In the short term, you’ve really lost weight! But once you lose fat and return to normal diet, you will find that you will expand like a balloon! It’s not your fault, because when you went on a diet before, the basic metabolic rate became lower


In addition, people’s body is actually very smart


To have an attractive figure, you must increase your muscle content and reduce your fat content


Now you eat normally, you can’t consume so many calories by basic metabolism


Male friends also don’t want to practice too exaggerated


It takes girls almost 16 hours to achieve the effect of boys practicing for an hour, not to mention girls


In addition to aerobic, they will stick to iron rolling! go to the gym go to the gym Especially squats! You must know that this vest line doesn’t come out


Even if you can tolerate two hours of aerobic exercise every day and the daily diet control is harsh enough, it will only make you fat! The human body has a basic metabolic rate


You have to roll iron! Why not? Let me analyze it slowly


It is almost twice the result with half the effort for increasing muscle shaping


Moreover, rolling iron will help you burn more fat


1、 Diet + jogging will only make you fat prone


4、 100 models, 100 will go to the gym

. fanny pack for gym

Obviously, while running to reduce fat, it will also reduce your muscle content, so you must increase your muscle content by rolling iron


▼ such a figure is rolled out! ▼ no matter men or women, don’t fantasize about running to get a good figure, get out of the comfort zone, move, and you’ll win! Fitness fan micro signal: WLS_ Jianmei520, long, pay attention to professional fitness and fitness official account according to the two-dimensional code.


Why can’t you compare with models? Regardless of their natural conditions, they are more disciplined and more scientific than you


▼ such hips are not made by running


The figure like the following can only be obtained after training for many years


Someone said, isn’t there still a King Kong Barbie? Yes, but if a girl really wants to practice that kind of strong muscle, you have to keep training for at least 5 or even 10 years, roll a lot of iron every day, eat clean water, and maybe take steroids to become a strong muscle woman


How difficult is it for girls to practice muscles? Let’s put it this way


3、 Rolling iron will only make you more beautiful


You know, people’s body shape is affected by skeleton, muscle and fat


They can have no hips, but they must have breast enhancement and vest line


This is the result of the normal survival mechanism of the body, because this can prevent you from losing energy


They all want to have strong arms, good chest muscles and charming abdominal muscles


Of course, your skeleton can’t be changed, but you can change the proportion of muscle and fat in your body


As we all know, when you choose to diet and reduce fat for a long time, the food digested by your stomach will become less, and the basic metabolic rate will also become lower


If you keep running for an hour every day for a month, you will find that you are indeed thin, but once your body adapts to this exercise intensity, it will no longer help you consume fat unless you run farther and longer! 2、 Running can’t get the body shape you want


What kind of body do young people want now? For female friends, they prefer slim figure, tight and non exaggerated lines


It’s best to practice into a figure like Peng Yuyan! It is true that more and more people are actively building their own body, but most of them want to get a good body by running! I want to say, it’s impossible! It’s impossible to just run and diet if you want to have a convex and cocky body


Most girls worry


Naturally, it will accumulate into fat and your weight will rebound


Let alone how boring it is to jog for a long time


Will they become King Kong Barbie when they touch dumbbells? I really think too much


Otherwise, don’t think! Therefore, strength training will make girls bigger, which is really a great misunderstanding! Girls will only become stronger and healthier


By KingWay