He said, “running is no longer like it used to be


Opportunities can supervise each other and promote each other


The running route is single, boring and unchanged


If you often use the same time, place and mode according to your habits, you will inevitably get tired of running


Why not


Between me and running, such a slow period of burnout came to visit




I don’t know if you have ever had this situation: you suddenly don’t want to run today


It’s just because of people


There is no reason, that is, he is excluded physically and mentally


This method of listening to music and running is not new, but it can effectively divert attention, make the pain disappear, and run with the rhythm of different music




After a busy day’s work, it’s really difficult to drag your tired body into running


If you get up that day, you are weak, extremely tired and don’t want to do anything, take a rest, whether there is a timetable or not


At this time, it’s better to try buying


When your body becomes stronger, you can run for two rest


It seems very difficult for most people to stick to it


In the meantime, there is the disappointment that the efforts are not rewarded, and the confusion that the door should be open but closed at some time


Observe your physical reactions


Sports injury attack enthusiasm with the continuation of running, if you don’t pay attention to the combination of running and rest, warm-up stretching and strength training, it is easy to have sports injuries


Have you ever been tired of running? How did you overcome it? Leave a message and share it with you


If the sole, heel or ankle hurts, pay attention


If these injuries don’t recover well, it will attack your running enthusiasm




Maybe you’re not an equipment controller


When it is difficult for us to get the continuous motivation of running, we are tired of running


If people don’t give up running, it’s strange that they don’t give up running


More people go farther


Don’t practice alone


It is suggested that you can run for a rest at the beginning


We should calm down, analyze our physical fatigue, rest frequency, sports injuries, goal achievement and work fatigue, and make timely adjustments# The main reasons #1, running every day, often see people running for 30 days, 100 days, 200 days and so on


It’s an infinite pleasure




Listen to a few songs, let the time pass quickly, and rest in practice, but when listening to music, you must pay attention to safety


The “weariness” of high-level athletes may be more frequent and intense than ordinary amateur runners


Is there any problem? In fact, this is normal


It’s a boring and boring thing


I call these “runner blues.” So, when “tired of running” comes suddenly, don’t rush to blame yourself! This is actually a very normal phenomenon, which has nothing to do with our perseverance


For example, a five minute runner can try a quarter speed of 100m


Strengthening occurs during the rest period


Some people are ambitious and want to lose weight through running, but after a period of time, they find that they have nothing to lose, their weight has not decreased, and their figure has not changed, which forms a “sense of frustration”


Prevent the weakest link from dragging down the whole chain


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Although it seems inspirational, running every day will lead to physical failure to recover in time, physical pain, and even feel a little tired of running




This is a warning from the body and needs rest


Everything is so familiar that you can run with your eyes closed# How to avoid tiredness #1, we should learn to rest


Find the fun of running




Overtime or work pressure, lack of energy to run, tight work and heavy tasks lead to no time to run, which is the current situation of many office workers


The famous writer Chunshu Murakami also talked about the feeling of weariness of running in his book, and gave it a very poetic name – “runner Blues”


In addition, rest between training days is very important


Change the running mode and add speed change: change the original running habit of maintaining a constant speed and add several 50-100m fast runs


Rest is a part of training


Training is “excess” relative to our usual state, while rest is “recovery”


Start with a new pair of running shoes, a new set of compression clothes and trousers, a new sports underwear, even a new hair belt and a new sports waist bag, will bring you a different feeling


If the movement is not a problem, see if the amount of training is too large? If not, you should strengthen relevant strength training and reduce the amount of running training


After running, I feel that weight loss is ineffective


The rest is for better running, and the “running rest” of about a week won’t affect your aerobic ability


Running for a long time will have a “tired running period”, so we don’t need to worry too much

. running shin sleeves

The speed target should be at least 10% – 20% higher than your habitual speed


It’s best to train with your runners


After all, if you buy new equipment, you have to show it


Coupled with fatigue, weather, no time and other reasons, you convince yourself not to run today


Marriage has an itch for seven years, not to mention running


First, check whether there is a problem with the technical movement


You never care what kind of shoes and clothes you wear and what kind of headphones you wear


Whether it is muscle or aerobic capacity, the enhancement process depends on the principle of excess recovery


Running also has cycles, and our enthusiasm for running also has highs and lows


Of course, if they don’t give up running, they won’t give up the real effect


There is no passion in the past


Running together is more exciting




Let’s do one thing together




Many times, the movement is wrong, causing physical injury


If you want to stick to one thing, fun seems to play an important role


Sometimes, an inspirational lyrics can stimulate their fighting spirit and make them full of strength


Motivate yourself with new equipment


Even if they reluctantly run, their state and performance will decline sharply


In a long running career, a good attitude and a healthy body without injuries are more important




When you think of running, you are irritable


Change the running route: abandon the previously used running route and try to find some challenging terrain, such as small hills, such as adding a few sections of climbing training, which may be easier to find in the surrounding parks


After running for a period of time, the enthusiasm seems not as strong as at the beginning


This kind of performance is that they don’t want to run


It’s just the length of time


If you can’t return to the state of happy running through adjustment, you might as well take a “running rest” for a few days


After decades of long-distance running, he will also encounter days when he really doesn’t want to run


By KingWay