But if you’re desperate, just bite your teeth and stick to it


She has left footprints all over the country


I thought I would never have a chance to enter the competition again, but in my freshman year, I accidentally took part in the Shenzhen Longgang marathon with the attitude of running and trying


At the beginning, it is cold and tired


This is very important for Yin Xiaoyu, because Yin Xiaoyu practices sports, including going to school


Every runner has a story, every kilometer is extraordinary, and every drop of sweat will not be wasted


The process of persistence itself is very meaningful


Yin Xiaoyu once wrote about the course of running for 14 years on her microblog


Borun sports has specially planned the column “run people”, which shows the running life of different people through the stories of running friends


Suddenly encountered a knee meniscus tear in training and was unable to stand on the spot


In order to start preparing for the future games, Xiaoyu immediately started training


However, what impressed her most was the 2021 Hubei Changjiang super half marathon held on May 5 this year


After that, her athletic talent was also valued by her family and coaches


With 14 years of running experience, Yin Xiaoyu has run many well-known events such as Shenzhen marathon, Shenzhen Bao’an marathon and Guangzhou marathon


You have to cry before each training


She has shown her extraordinary speed talent early


Her small body seems to be full of great energy


Marathon is another possibility for her to continue her sports dream“ Life will be bumpy, muddy, flat and sunny


Her excellent competition results not only won her full applause, but also won the attention of a coach present


Yin Xiaoyu won the first place in the 200m in one fell swoop when she entered the competition for the first time


When he gets a good place, he can also have a bonus


Born in Liaoning in 1993, she has been active since she was a child


He also allows himself to jump from one circle to different circles and constantly learn knowledge to improve himself


She is a real “half horse champion goddess”


Perhaps, there is your own shadow at the moment


Running silently writes a lot of things into our body and spirit


She found her value and fell in love with the marathon


And the citizens on both sides of the track are really more enthusiastic than the scorching sun


They are really infected


She is Yin Xiaoyu# 01 lucky care, the sprout of sports dream   If there is any destiny in this world, Yin Xiaoyu’s story is an example


“# 0314 years of running age, the pace of pursuing dreams   Different stages will encounter different scenery


Running improved myself, from physical fitness to spiritual richness “


When Yin Xiaoyu was looking forward to the pursuit of sports dream, fate joked with her and even wanted to uproot the buds of her dream


In her words, the feeling of each stage is different“ From the first run to get ranking, bring a sense of honor; To insist on fighting; Later, running gave me the opportunity to learn from people in different fields


After starting to run horses, Yin Xiaoyu didn’t ask his family for tuition and living expenses for four years at university


This is the fearless spirit of the brave


The project he participated in was 200m


In 2009, Xiaoyu was selected by the track and field team of Guangdong Province to start special training of 800m and 1500m


As a young girl in 1993, Yin Xiaoyu occasionally takes photos with small animals on her microblog


Her selfie style is also funny and cute.


She always runs faster than other children


In 2010, the Guangdong Provincial Games had just ended


Due to the first competition, the grasp of rhythm and the distribution of physical strength were not planned


It took a total of ten months to treat and recover


Before that, the communication circle was basically people in the sports circle


If you persist in running, you will win yourself


Only because her knee was hurt, Yin Xiaoyu was unable to set foot in the whole horse, but she could get up and move forward under the impact of pain


“# 04 running is simple and happy, and life is vigorous


In the subsequent training, under the tireless guidance of the coach, Yin Xiaoyu began to practice running in a planned way


This was the first marathon in her life


During college, Xiaoyu still didn’t forget his running dream“ Since you can’t sprint 800 meters and 1500 meters, start training a half marathon


She has participated in more than 100 half marathons and won nearly 90 championship titles


After running the horse, Yin Xiaoyu said that the biggest gain was not only the economic improvement to a certain extent, but also the meeting of friends from all walks of life through the marathon


Through contact, Yin Xiaoyu is constantly learning from them


In just four years of college, Yin Xiaoyu participated in more than 100 competitions and won nearly 70 titles


Life is a process of constantly defeating yourself


Marathon is not only a love but also a career for Yin Xiaoyu, because he likes running, because he can support himself and bring Yin Xiaoyu more training and persistence


When Yin Xiaoyu was in primary school, he was selected to participate in the municipal games


Horse racing brings honor to Yin Xiaoyu, and also makes Yin Xiaoyu regain his confidence


The little girl’s sports dream has taken root and sprouted


In this way, Xiaoyu seemed to hang up on the marathon


Although he continued to participate in training after recovering from the injury, the problem of injury and injury made the performance impossible to break through


Many people have asked her about the significance of running, and she responded faintly: running itself has no special significance, only persistence


Everything persisted on his own


Although it was hot that day, as the operator of Borun sports, they all did a very professional and serious job in all aspects of the competition, providing a great competition experience for our contestants


She naively thought that formal training was as easy as physical education


With great athletic talent, she won the 200m and 400m Championships in Dalian middle school games


However, marathon is a sport participated by the whole people, and people from all walks of life have it


As a result, when she arrived in the team the next day, she was called up for training before 5 o’clock“ In winter, Liaoning is so cold that the breath can freeze


The whole person collapsed in bed and his brain was blank.” Even after recovering from injury, Yin Xiaoyu tried his best to train, but he still couldn’t reach the peak


Source: run runran was named “half marathon champion goddess” by many runners


The excitement and expectation at the end of the Provincial Games were suddenly dispersed


She is looking forward to participating in the competition, going out of Guangdong Province, to China and even to the world# 02 painful blow, turning point of life, the sea of life always has a magnificent momentum because of ups and downs, and the road of life always has the meaning of journey because of stumbling


It is a new experience and ignited the Hubei Marathon which was silent due to the epidemic“ Changma, I participated in Shishou station, which gave me the greatest feeling that the event service and the enthusiasm of the local people


She also began to deliberately practice the special middle distance running


” Because the meniscus was not completely in its initial state, she made a training plan for herself


It started with 40000 people in five different regions


Yin Xiaoyu was greatly encouraged by her first experience of running a horse

. running beanie

Sports rehabilitation also used the knowledge learned in the provincial team to massage and relax herself


It is undoubtedly a great blow to a young athlete“ At that time, the doctor said, “don’t run away if you’re hurt like this


Only when we dare to face the difficulties can we get out of the dilemma


” In this way, with tears and sweat, Yin Xiaoyu stood out in the training team


Before training, she was very happy


This event is extraordinary for Yin Xiaoyu


At the turning point, whether it’s a punch or a medal, we don’t know


Therefore, in 2015, Yin Xiaoyu had no choice but to retire from the provincial team and enter Jiaying College for further study in the same year


Yin Xiaoyu ran the whole competition by mistake and won the third place


By KingWay