Touchdown method the moment when the sole of the foot touches the ground is called “touchdown”




If the whole shoulder is swung back, or the hand is swung laterally, it will offset the forward force, and the more you run, the more tired you are


Leaning forward slightly is the easiest position


It hurts because the toe is too hard when touching the ground


Do you always feel sour and painful at the end of each running exercise? If your practice is not insufficient or excessive, be careful that it may be caused by “incorrect running posture”


Waving posture the purpose of waving is to twist the body efficiently with the body as the axis


As long as you imagine supporting your body with your heels, straightening your back, tightening your abdomen, and aligning your flanks with the soles of your feet, your body will naturally stand upright


Knee pain, sole pain and calf pain


The bone of the toe is called metatarsal bone


Among them, four runners recognize the most error prone posture and introduce the correct actions in order: 1


Body stem posture


Toe pain


After that, as long as you take this position as the starting point, step on the ground with your back feet and start waving your hands, the trunk will automatically adjust to the correct running action


The sole of the foot is painful


The strongest running analysis book investigates 343 runners


For example, people who used to land on their toes can try to land on their soles instead


In this way, the inertia of moving forward and the reaction force of pedaling on the ground can be transformed into the forward propulsion force..


Weight transfer pushes the body forward and accurately controls the center of gravity, which is the key to improve the efficiency of running posture


Naturally standing is actually the correct body dry posture


Low back pain running low back pain is basically due to incorrect posture of body stem


The way to choose is to observe the running action in the natural state


In short, knee pain is mostly caused by the wrong center of gravity




The methods are mainly divided into heel strike, midfoot strike and forefoot strike


Body stem is the body extending from the spine to the pelvis


The sole of the foot bears the weight of the whole body


Knee pain                                                     When running, the moment when you step forward and your foot falls to the ground from the air is called “touching the ground”




                                                    Adjust your running posture from the five common pain parts


In this case, check the movement of the foot from touchdown to weight transfer


Mastering these three points can avoid the injury caused by incorrect posture


Practicing more trunk posture and running in a natural straight situation can solve the problem


If the body stem is unstable, let alone walking and running




Don’t hunchback and lean back when running




If the front foot steps too far in front and chooses to touch the ground with the toe, it will make the body’s center of gravity far away from the heel and force the knee to twist inward, resulting in knee pain


Beginners should pay attention to three points: first, when running, the upper body should not hunchback or lean back


It usually occurs in runners who have hunchback habit or intend to tilt their pelvis forward during running


In case of such symptoms, you should first correct the posture of landing with force on the soles of your feet




The reason for the pain is excessive “kicking up”, which means that when running, the front foot pedals on the ground and the rear foot lifts forward too hard


If every time you finish running, there will be pain in specific parts, it may be some problems in your habitual running posture that your body can’t afford


The correct running posture can not only avoid physical pain, but also make you run faster


Pain in the inner thigh the muscle in the inner thigh is called the popliteal muscle


This is actually a good opportunity to find out the problem of running posture


Help you run faster and better! The survey shows that these four postures are most likely to be wrong


These three have no advantages or disadvantages


Or wear thin soled running shoes, which will make people unable to step on the ground, which is a way to avoid over stepping on the ground

. compression sleeve shin splints

It should be noted that the correct hand swing is to pull the elbow straight back from the sternum, that is, force back at the moment when the elbow passes through the trunk, and keep natural relaxation at other times


For example, swinging the right hand back will drive the body to rotate to the right and help raise the left foot


Which part of the foot touches the ground first, we will use the touchdown method


If you don’t know your running posture, “learn jogging from 0” suggests that you can take pictures of your movements from the front, rear and side through your mobile phone to correct your running posture


If you want to control the center of gravity, you should pay special attention to the movement of moving the weight from the back foot to the front foot after the front foot touches the ground






Slightly straight forward is the most relaxed position for runners; Second, don’t raise your arms, put them on your waist and shake them easily; Finally, land with the heel near the center of the foot


The biggest cause of pain after running is excessive force


In this process, keep the knee bent naturally, and then note that the tibia of the lower leg must be in front of the ankle joint


The correct way to touch the ground is that the front foot will be a little in front of the body and the shin of the lower leg will be behind the sole of the foot


It can be imagined that you should not step heavily on the ground and keep light when landing


The way to improve is to re-examine the off the ground movement


By KingWay