No.13 injuries for runners, strain and sprain are common injuries.

No.7 warm up full warm-up can help the body quickly enter the exercise state and effectively avoid injuries during running.

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For most runners, the step frequency of 160 ~ 180 steps / min is relatively scientific and appropriate; Some experienced advanced runners usually have a gait frequency of 180 ~ 200 steps / min.

It is an essential link before running.

This training method can help runners improve endurance, enhance cardiopulmonary function and metabolic function.

Generally, the running time shall not be less than 20min.

Supplement 250 ~ 500ml 1 ~ 2H before running; Supplement 85 ~ 125ml every 15 ~ 20min during running; After 30 minutes of running, supplement 170 ~ 600ml according to the actual running volume and intensity.

It is an important standard commonly used to measure the degree of obesity and health.

Generally, it can be carried out for 10 ~ 15min.

Therefore, runners who run for weight loss need to ensure enough running time to achieve better fat burning effect.

No.9 energy metabolism after the human body begins to exercise, the metabolism of fat and sugar in the body gradually intensifies.


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The first time is about 10 ~ 20min at the beginning of running, and the second time is 30 ~ 35km.

It is recommended that you choose the running shoes you are used to, with a cumulative mileage of more than 50km, or have been used for at least 3 months.

No.4 eating time and amount of food before running have always been the concern of runners.

When running on flat ground, keep your body perpendicular to the ground and lean forward slightly when accelerating; When running uphill, the body leans forward slightly, and the other center of gravity moves forward, which makes running a little effortless; When running downhill, keep your body perpendicular to the horizontal plane and keep your weight under your feet to ensure balance.

No.2 heart rate paying attention to heart rate can help runners adjust their speed in time and keep the body in an ideal state.

Namely, protection, optimal loading, ice, compression and elevation No.14 continuous improvement in running is the common goal of most runners.

If you run for a long time, it is recommended to eat an appropriate amount at least 1 ~ 2H before running, so as not to accumulate food and swell your stomach, but also to effectively avoid syncope and other symptoms caused by hypoglycemia.

At the beginning of exercise, the kinetic energy of human body mainly comes from the metabolism and decomposition of excess sugars in the body; After a certain period of time, fat metabolism began to dominate, which is also a sign that the human body began to burn a lot of fat.

No.3 step frequency step frequency is an important reference for runners to control speed and maintain balance.

BMI: body mass index.

For adults, it is generally considered that the ideal BMI is 22, and BMI < 18.5 is light weight; BMI between 18.5 and above and 24 is a healthy weight; 24 and above to 28 are overweight and 28 and above are obese.

No.11 status in the process of long-distance running, runners may have two “limit” states, resulting in discomfort symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, chest tightness and asthma.

After entering this state, the runner can appropriately slow down and control breathing until the discomfort is relieved or disappeared, and then he can resume normal running.

National exchange group.

In the process of training, runners will have better results if they can improve endurance, balance, strength and flexibility through targeted training.

No.1 breathing   Steady breathing can help runners maintain a better and more stable state during running.

No.12 index for people who run for the purpose of losing weight, they can focus on BMI and BFR.

No.8 training long-distance jogging is a training method suitable for common runners.

60% ~ 70% of the maximum heart rate is fat burning area, which is helpful to lose weight; 70% ~ 80% of the maximum heart rate is glycogen consumption area, which is conducive to exercise cardiopulmonary function; 80% ~ 90% of the maximum heart rate is lactic acid accumulation area, which is beneficial to increasing muscle speed.

In addition, it also has an obvious effect on fat burning and weight loss.

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It is generally recommended to breathe in two steps, one breath in two steps, or three steps, one breath in three steps.

The emergency treatment methods for these two types of injuries are as follows: strain: use the “rice” method, that is, braking (rest), ice (ice), compression (compression) and raising the affected limb (elevation); Sprain: treated with “police” method.

Of course, BMI is only a reference value, which can not fully reflect a person’s physical state.

BFR: body fat ratio, which refers to the proportion of fat weight in human body in total body weight, and reflects the fat content in human body.

No.6 water replenishment during long-distance running training or marathon competition, water replenishment is very important, and the time and amount of water replenishment need to be strictly controlled.

No.10 running posture has different force directions up and down slopes and flat ground.

If you run in Shengze area, you can join   2.

The content can choose stretching, fast walking, jogging, in-situ running, etc.

We have sorted out 14 knowledge points about running to take you to understand running and love running in the most intuitive way.

Therefore, when running on roads with different slopes, the running posture should also be adjusted accordingly, so as to effectively alleviate the difficulty of running and reduce the risk of injury.

  Click the blue word above and remember to pay attention to us! About running, there are always some small knowledge that seems insignificant but plays a key role in the process of running.

However, it is far from enough to pursue the temporary improvement of speed.

No.5 running shoes new shoes need to go through a running in period before they fully fit.

Therefore, it is not recommended to wear new shoes to participate in the competition.

If you like it, please share it with runners.

The calculation formula is: weight ÷ square of height.

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By KingWay