Jump box Bobby ▼ open your hands the same width as your shoulders and support on the ground


If you want to lose weight, train abdominal muscles and waistcoat line, it is the best choice


Turn around Bobby ▼ open your hands the same width as your shoulders and support on the ground


How much does Bobby jump do? If you do it every day, it is recommended to work in two groups 10 times a day, 7 days a week, and take a day off in the middle




In addition to fat reduction, improve cardiopulmonary function, This action can also strengthen cardiopulmonary function and keep the body at a higher health level


Although it looks simple, it has a strong fat reduction effect


Bobbie jump combines squatting, push ups, squatting take-off, bending legs and closing abdomen, and can move more than 75% of the muscles of the whole body


After jumping up, extend your hands upward, clap your hands, and then return to step 1 to perform the action on the other side


After jumping up, extend your hands upward, clap your hands, and then return to the initial action


Press your hands down and jump forward


You can change sides directly or return to the original position


Fast fat reduction is by no means a false name




In addition to training muscle endurance, elasticity and activity, it is also very helpful for the training of cardiopulmonary fitness


After pressing down with both hands, turn 180 degrees when jumping up and change sides


It can speed up the body’s metabolism, burn fat efficiently, and also help the muscle line


While jumping, try to retract your feet to your abdomen, extend your hands obliquely in front, clap your hands, and then return to the original position


When pressing down, first lift the left arm back


The last one is the upward jump, which completes a continuous action as a whole


Improve exercise ability


Burpees Bobbie jump can use the muscles of the whole body, which is faster than simple aerobic fat burning


After jumping up, extend your hands upward, clap your hands, and then return to step 1 to perform the action on the other side


Frog jump is ready to restore the feeling of squatting


Burpees, also known as Bobbie jump, is very simple


Next, let’s look at the core display




After pressing down your hands, jump up


When supporting, pay attention to the hips and lift them slightly to avoid the burden caused by concentrating on the waist

. running sling bag

Repeat the above actions, get down, push ups once, and then stand up


Many athletes will use this action to help improve the explosive power of the lower limbs and the coordinated fitness of the whole body


After half a month, three groups can be added every day, 20 each time, and one day off in the middle of each week


The decomposition actions of Bobby jump are squat, back kick, push ups, front jump and vertical jump


Then place the arm directly below the body, close to 90 ° 5, and transition from support to push ups (novices can directly skip this step and transition to the next step)


When jumping up, extend your hands upward, clap your hands, and then return to the initial action


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The improved action of Bobbi jump opens and closes Bobbi ▼ show the push-up posture with both hands on the ground, open both feet, support the ground with toes, and press the shoulders down


It is an excellent action to improve exercise ability


Then squat to transition to flat support


Lift Bobby with one foot ▼ open both hands with shoulder width and support on the ground


Climber Bobby ▼ open his hands with the same width as his shoulders and support on the ground


Weight bearing Bobby ▼ put on the weighted vest to increase the resistance of the body




Bobby has a good stimulating effect on the muscles of the whole body


When pressing down, first approach your left knee to your left waist




Bobby’s fat burning efficiency is twice that of running


After pressing down with both hands, jump up the box and return to the original position


Pull in your belly and jump Bobby ▼ open your hands the same width as your shoulders and support on the ground


After pressing down your hands, jump up, extend your hands upward, clap your hands, and then return to the original position


If you can do more than 41 times in one minute, it represents excellent physical fitness; If you can’t do 27 times, it means you’re not strong enough


Long jump Bobby ▼ open your hands the same width as your shoulders and support on the ground


After jumping up, extend your hands upward, clap your hands, and then return to step 1 to perform the action on the other side


Spider man Bobby ▼ open your hands and support on the ground with the same width as your shoulders




This exercise was invented by a doctor named Burpee for the physical fitness test of American recruits during World War II


Continuous action ▼ precautions for Bobby jump 1


One handed rowing Bobby ▼ open both hands with shoulder width and support on the ground


People have improved Bobby jump to make it more abusive


This is because burpees Bobbie jump can train more than 70% of the muscle groups of the whole body, including core muscle groups, feet, arms, abdomen, hips and back




When squatting, the knee should not exceed the toe as much as possible, and the hip should feel backward and downward


When pressing down, lift the left foot back first


If you feel that your body can adapt after two days, it is recommended to do 15 times a day


Open your hands the same width as your shoulders and support them on the ground


When pressing down, first push his left foot to his abdomen, and then change his right foot


Do what you can! Many benefits of practicing Bobbie jump 1


Push ups: note that the palm is facing forward and down so that the big arm is close to and parallel to the ground


By KingWay