Is it really that important? When we walk, we don’t need intentional control


Running also follows this principle, so that sometimes too much use of instinct to swing the arm, but subconsciously it seems to realize that the arm swing movement should be more professional and standardized during running


Through this training, avoid the crossing of feet or arms and reduce the rotation range of pelvis




Finally, we may also notice the arm swing posture, but we always feel that arm swing is more like a natural thing


The training method of avoiding arm crossing is to draw a straight line between the two legs, run in place, and keep the position of hands and feet away from the other side of the line; It can also be tested on the runway marked with lines


When swinging, the fist is located at the height near the hip to avoid being too high (close to the chest) or too low (lower than the hip)


We will also find that if we wave our arms quickly, the pace will speed up; Move your arms slowly and your steps become smaller; When you need to climb a mountain, you will unconsciously push your steps forward with your hands


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It is common sense to swing your arms when running


At the same time, good arm swing can make your running more smooth and stable


What effect does swinging the arm have on the energy consumed during the whole running? Normal arm swing can reduce the energy consumption during running, which is 3% lower than putting your arm behind your back; 9% lower than crossing your arms in front of your chest; 13% lower than holding your arm above your head


Swing forward and backward in a straight line during running; And the elbow should face back, not outward




Swing the arm in the opposite direction to the leg during running


The usual explanation is to help keep your body balanced


The displacement of the coronal plane wastes more energy and can also cause neck and shoulder injury


When we realize that the running posture is very important for long-distance competition, we will start to try to land on the front foot as much as possible, with high step frequency and small stride, keep the body straight and lean forward slightly


In addition to the above seven principles, there is also a small detail that often occurs in daily running


Although it is only a few hundred grams, it will affect the running posture in the long run


We remain neutral to the opinions in the article and only share them with runners for reference and exchange




The lack of hip extension strength, the core of cross arm running, directly leads to the insufficient strength of elbow hem, so the arms are a little “floating”, and the hands cross in front of the chest


According to the Research Report of nyrr (newyork Road Runners), the “seven principles” of effective arm swing are as follows: 1




Pay attention to the wechat of Jilin running group and enjoy a healthy and beautiful life


When swinging the arm, move it from the chest to the hip in an arc


The arm is bent at an angle of about 90 degrees, and the elbow angle is allowed to be in the elastic range of 70 ~ 120 degrees during running



. running shin sleeves

We can also pay attention to it: don’t hang your mobile phone on your arm or run with a bottle of water


The cross swing arm allows both hands to push outward rather than backward, so the pace is limited and smaller


Enhancing core strength can effectively correct this wrong posture




Keep your shoulders and hands relaxed (empty fist), move stably but not tightly, and don’t shake left and right


When swinging the arm, take the shoulder as the fulcrum, keep the arm bent and push the elbow back


By KingWay