But behind this body shape is a saying I believe in: the more self-discipline, the more freedom.

At the same time, he also has his own unique understanding of running, which is worth the experience of runners: it was the afternoon of new year’s Eve several years ago.

The finish line and the time it takes to reach it have never been the most important indicators of running.

What you need to surpass is yourself.

Although squatting against the wall is a good rehabilitation method to enhance leg strength and relieve knee pain, it is by no means the only way.

I’m not kidding, and I often play with professional players.

If you want to run long, you must run slowly; If you want to run all the time, you should be excited about every start.

I don’t worry, because losing weight is a big challenge, and men want to be more self-discipline.

He has always had a scientific running attitude.

In the face of yourself, you can’t be lazy.

It seemed that I had a happier time on that new year’s Eve than usual.

If you pause and relax, you can’t beat yourself.

In fact, it is not ligament strain that leads to weak leg muscle strength; It is caused by the lack of leg strength and the decline of balance and coordination function, resulting in the strain of leg muscles and ligaments.

I can run freely because of self-discipline.

In my opinion, 100% of people can run, of which 99% only need to run 5 to 10 kilometers at a time, three or five days a week, that is the best life.

But what’s behind it? Behind it is self-discipline.

” The more self-discipline, the more freedom.

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Seeing the weather, he changed into a pair of sneakers, Ran around the neighborhood.

As long as you run over three or four hundred meters, your steps begin to lighten, the wind begins to soften, and the goal becomes less important.

Any distance, any requirement for shorter and shorter time, is actually a wall that will stop more people from entering the world of running.

Nowadays, running has become a major hobby in Bai Yansong’s life.

You can run with thousands of people, but in the final analysis, you just run with yourself.

Because it is mostly used for warm-up and stretching, many physiotherapists will use the elastic belt to help patients with rehabilitation training, Here are nine golden actions to protect and strengthen the knee with elastic bands: the above actions to strengthen the muscle strength of the knee will be helpful to protect the knee and rehabilitation, but please note that if you feel knee pain when doing the above actions, you must stop..

I Now I run five days a week.

Bai Yansong said in his speech: “Frankly speaking, look at me, it’s quite good for 50 year old Chinese men to have such a body shape.

For runners, don’t ignore strength training.

Relying on the elasticity of the “rubber belt”, it can well control the load.

Excessive and intensive running may cause joint problems, but for ordinary fitness runners, running is good for joint health.

I’m running the rest of the days.

I always like sports and sweating; Later, the more I ran, the happier I was.

Worthy of being a propagandist of health knowledge dissemination incentive plan, professional, accurate and to the point.

Focus on “happy running” in blue    👉 Video number with the same name    Source: running bar (ID: paobu8) Bai Yansong, as the host of CCTV, many people know that he has always loved football, but many people know little about his experience of running.

This may be the biggest inspiration and motivation for long-distance running.

It also needs more diversified strength exercises, and the muscle training is richer and more comprehensive! Skillfully use the fitness gadget elastic belt.

Running has entered my life and broadened my life.

When I was young, I also won many first and second, and broke some nearby records.

Of course, Bai Yansong also emphasized in the end that he advocated scientific running.

It is simple, safe and effective.

Only practicing squatting against the wall is too single.

In fact, many runners never do strength training, just blindly run.

First of all, I don’t run to lose weight.

His family were cooking new year’s Eve dinner, so he couldn’t help himself.

Winning myself is much more interesting than winning others.

Finally, Bai Yansong talked about that Chinese people are willing to accept the concept of healthy diet and endurance training, but Chinese people are particularly lack of strength training.

My throat dried up after running, but I felt very successful.

The ups and downs along the way are the full meaning of life.

Running has nothing to do with the end, just as the end of life is just a cold end.

I hope China, especially men and women, have self-discipline.

The greater the squat range, the greater the muscle force, and the more prone to fatigue.

Life is long.

They disappear in a blink of an eye, but you are always here.

  Because of this, since that new year’s Eve afternoon, I have never stopped running, from 1.4km to 2km to 5km to 10km, four or five days a week, six or seven kilometers each time.

At the same time, you can practice with the wall.

Therefore, comprehensive training is very important.

Sometimes after running, there is a strain of leg muscles and ligaments.

It didn’t take long to “hit the wall” at the beginning.

Nowadays, Bai Yansong is a running enthusiast, but he keeps a moderate attitude towards running.

Many years later, looking back, new year’s Eve is the end of a year, but it is the beginning of my long-distance running career, which is a new starting line.

He often participates in some running activities.

However, it should be noted that the included angle between thigh and calf should not be less than 90 degrees.

It is suitable for a wide range of people.

If the muscle strength is not enough, the excessive training load will be transferred to the joints and their soft tissues.

It is not subject to other restrictions, and the site and time can be controlled according to your ability.

In fact, I used to play sprinting.

And running will be very boring for some people.

In the long run, the sports injury of the knee will occur.

There will always be opponents you have won and lost.

Even my first goal is not for health.

In turn, I ran farther and farther.

I suspected life in the middle.

He often expresses his love for running in his speeches and hopes that more and more people will join in.

The best depth of squatting against the wall should not produce obvious knee pain.

He often has to practice squatting because I want to maintain the strength of my legs.

However, sprinting is to win others, while long-distance running is to win myself.

At the age of 50, I can still play a big game.

Running is not difficult, but the only difficulty is starting.

After running, he has also become the “image ambassador” of running.

If we run into an unscientific training method, we will inevitably be injured.

I really don’t like the body shape of many of my peers.

A total of 1.4km.

I will definitely play a ball in these five days.

The research report mentioned by Bai Yansong has also been quoted many times by the Xiaobian, just to correct this wrong understanding.

The internationally renowned authoritative medical journal, the American Journal of orthopedics and sports physical therapy, points out that the incidence of arthritis in competitive runners is 13.3%, that in sedentary people is 10.2%, and that in fitness runners is only 3.5%.

During his speech, he talked about running again and led to a hot topic: “whenever I say running, nine out of ten people blurt out that running hurts their knees, I shake my head.” indeed, running hurts their knees not only affects public awareness, but also makes many runners worry.

“At the healthy China Innovation communication conference last November, Bai Yansong became the propagandist of China’s health knowledge communication incentive plan, and Chen Zhu, former Minister of the Ministry of health, personally issued him the certificate.

Squatting against the wall is the most respected sport in the industry to avoid knee injury and maintenance.

Of course, the better the effect of practice.

The real charm of running lies in freedom and running whenever you want.

Everyone thinks it is caused by running.

By KingWay