So, what does running bring me? We all know that exercise can promote the body to secrete pleasure hormones such as dopamine and endorphins, especially aerobic exercise such as running, so we feel happy as long as we run.

The uncertainty of the future can never be eliminated.

The existence of such a thing is the greatest reward to mankind.

So is our life.

For me, the energy value of getting up in the morning is the highest, and the energy value of getting off work in the afternoon is the lowest.

These timely pleasures bring me nothing but the current pleasure, leaving only nothingness and more tired body and mind.

Every time I run, I can feel the joy brought by physiological changes.

There is a fluctuating downward curve between the two points.

We need this sense of control, even if it is just a false sense of control, but this sense of control gives us confidence and strength to face the impermanence of life, and allows us to obtain autonomy and self drive to comply with our own nature…

Running is a small thing, but it is a very important thing for me.

The control of life is moving and full of fear of uncertainty, which brings anxiety to people.

But in fact, everything is not as solid as people think, and does not have solid and constant.

I have gained too much from running, which affects all aspects of my work, study and life.

What would I do if I didn’t run after work? I will choose things that don’t need thinking, focus and willpower.

Running recharges my body and mind and makes my energy reach a new peak.

You can work, love and give; When the energy is low, I feel tired, depressed and depressed.

It’s a pity that such a reward doesn’t go into your pocket.

Running after work is different.


When running, the blood circulation accelerates, the lung ventilation increases, the human body takes in more oxygen, and the blood and oxygen supply to the brain increases, so people will feel awake, flexible and energetic.


Because concentration and willpower have been exhausted in the whole day’s work.

These things require a certain degree of concentration and are more inclined to long-term ism, but they are also things that can really bring joy and are more worth doing.

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Everything is impermanent.

I want to close myself and curl up my body.

So after work, I just want to lie flat, brush my mobile phone, brush short videos, chase dramas…

As long as you do something, you will feel happy.

When the energy value is high, you feel energetic and full of vitality.

In uncertainty, finding ourselves a fixed and certain thing to do can bring a sense of stability and make us think we can control our life.

After each run, I obviously feel that I have regained my vitality and have the energy to do many things, such as reading, learning and writing…

I just need to detect it and enjoy it.


Charging energy curve for body and mind: take time as the abscissa and the energy value of body and mind as the ordinate, you can describe your energy curve 24 hours a day.

By KingWay