From the perspective of reducing fat and weight, running is also an excellent way of exercise


This has less challenge to cardiopulmonary function and saves physical strength


It is easy to see that long jump and high jump should run, football and baseball should run; But even tennis and badminton, which seem to be just a few steps, also need to have the foundation of running ability


Open the chest, pull out the waist and slightly close the abdomen

. camel pack running



one   The posture is what I saw on the playground


But people with high blood pressure and diabetes and those with hidden blood vessels must not rush at high speed


The speed of the 100 meter flying man is exciting, and the figure of the long-distance runner is not only slender and muscular, but also amazing


When you lift your legs, you feel the power of moving forward and upward, not stamping down


First, let the whole body get excited, and then let all joints move


Running between 1 hour after meal and 1 hour before meal is ideal


Your throat is uncomfortable when running, and you are easy to get angry


The same amount of exercise will have different effects


Uniform speed is the most labor-saving running method, which is called uniform running


If only the lower leg is pedaling on the ground and the body is pressed on the leg, it will be very tired and easy to hurt the knee joint


I’m not professional in this field, but I also have some basic knowledge


Here are some answers to common questions, which may be helpful for beginners at least


Sports research found that compared with sitting still, people who often run on the premise of correct posture are not only healthier, but also have a lower risk of knee injury


Don’t rush up and stop at the rush hour


The muscles of buttocks, abdomen and waist have power, and the swing of arms is also helping, so it is very light to run


Click the blue word to pay attention to me


Running at any speed helps lose fat


If the exercise intensity is high, it is not suitable before breakfast (easy to cause hypoglycemia) and 1-2 hours before going to bed at night (physical excitement may cause fatigue and insomnia)


If the intensity is not particularly high, as long as you are not uncomfortable, all periods can be


For ordinary people, unless it is a running test, it is enough that the peak heart rate of daily exercise reaches 80% of the maximum heart rate of their age( It is roughly estimated that the maximum heart rate = 220 – age


7 relax


For young people, the exercise effect is very good


When you have fully adapted to a constant speed and don’t feel tired, you can change to variable speed running, such as 200m medium speed and 200m slow speed; Or 200m slow, 100m medium, 100m full speed


four   In the process of intensity exercise, the speed increases from slow to fast, gradually accelerates to the maximum intensity, and then slows down from fast to slow


If you have hypoglycemia or delayed insulin secretion, please schedule your running time according to the blood glucose monitoring results


If you have full speed running, it belongs to high-intensity intermittent sports


Even low-speed running can effectively consume calories


If there are some bridges with higher running speed, it is more effective to reduce the abdomen (once the speed is accelerated, the abdomen must be highly tightened)


Most people’s running posture is wrong! When running by yourself, you can let others take a video from the front, back, left and right to see if your center of gravity is stable and shaking; Whether the body is upright and does not lean to one side; Whether it leans forward or backward excessively; Do you pout, hook your waist, etc


At the Olympic Games, good runners from all walks of life attracted the attention of the world


People who just start running are suitable to run at a constant speed first


If you exercise without warm-up, you are very prone to sports injuries such as sprain or strain


two   When running hard, it’s not just the legs, but the whole body


The thin waist effect of medium-speed running is very good (when the stride increases, the hip swing increases, and the waist gets good exercise)


6 time


Each person’s physical strength is different


Feel it more and slowly find the feeling


In fact, in addition to running, many other sports also need good running ability


For example, doing a set of radio exercises is a perfect warm-up activity


After running, you need to walk easily for a while, slowly calm down your heart rate, and stretch and relax your muscles


If you can’t run every day, just go and play for an hour


However, many people ask: does running hurt your knee? When is the best time to run? Will running make me eat more? Do you need to practice running every day? Can slow running lose weight? How to run with a fast heartbeat? How to deal with leg pain..


Although the total time of running 400 meters remains the same, variable speed running will be much more tired, have high requirements for cardiopulmonary function and better fat reduction effect


Don’t compare the amount of exercise with others


It can not only reduce the risk of sports injury, but also avoid muscle pain affecting later sports


For example, if the age is 33, the maximum heart rate is 220-33 = 187) 5 speed


three   Warm up if you want to run faster and more intense, you must warm up before running


Keep a reasonable heart rate and feel comfortable


By KingWay