▼▼▼   After watching this 4-minute short video, many people burst into tears


Some people thought she was in love for her figure, others thought she was crazy


So, for the next three months, she ran 20 kilometers every day, did many sit ups, went on a diet, poured cold water on her face, overdrawn her strength, and always fainted..


She successfully lost 40 kg! She said that she had been fat all her life and had never thought of losing weight, but no one could let her give up in order to save her son


Maternal love is really great! Her name is Wang Chuanli, Thai, 60 years old


But the doctor told her that in order to avoid rejection between the donor and the recipient, she had to lose 40 kilograms


Release regular event information, catch all hot information, maintain objective and neutral evaluation, and explain the truth of the marathon.


Suddenly, from one day, she insisted on running 20 kilometers every day


In fact, the real reason for her running is: for her son! It turned out that her son had kidney disease and she could donate her son’s kidney

. compression sleeve shin splints

In order to transplant her kidney to her son, she successfully loses 40 kilograms in three months


This is a real story adapted from Thailand


An obese old mother runs 20 kilometers a day


Three months later, she finally did it


By KingWay