running rucksack

If you don’t have much muscle and “only” use running to reduce fat, your knee is very vulnerable


Friends who love running must remember this set of movements! –  


Regular exercisers will not be injured, but the knees of lack exercisers are not so strong


Therefore, a small range of knee bending can strengthen the knees


The joints are protected by muscles


If the muscles are weak, the joints will bear a considerable load


Here are some actions to strengthen your leg muscles to “strengthen” your knee


If you like running, More than three times a week, you need to pay attention to your leg muscle strength


Friends who like running can often practice 01 action analysis: squat your knees and toes in a small range It is found that the thigh should not be lower than the horizontal plane 02 action analysis: walk with elastic belt side steps and the step distance should be small 03 action analysis: single leg training, Amplitude should be small 04 action analysis: change the other side 05 action analysis: equal to training the hamstring amplitude should be small 06 action analysis: through training the balance bar and strength 07 action analysis: the seat squat still maintains a small knee flexion 08 action analysis: single leg variant 09 we should have found that in the action of strengthening the knee, we will not make the knee less than 90 degrees, and the knee will exceed the toe The pressure on the knee will suddenly increase


By KingWay