Using the heart rate meter, you can accurately and intuitively understand your heart rate during running


For most runners who desire health or whose running goal is to lose weight, there is no need to pursue high speed and stride


Imagine that you approach your lover calmly




Just run like this


Slowly, I found that many of our runners were injured, most of which were not caused by external forces, and their own reasons accounted for 90%


The knee is like a spring, which can alleviate the impact of the body on the foot when landing


Lao Wang believes that the human body is a very complex mechanism, but it instinctively maintains a balance in complexity


Even if you’re not an equipment Party, don’t be reluctant to buy professional running shoes


This slightly bent knee position will produce excellent cushioning effect


To join the running guide group, please add Xiaobian wechat: dingdang9809 ▼ wonderful review of the past ▼ running for 30 minutes for 5K


At that moment, you must land gently and don’t make too much noise


At the same time, it can also avoid the wrong movement of excessive straightening of the knee joint


The running guide advocates scientific and healthy sports and lifestyle, and transmits positive energy to people who love life


The soft landing is related to the above point


The principle is: the increase of weekly running volume shall not exceed 10%


By looking for the wrong points from yourself and adjusting the running posture, training plan and concept, you can run without injury


It can help your knees avoid overexertion


Instead, be careful to increase your mileage


The premise of increasing the amount is comfortable, relaxed and energetic during running, whether there is feeling of fatigue and irrecoverable after running, no pain, etc


Otherwise, not only your muscles can’t support it, but also your heart can’t support it at a high heart rate


Of all running equipment, running shoes are the most important


His family was sad and crying.


Healthy runners don’t need to run like sprints


If your calf muscles become developed after running, you might as well check whether you are running on tiptoe


As long as the body does not lose balance, it can maintain normal operation


If it continues, it is difficult not to be injured


It’s a very reasonable arrangement to run for a rest and 3-4 times a week, whether it’s to strengthen the body or reduce fat and weight


Even if you do, don’t exceed 10%


Only on this premise can we consider increasing the amount of running


If you feel uncomfortable after increasing your mileage, you may even need to reduce your mileage


Lao Wang suggested running at heart rate, that is, it is safer to run at a heart rate no more than (180 age)


If your purpose of running is to lose fat, reduce pressure or exercise, this heart rate is basically enough


It’s not a good idea to be a smart runner and run without rest every day


The large stride will inevitably lead to large landing impact




If you ignore the recovery of your body and continue to run, you are destroying yourself


All the above means are to help us reduce risk, rebuild damaged muscle fibers, restore energy level and psychological expectation, so that we can continue to run without injury, continuously improve our endurance, speed, strength and physical condition in training


It is necessary to compress the calf cover for running ▼ click the following figure to understand ▼ Author: Lao Wang, editor in chief of the running guide, certified as a first-class running coach of bigo and certified as an international first aider by AHA


Don’t underestimate this small change




Station B: Lao Wang next door is spicy




I shared their “secrets of harmless running” with you




I started running more than 10 years ago


On the contrary, once out of balance, the regulatory mechanism of the whole body is easy to collapse, resulting in injury


Especially for most beginners, a pair of reliable running shoes can share a lot of pressure for your ankles and knees, protect your feet and reduce the probability of injury


What is the level in the running circle? What will happen to those who insist on getting up early, running in the morning, taking a bath, having breakfast and going to work for a long time? A man in Hunan died suddenly from morning running at the age of 42


At this time, take a step with the trend, and you will find that running will save a lot of effort


Running is also a kind of vigorous exercise, which will cause great consumption to the human body, so the body needs some time to recover


Wear a heart rate meter and control your heart rate




The correct position is the ball of the foot, that is, the position between the toe and the center of the foot




Control speed ten fast and nine injured


The longer the step length is reduced, the longer the time the body takes off, the greater the impact on the body when landing, the greater the stress on skeletal muscles and ligaments, and the greater the number of injuries


Author: running guide what is the most important thing about Lao Wang’s running? Lao Wang thought it was not running fast or running long, but not getting hurt


Keep the knee of the supporting foot slightly bent


In addition to running, you also need to rest


Recently, I chatted with several old runners who have been running for many years and are getting healthier and healthier


This sentence does not mean that you must increase your mileage every week, let alone 10% every week


Like speed, running for too long is also a major injury killer, and many chronic injuries are caused by it




Everyone has different abilities, so the speed varies from person to person


Let gravity help you run, lean forward slightly, but not bend over


To control the amount of running, in addition to controlling the speed, you also need to control the increase of the amount of running


Lao Wang sent out the running guide


When you use it as positioning, you will find that your ankle can also play a good cushioning role every time you land, greatly reducing the impact on your knee! If you land on your toes, many people will practice the strange posture of running on tiptoe


This is using gravity to help you run






The books running guide and running shoe guide with the same name have been published


How many years have you been running? Do you have any experience of running without injury? Welcome to leave a message to share with the friend Lao Wang who likes the most


I have experienced injuries, iliac tendon syndrome, heel tendinitis and so on


The center of gravity falls in front of the contact point of the body, which will bring the body forward


Running in running shoes sounds like nonsense, but when you go to the park and playground, there are more and more people running in basketball shoes, tourist shoes, casual shoes and even leather shoes


Running on tiptoe is also very easy to cause abnormal development of calf muscles


By mastering the real-time data of heart rate, we can scientifically decide whether to maintain, reduce or increase the current pace and intensity, so as to avoid the risk of overtraining


Even if you like the feeling of running, don’t keep high speed for a long time

. running waist packs

Be sure to learn to rest


Their movements are natural, smooth and gentle, just like springs on the soles of their feet


By KingWay