> > >     Warm up before running should be dynamic exercise


Group 1 had a 20 minute bicycle warm-up before the weight-bearing sprint; Group 2 only did slow sprint, group 3 did not do both


After jogging for a few minutes, your heart rate should rise, and the muscle temperature should rise, and then start your dynamic stretching

. running beanie

You can extend your arm forward to maintain your balance; After the two feet are transposed, repeat the action again


This is special warm-up


At this time, you can add some faster dynamic stretching exercises or actions with more body muscles


  Moreover, muscle elasticity decreases with age, and proper warm-up can expand your range of activities and help offset these negative effects


Action points: after that, keep the standing posture unchanged, lift the heels of both feet at the same time, move the center of gravity to one foot and turn the other foot side outward, gradually increase the angle of ankle bending, and alternate with both feet


  A survey of global runners shows that 75% of them do not have the habit of warming up before running; A study published in the Journal of human dynamics also confirmed this conclusion


As long as you focus your time and attention on the dynamic warm-up, the effect of 10 minute warm-up and 20 minute warm-up is actually the same


You can extend your arms forward to maintain your balance


  A good warm-up can not only increase the range of activities, but also mentally prepare you for your next exercise


Throughout the warm-up, your heart rate will gradually increase to prepare for exercise


 >>>>    Jogging, muscle dynamic traction and special warm-up jogging needless to say


The warm-up should be specific to the type of exercise you are doing, but it should be a complete body warm-up, even if you only plan to exercise a few muscle groups


Static stretching is more suitable after running


   Action points: keep the standing posture, with both feet the same width as the shoulder, extend one foot, with a distance of about 15 cm between the front and back of the two feet, pour the extended foot side on the ground, bend down and slowly touch the ground with both hands, and then repeat the action with another leg


Well, having said so much, here are 12 exercises suitable for warm-up before running


  A recent study in the Journal of strength and conditioning research found that when scientists analyzed the speed, heart rate, oxygen uptake and perceived exercise intensity of endurance runners, they noticed that there was no significant difference between the two methods in most experimental categories


Dynamic traction corresponds to static traction, which refers to the stretching method of stretching the muscle for a short time (no more than 2 seconds) and repeating it for many times in the process of completing the corresponding action; As for special warm-up, for example, basketball players will pass and catch the ball, shoot and lay up before the game


  The researchers recruited 36 runners and divided them into three groups


Warm up before running has two main functions:   1


  Action points: keep the standing position, double the shoulder distance between your feet, then squat down, put one hand on the ground at the foot of the other side, put the knee on the ground at the same time, return to the starting position, change one hand, and then reverse the same action.


Warm up is divided into general preparation activities and special preparation activities


  At the beginning of warm-up, you should start with mild exercise, which will increase the temperature of your core and muscles, and gradually enter dynamic stretching to help improve your range of motion


The former mainly refers to activities that are not similar to formal exercise, mainly to make the brain and internal organs enter the state, while the latter is very similar to formal practice, mainly to enhance the perception of technology


Improve sports performance 2


Why warm-up is so important and the 12 warm-up actions are the contents to be shared below


Warm up should include a variety of dynamic exercises, because static stretching may not be suitable for warm-up before running, because blood will stop flowing to muscles


  For example, first walk for a few minutes, and then jog


Similarly, some warm-up actions combined with running actions before running are special warm-up before running


  Action points: keep your standing position unchanged, turn your feet outward, squat slowly, and then return to the starting position


  Action points: move your body weight to one foot, then lift the heel of the other foot, keep your toes on the ground, and move your weight to the other foot at the same time; Put the heel back in place and lift the heel of the other foot, so the feet switch back and forth


  For example, if you plan to do leg exercises, your warm-up exercise should mainly focus on the lower body, but it should also include some upper body / whole body exercises


   Action points: keep the standing posture, with both feet shoulder width, lift one foot, put the other hand in front of the quadriceps femoris, then reach down to the ground with the spare hand, and then repeat the action with another foot


The design of warm-up before running needs to follow a principle: easy before difficult, single before combination, whole body before local, general before special


  Moreover, the increase of temperature also contributes to faster muscle contraction and relaxation, increased nerve transmission and muscle metabolism, and more efficient muscle work


   Action points: put one foot in front of the other, squat down slowly, and then return to the starting position


Prevent training injuries   In addition, warm-up has the following advantages:·   Warm up can also enhance the metabolic activities of muscles, ligaments and joints, reduce viscosity, improve elasticity, and accelerate the reflection speed and contraction speed of muscles, so as to keep the muscles active in the next movement·   For students with weak body, warming up can also make the internal organs enter the active state in advance by accelerating the blood circulation, so as to prevent accidents during strenuous exercise·   Warm up can also make the cerebral cortex in a suitable excited state, make the brain more alert in action reflection, and effectively prevent muscle and ligament injuries caused by insufficient action coordination


 >>>>    The time control of warm-up before running is self-evident


  Action points: keep standing, turn your feet out and cross, bend down slowly and touch the ground with your hands; Then exchange your legs and repeat again


> > > >     Too lazy to warm up is that you don’t understand its importance


As a part of relaxation, it can improve your body’s flexibility


After dynamic stretching, you can increase some intensity


> > >     Warm up, what you should pay attention to


With more blood flow and the rise of muscle temperature, hemoglobin in the blood is easier to release oxygen at higher temperature, and more oxygen enters the muscle, which means better exercise performance


  Guess what? The warm-up group had the highest pain threshold and relatively no muscle pain


If you’ve ever had a pain in a certain part after running, the pain disappears after 1-2km


Therefore, the more important question is, how long do you need to warm up?   The good news is that the warm-up will not take up too much time


Then, over the next two days, everyone received a pain threshold test to determine the extent of muscle soreness


 >>>>    During daily flexibility stretching, the following principles must be followed:  ·  Put most of your weight on the parts of your body that you haven’t moved yet·   Increase the strength in a small amount and gradually·   Remember that the primary purpose of stretching is to improve your softness


Source: Running College (ID: paobuxueyuan) it has become the common sense of many runners to warm up before running, but knowing it doesn’t mean they will do it, because many runners don’t warm up before running


Be sure to note that this is caused by your failure to warm up properly


By KingWay