Don’t run or even participate in the competition, otherwise you may become ill from overwork and cause greater damage


  In addition, in normal training, some runners insist on training every day and accumulate the amount of running in order to run 330300 or even faster for the whole horse, thinking that “fast is good, and more is good”


Even if you pursue Pb, you should set goals reasonably and step by step with the permission of your body


Source: Marathon assistant, a good living and running habit, and a non casual scientific training system are the basic conditions for creating no injury


  However, it should be noted that some light-weight racing shoes are designed for some elite athletes


Murakami Chunshu said, “I surpass myself yesterday, even if it’s only a little bit


In the first half of the year, he ran Xima and Xima, and ran two and a half horses and two full horses a month


After losing ten or twenty pounds, they start to try jogging


  Running without injury is the advanced performance of self-discipline


A good living and running habits, as well as a non casual scientific training system, are the basic conditions for creating no injury


08 although running is to enjoy delicious food, it is not necessary Can eat and drink willfully   If I had known earlier that people’s intestines and stomachs were very fragile after long-distance running, I wouldn’t have eaten crayfish, kebabs and beer after pulling exercises


If you can’t do it, you can’t do it


For players with insufficient ability, if they insist on wearing these running shoes, they will often be injured


The purpose of warm-up before running is to make them warm up Muscles, joints and nerves “warm up”, which can not only run out of a better state, but also effectively reduce or even avoid sports injuries


When running, if there is pain in body parts for 2 consecutive days, and it is getting more and more painful, and there is no sign of improvement, it should rest


  It’s very common that someone will run faster and longer than you


They ignore the warm-up preparation before running and don’t stretch after running


In training, he will strictly implement the plan, fast as he should, slow as he should, and never run fast


They can’t be lazy


Learning to run in small steps and quickly will make you run easier


They are eager to lose weight and run hard


The writer / wicker editor / wicker production / Xiaobian of Macondo running research room has a friend


Don’t be depressed and don’t compare


And when there is no competition, running is not willing to stop


Don’t think that if you don’t run for a few days, the training system will collapse


Even if they are injured, they should insist as long as they can run


As a result, I strained my muscles and my knees were uncomfortable after running


  In terms of self-discipline, what people have to admire is Kipchak


As a result, I would vomit and diarrhea and dehydrate to collapse the next day


In his 17-18 years of career, he has basically never had a serious injury or retired due to injury


It’s not worth the loss


It’s no big deal


It is very dangerous when runners do not rest well or ignore their injuries, do not pay attention to recovery and rest, and then continue to carry out heavy-duty vigorous exercise


They are anxious to read mobile phone running data or send a circle of friends


  As runners, we don’t need to practice fitness coach style, which is bodybuilding muscles


  Many people have such a misunderstanding: not running is not self-discipline, as long as running is self-discipline


  At this time, you need to reflect on whether there is something wrong with the training some time ago


“Seven habits of efficient people” is a book that kipchaug likes very much


  From Xima, his knees were uncomfortable and his feet were blistered, but he didn’t care if he didn’t feel tired; Then I went to run the Xi’an marathon


  If you are injured in running, please check yourself if you don’t have strict self-discipline in these aspects? These 10 tips for healthy, long-term and harmless running may be useful to you


In long-distance running, if there is any opponent that must be defeated, it’s myself in the past.” In addition to running, to do strength training, Xiaobian was surprised by his leg muscles when he first saw Dazi


Maybe you have easily completed the current goals, but have you considered how to improve this success in the next year, 5 years or even 10 years?” Therefore, if you want to speed, you can’t reach it

. running sling bag

You may gradually or have a muscle strain or overwork, such as plantar fasciitis, iliotibial tract syndrome or stress fracture


At first, he ran one and a half horses a week


As a result, the results were worse than one, and the more I ran, the more tired I was


As a result, I hurt my body and lost fun


It turned out that he ran slowly for a reason


In addition to running, you can also reduce your weight to the appropriate range through other sports with less impact (such as swimming), and then gradually increase the amount of running


One day, seeing the weather was good, I wanted to run 10km into 50 minutes and refresh the Pb


In fact, the pain is the body protesting against you


Many runners generally have a bad habit and feel that time is tight, so they go out and run


It’s enough to do hip, leg, waist and abdomen strength training 2-3 times a week


Don’t rush to increase their weight at the beginning of losing weight For the amount and speed of running, it is recommended to start with fast walking, feel relaxed and pressure free, then jog, and then go to fast running step by step


Running too much, running fast and running around sometimes is a reflection of self-discipline


07 wear unsuitable running shoes   Recently, all kinds of carbon board running shoes are very popular


They believe that only by running every day and strict self-discipline can they stimulate their potential and achieve good results


Therefore, the running shoes that are suitable for themselves are the best, and there is no need to chase the wind


I couldn’t run for more than 10 days


  In addition, if you don’t have enough strength, don’t try to run in large strides


Xiaobian has interviewed many runners who have succeeded in losing weight through running


Eating and drinking will hurt the gastric mucosa.


After he first tasted the pleasure of running a horse, he got out of control and participated more and more frequently


02 run step by step, don’t increase and speed too much   I remember the time when Xiaobian was injured the year before last


Marathon, in particular, has a long distance and high intensity


For them, wearing these running shoes may add strength to the tiger


Being able to control yourself to run less or even don’t run sometimes is the real strong self-control


Some of the book once wrote: “Now people want too much and are too eager, but in fact, lasting and rising success is commendable


  Many runners are injured and can’t start running, which is largely caused by lack of muscle strength


Kipchaug followed the principle of non arbitrariness to ensure no injury


  After a month, I hurt my knee, my iliotibial band and three black toes, which makes people think that it’s really not worth spending more than half a year to recover after such a crazy competition


Even if many runners eat dirt, they also want to chop their hands to buy a pair in order to run faster


  06 if you weigh too much, don’t rush to run


It’s very important that they know how to stick to walking fast at the beginning of losing weight


Sometimes their knees and knees are more vulnerable and overburdened because of heavy load


Because the weather is cold, people’s joints and muscles need longer time to warm up


  After running a long distance, the digestive capacity of the stomach becomes weak and takes time to recover


Once you get hurt, you will learn a valuable experience: how happy it is to be able to go out and run


It’s not


03 warm up before running and stretch and relax after running   In winter, it is a season with frequent sports injuries


Strength training can prevent you from being injured to the greatest extent and make you more motivated to run


  Running without injury is the advanced performance of self-discipline   Generally speaking, the most common cause of running injury is aggressive


04 never compare with others   If I had known my physical limit and knew that no matter how I trained, I couldn’t compare with some people, I wouldn’t compete with others and train madly


10 tips for healthy, long-term and injury free running 01 if you have continuous pain, stop   Persistent pain is a danger sign of some problems


By KingWay