Dancing can reduce the production of hormones


Last year, a 41 year old policeman in Taipei chose jogging to lose weight


  Lungs – increase lung capacity and reduce smokers’ desire for smoking




Dancing can cure diseases


Dancing can enhance vascular elasticity and reduce the possibility of vascular rupture




stahman pointed out: “fitness requires taking big strides, following the string law, swinging your arms and raising your head.” Dr




It can make you energetic and exercise in your middle and old age


He even died of intracerebral hemorrhage


As a result, the demand for blood oxygen surged, and his body did not adapt


Alex osinski pointed out: “if you insist on dancing, men don’t need Viagra.” he found that the motor nerves of men’s lower limbs are inseparable from the erectile nerves in charge of sexual function


Dancing can enhance heart function and make the heart slow and powerful


In fact, as long as there are good teachers to lead and teach, you can dance with the music without basic skills


  Back – strengthen the strength of back muscles and do less damage to the back


  According to the latest report in the American journal Nature, people over the age of 60 can prevent Alzheimer’s disease by dancing three times a week and walking for more than 45 minutes with the music string


Dancing can enhance muscle strength, strengthen legs, feet, muscles and bones, make joints flexible, and promote human blood circulation and metabolism


Dancing is a kind of fitness method of moving in silence and static in motion, which can relieve neuromuscular tension




Practice all parts of the brain – promote the release of endorphins in the brain and make the mood happy


According to the latest report in the New England Journal of medicine, dancing for more than 3 hours a week can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 35% ~ 40%


According to the test of relevant experts, those who dance three times a week for one hour each time for four consecutive months have a sharp reflection and have an advantage in vision and memory compared with those who don’t like sports


Often follow the string music to swing the body, and the brain thinking activities become clear and flexible, which can effectively eliminate mental fatigue and improve learning and work efficiency


dance can enhance the secretion function of digestive glands, promote regular peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, increase appetite, and play a good role in the prevention and treatment of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, habitual constipation and other diseases




Too much adrenaline can cause arterial disease


  Legs and feet – dancing is equivalent to strength training for bones, which can significantly enhance the strength of bones and muscles of legs and feet


If you have string rhythm, you will feel it


James fix, who initially advocated jogging, died suddenly because he suffered from cerebral arteriosclerosis but reluctantly jogged to keep fit




After 18 months of research, Israeli scientist Dr


It also plays a positive role in strengthening the body, improving body immunity, reducing diseases and prolonging life!.


Dancing twice a week has 67% effect on male sexual dysfunction (ED)


  Dancing is not difficult


Dancing can reduce the accumulation of abdominal fat and maintain the physical beauty of the human body


stahman said: “the reason why we recommend dancing rather than jogging is that dancing is safer than jogging.” for people who rarely exercise and over the age of 30, Rash running exercise, knee joints, tendons and other parts are easy to be injured, and people with heart, kidney, liver and other organs or metabolic system problems will have an obvious lack of blood oxygen supply




Dancing more than 7 hours a week can reduce the incidence of breast cancer by 20%, and has a 50% effect on type II diabetes



. athletic compression socks

Many people think it is difficult to dance


The impact is small, but the fitness effect is very good


The new discovery of modern sports science provides more attractive highlights for dancing exercise


Klaus boss, a German sports kinematics expert, also pointed out that the impact on the soles of ordinary people’s feet is about 1 ~ 2 times their weight at each step, which is only about 1 / 3 of that of string dance


According to experts, when irritability and anxiety rush to your heart, take a brisk pace for about 15 minutes to ease tension and stabilize your mood


In the book dance! Don’t run, published recently in the United States, the author Dr


By KingWay