Through the movement of lower limbs, it can promote the venous blood flow back to the heart and prevent venous thrombosis


While increasing the maximum oxygen uptake, the oxygen delivered to various organs of the body is greatly increased, and the working quality of various organs is naturally greatly improved


In addition, running helps to improve the connection and information transmission between neurons, so as to develop and consolidate memory traces in the brain# 4


It can also relieve the massive secretion of growth hormone and glucagon caused by stress, which is conducive to the control of blood glucose# 7


Prevention of arthritis many people mistakenly believe that regular running is prone to degenerative arthritis, but a new study overturns this argument


Keeping running will give us a strong heart and cardiovascular system


However, when we run outdoors, we should consider the air conditions and weather conditions


In addition, running can promote the activity of leukocytes, especially phagocytes, so that they can deal with the flowing menstrual blood and intimal tissue, which is also beneficial to the prevention of other gynecological diseases# 3


Through long-time and rhythmic deep and long breathing, the human body can breathe a lot of oxygen and reduce our risk of respiratory diseases


The prevention of depression is a significant and lasting depression, which will also bring physical and mental pain such as insomnia, loss of appetite, social fear, slow thinking, decline in language ability and memory


Because fitness running can greatly increase the bone load of lower limbs and make compensatory structural changes, it can also increase muscle strength and increase the stability and balance ability of the body, which will help to reduce the number of falls and fall fractures in the elderly# 10


At the same time, running will also increase the number of lymphocytes and promote lymph circulation


For those without degenerative arthritis, running should not be deliberately restricted regardless of age# 8


A study in the Journal of medicine and sports science shows that running only 16km a week can reduce the risk of death caused by pneumonia or other respiratory diseases by more than 40%


Running can raise the levels of neurotransmitters such as endorphins and cannabinoid in the body


Severe depression can lead to pessimism and even suicide attempts or behaviors


Preventing eye diseases many people seem to think that the eyes have nothing to do with running, but the data do show that running can reduce the risk of macular degeneration (a certain eye disease) by 40 ~ 50% and the risk of cataract by 35% (cataract is also a disease with age)


Exercise is an active therapy to alleviate depressive symptoms, and among all kinds of sports, running is the best way to prevent and treat depression


The study found that regular running not only does not increase the risk of degenerative arthritis, but also helps prevent degenerative arthritis


However, although running looks like a panacea, which can enhance the physique and improve the function of various organs, runners also need to “take” timely and moderately, which is scientific and reasonable


Stick to it and open your legs


We need to adhere to them


And in a certain range, the greater the amount of running, the more risk reduction


Breast cancer prevention association of the United States cancer association in more than 70 thousand middle-aged women tracking survey found that regular running can reduce the probability of breast cancer by 14%


The longer the onset time, the greater the harm to men, and then lead to more serious diseases


It is a brain disease that will cause the gradual loss of brain nerve cells, and the patient will slowly lose all memory and even self-care ability


People who insist on long-distance running often have about an hour to keep their eyes open to the distance outdoors, Seeing all kinds of scenery, this pair of eyes is a good relaxation and rest, which has a certain effect on the recovery of vision


  Long term running can reduce blood sugar and glycosylated hemoglobin


Preventing respiratory running can strengthen lung function, develop lung respiratory muscles and increase lung capacity


If you exercise more than 30 minutes a day, the risk of disease can be reduced by at least 20%


For one year, five years, 10 years or even longer, the improvement of our physical and mental state is more and more obvious


Therefore, it is more real to say that the physical changes brought by adhering to running!   In addition, the benefits of running are far beyond what we can see

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Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease Alzheimer’s disease (commonly known as Alzheimer’s disease) is a demon perplexing the human brain


It is a natural analgesic substance, which can improve mood and reduce depression


Running can double the interferon in the blood, and the anti-virus and anti-cancer ability of interferon is well known


People who often run have a 50% lower risk of hypertension than those who don’t exercise


Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases a new study published in the European Heart Journal shows that running can effectively control waist circumference, high blood pressure and cholesterol in the elderly


If we encounter extreme weather, we must do a good job in protection or cancel running, otherwise it will be counterproductive# 6


In addition, during running, the abdominal visceral organs, especially the intestines and greater omentum, regularly and vigorously impact the prostate, which plays a massage role and reduces the occurrence of diseases# 2


Persisting in 40 minute moderate intensity running 3-4 times a week is very helpful to keep their blood pressure within the normal range# 5


Even a short period of moderate or vigorous exercise can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in the elderly over the age of 60, which is beneficial to their health


Running can enhance people’s immunity, improve the function of the body, and then have a positive impact on many parts of the body


Running can deliver more oxygen to the brain, increase the blood flow of the brain, promote brain development, stimulate the growth of new central cells, make the brain shrink more slowly, and then help to prevent cognitive impairment


A summary of diabetes prevention exercise medicine shows that running can reduce the risk of type II diabetes by 20%-30%


Persisting in running can effectively prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis and fracture in the elderly


   Seeing the preventive effect of running on a variety of diseases above, do you feel incredible and exaggerate? In fact, these positive effects are not easy to achieve


Many people started running to lose weight


When the exercise time is more than 150 minutes per week and accompanied by weight loss, the effect is the best


Second, running is one of the best forms to maintain the prostate


Regardless of age, as long as you run regularly, the risk of knee pain will be significantly reduced and there will be less degenerative arthritis


Prevention of prostate disease prostatitis is a male multiple disease


Especially for the elderly, with the increase of age, the loss of calcium, the reduction of daily activities and the lack of enough exercise, it is easy to cause osteoporosis and greatly increase the incidence of falling fracture


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  From the effect of health care, regular running is conducive to the health of the prostate, can promote the microcirculation of the prostate, and can help the recovery of prostatitis


Gradually, running not only makes people thin and slim, but also has magical effects such as strengthening body, relieving pressure, full of energy and young age


To prevent osteoporosis, running can strengthen bones, enhance bone exercise ability and prevent osteoporosis in advance


It can make people feel very happy


Let your eyes see distant objects, relax your eyes and see things more clearly, so as to prevent the occurrence and deterioration of myopia# 9


It can even enhance the function of the internal organs and prevent a variety of diseases, which is beyond our imagination# 1


Lymphocytes are the first line of defense against cancer


By KingWay