It’s like sleeping with the mattress removed and lying directly on the hardwood, the body will be uncomfortable


One of the most easily worn parts is the meniscus


Exercise and calcium supplement are the same!.


Running on such ground will increase the load on the joints of lower limbs


Pre run warm-up is very important


There are no nerve lines on the cartilage and meniscus


It is easy to shake your knees during running, resulting in injury! Therefore, it is recommended to replace it with other aerobic training methods, such as swimming


Into a fat paper with a dull pain in the knee


Compared with men standing to go to the toilet, the knee joint will bear several times the pressure, increase the wear of the knee joint, and lead to chronic wear of the knee joint such as patella softening and meniscus injury   How to protect the knee joint? If you lose too much weight and jump, it is easy to increase the burden on your joints


  The pelvis is relatively wide and has a large inclination angle


Pelvic forward tilt will increase the extension of the knee joint and cause pressure under the patella


Calcium supplement a healthy adult needs to supplement 800 mg of calcium every day, and 1000 mg over the age of 50


Pre run preparation is very important


Mainly because of the following reasons: Women’s muscle strength is weak and the muscle content is low


You may see many people on the Internet trying to wash away the damage of running


Women’s muscle is weaker than men


One of their functions is to buffer the two leg bones, just like a mattress between the leg bones


This is because a woman’s knee joint is a delicate organ: it is not perfect by nature and is easy to wear and age


Worn meniscus when the meniscus is worn, the buffer between the two leg bones is reduced, and there is a direct force between the bones, people will feel pain


I wish you a good body


In addition, calcium should be added as soon as possible! Don’t wait for osteoporosis and joint pain when you are old, it’s too late to make up


We all know that muscle strength is an important condition to protect joints from injury


What is the structure of a person’s knee? The knee is located at the junction of our thigh bone and calf bone


Warm-up before high-intensity training can make the joints have a certain adaptation process and “warm-up” the muscles, This can not only run out of a better state, but also effectively reduce or even avoid sports injuries

. running sling bag

High-heeled shoes not only easily lead to pelvic forward tilt, but also tension the calf muscles


You may have run for a long time without feeling uncomfortable


Joints are more likely to be injured when muscle strength is insufficient


The ground is hard and has poor elasticity


Wearing high-heeled shoes, girls who love beauty often wear high-heeled shoes


Physiological structure women need to squat when going to the toilet


There is cartilage between the two leg bones and meniscus between the cartilage


This will lead to women’s knee joint more easy to buckle in, and the pressure on the knee joint is relatively large, which is more likely to lead to cartilage damage


  Why are women’s knees more fragile? A survey on the prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in Chinese shows that the rate of knee arthritis in women is significantly higher than that in men, almost twice as high as that in men! Women also get sick earlier than men


In the future, you may lose weight successfully, but more likely, you will come to the hospital earlier to change your knee joint


Therefore, try to choose a soft and elastic ground, such as running park


It can be achieved by eating more calcium rich dairy products, vegetables, beans, nuts and other foods


When a person exercises too much, it will cause constant wear on the knee


Due to the physical structure of women’s childbirth and lactation, the pelvis of women is wider than that of men


Many fat girls will choose to lose weight by running


Don’t always run on hard ground


By KingWay