable level.

Everyone on the way to fat reduction is eager, but the process of fat reduction is often long or even difficult.

By KingWay